Gem I’m sorry you’re so stressed out with the solicitors etc. Try to forget about it for now if you possibly can but I know what it’s like having a worry hanging over you.
I hope any outstanding Covid tests are negative but I know these heavy colds make you feel really rotten.
I’ve done some washing and when I’ve sorted that out I’ll probably go for a short walk.
My two sons are coming for Christmas (fingers crossed) and then next week I’m hopefully going to DD’s for a couple of weeks. DD is directing the local panto but of course things are so uncertain with possible restrictions and cast members Covid stricken . I’ll be so sorry if it’s cancelled as DD has worked so hard making most of the props etc as well as directing.Postponement isn’t really an option for various reasons.
It’s dull here this morning but I think we’re in for some wet weather.
Oma, just the essential shops are allowed open, supermarkets, chemist etc. I make sure it is dry before going out on the bike, it was cold but seems warmer now, I won't bother when I think there is any ice!
Pleased to hear B’s result was negative, I hope his cold disappears in time for Christmas. I don’t think I have ever had a custard tart.
Nanto, so pleased you were able to get your Fil a new cooker fixed so quickly. You were early with your baking.
I am expecting to be phoned by a doctor today regarding the painful lump on my hand. He has been sent a photo by my doctor. I am not sure what he is going to talk to me about on the telephone. It has already been said it might be cancerous snd needs to be removed. It is a strange lump, it was an itchy patch then it started to get bigger, it now looks like a wart but is very painful. I haven’t got much else on today so I think I will make the blinis, they keep okay in the fridge and can be finished on Christmas morning. Tomorrow I have to have an injection for my bones and the last bit of shopping to do.
Gemini, I am so sorry you are still having worries about the sale of your mother’s house
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Oh Plant, they need to sort this painful lump out for you , I hope they do.
Yes, check for ice Lizzie!
Clover, I hope you get to spend Christmas and your birthday with your family, and that panto goes on.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Good morning one and all. It's frosty here today, so OH is glad he didn't put a second coat of paint on the summerhouse yesterday, it wouldn't have dried.
Oma - thank goodness B's results were negative, and Clare's mum. I imagine the testing labs are mad busy! Hopefully B is now over the worst and a good sleep will help, too.
Nanto - coconut is one of the very few things I don't like, but I'll pop round for a nice home-made mincepie any day.
Mimi - enjoy your fish and chips - it's a good idea and I'm sure your DS will enjoy them, too.
Jane - yes, time's flying by! Are you at home for Christmas?
Lizzie - how are people being about the lockdown? Are they complaining or do they think it's the best idea given the level of Covid infections? A lot of businesses must be devastated.
Gem - I hope you had a lovely evening last night. Pleased to hear your DD's result was negative, too. Perhaps the library will be fairly quiet, but perhaps no bad thing at present. Despite all the stress, try and relax and enjoy the panto tonight. As you say, it's as safe as they can make it. When we went to the theatre in November things were less worrying, but the theatre was somehow pumping clean air across the auditorium during the performance. Hardly anyone was wearing a mask, but you won't have that problem. Oh, no you won't!!! There was an item on the radio yesterday about how many shows have had to close, especially in the West End, because of cast and crews being ill.
Clover - I do hope nothing happens to stop your sons being with you on Christmas Day. Are you doing all the cooking? I think having time with your DD and family afterwards will be lovely - all the rush and busyness of Christmas will be over and you can relax and enjoy your time with them. Will you be there for your birthday? How is your GD? Did she go back to Uni?
Plant - I can't understand why the doctors are messing about over that lump on your hand. It needs seeing to, but it sounds as though they are still just looking at photos. I hope they decide soon.
I'd better get on with things. Baking to finish today - yet more mince pies (the ones I made earlier went the way of the grapes!) some flapjack and a Victoria sponge should do, hopefully. Then we're on to wrapping presents - with or without tags!
Have a good day, everyone, and stay safe. xx
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
They are so grown up Oma, Oliver will be able to come on his own soon.
Daisy, hide those new mince pies. I will not be baking anymore now, we only eat them before Christmas. If we had crowds I would make some more. I have to make blinis and an apricot frangipan and an overnight salad.
Had a phone call from a plastic surgeon, he asked me lots of questions, seemed a bit baffled but in view of the fact I have vitiligo and have already has two basil skin carcinomas removed from my face, he decided the best option was to remove it, give me a full body inspection and perhaps check the lymph nodes. Not sure when that will be. I have an appt to go to the surgery and have an injection for my bones tomorrow. I will call into Waitrose and pick up a couple of things and a click and collect which is my last present, apart from two they are all wrapped. Baby H is next door being her sweet self, she hasn’t touched the tree or the presents.
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Clover, I have just read your post, I do hope all your Christmas plans go ahead. Will be lovely for you to stay with DD and family for a couple of weeks.
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Sadly DS2 has tested positive so won’t be able to come as planned .Fingers crossed DS 1 will be negative before he comes or else I’ll have a very lonely Christmas
Daisy ,yes GD has just finished her first term at Uni and is enjoying it. She has already signed up to rent a house with friends next year! Apparently this has to be done as soon as possible to get the pick of the best affordable houses.
Gem have a lovely time at the panto. You’ve certainly been waiting a long time.
It’s pouring with rain here and so dark I had to put the light on at 2.30!
Clover, what a shame about DS2 testing positive, I hope DS1 stays clear of it!
Plant, I hope you get the spot seen to as soon as possible, I was talking to my neighbour the other day, the had cancer on her fact, she has had plastic surgery and I must say she looks really well, they just have her forehead to do but that doesn't seem to be healing as good as the rest did.
I went to the fysio for the dry needling, very painful and I have to go for the same treatment on January 6th so I hope it helps.