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    Good morning. Hope you all slept well.

    Weather is dry up to now. Very wet and very cold yesterday.

    Gem, well done for winning the quiz.

    Daisy,pleased OH's treatment yesterday didn't feel as bad as it usually does.

    Off to dads later for a couple of hours.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Good morning everyone.

      Is your FIL keeping fairly upbeat Nan2?
      Let's hope the treatments become less painful for your OH now Daisy. My auntie has them and they are never painful afterwards, I feel sorry for your OH.
      WG, I hope the council do something about all that rubbish.

      A fairly busy day for me. This morning there is a consultation meeting for our Friends of the library group, with SG, who is our branch librarian's boss. She sometimes comes to our committee meetings and is very nice. She offered us this time to hear more about the plans for the new library and for us to ask questions. We have seen the plans so to hear in more detail will be good.
      This afternoon, before I collect GS1 from school I am going to see my ex neighbour, T. He has had a long lasting bad cold type thing like Glamma has. Hopefully he is on the mend now.
      I haven't been asked to take GS to martial arts this week (he goes either Tuesday or Thursday) so we will just stay at home until he is picked up.

      Happy Tuesday
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Good morning, it feels colder here this morning, I have blocked sinus's after the allergic reaction last week, a few people yesterday told me I looked ill and I do, I have no fever just awful pain above my left eye, I have had it before so I know what it is, I have just phoned the surgery and the doctor will phone me back before 10am.

        WG, I think hospital visits test the nerves with each visit! That is dreadful about the fly tipping, we can take it to the tip anytime and still it gets left by the containers.

        Gem, well done on winning the quiz.

        Glamm, I hope you soon feel better.

        Daisy, the lady I swim with has injections in her eyes, I don't know if they are the same as your DH. Yes, the neighbour and family are going through a lot at the moment.

        Plant, you do right to do that with the sheets, do you have a double bed? I have a single one and it is much easier to change the bedding.


          Lizzie, my ex OH used to suffer with sinus pain. I hope the Dr can help you. I know its not nice.
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Good morning ladies ,
            Gem well done with the quiz clever clogs
            Hope T is feeling a little better today ,

            Nanto it's bright but freezing here too ,

            Lizzie Sinus pain is horrid , I had a cold last February and still have trouble with my left sinus it seems constantly blocked but right side is fine
            Not painful thankfully just annoying , hope your Dr can give you something .

            Slept fairly well last night for a change , up 3 times for the loo but went back to bed didn't come downstairs at all

            Went up at 11 and got up at 6 so a good night ,

            We going to Pop to Tesco this morning just a look around see if they have anything different ,
            Have a good day ladies xxx
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              Gem and Oma, I do get the sinus pain after a bad allergic reaction, just on the left side, the same as you Oma.
              No more flowers!


                Good morning everyone.

                This business of changing the hour is no good for me! I keep waking up about 6 am, deciding it's too early to get up and then going back into a deep sleep. Yesterday the alarm woke me at 6.30 because we had to go out early, but today I slept until nearly 8.30, but feel groggy, tired and have no energy. Is any one else affected by it?

                We had very low temperatures overnight - I was in the garden about 10.30 wrapping up the last of the tender plants to protect them. Goodness knows what the neighbours thought if they saw me. It didn't do my arm much good either!

                I need to catch up with a few bits and pieces this morning, then our neighbours have kindly offered to come with me on a dog walk to let Eva off lead again. They are so kind. OH's eye isn't too bad, but I'm sure he won't want to go out in the cold today so it's just me, Eva and them.

                Nanto - your FIL must look forward to seeing you - I hope things are ok. It's good he's getting out a bit, but time must hang heavily some days for him.

                Lizzie - you are certainly suffering for the brief enjoyment of those flowers. I hope the doctor can give you something to clear it up quickly.

                Oma - I bet you feel full of the joys of Spring after a good night's sleep. Enjoy your window shopping at Tesco.

                Gem - it will be good to hear about the new library plans and to be able to ask any questions you've got. I think it also makes you, as a volunteer, feel involved and part of the team. I hope the plans look good. I'm sure your ex-neighbour T will feel all the better for having a cheerful visitor. Sometimes it's nice not to have to rush round with our GCs, and I'm sure your and GS1 will enjoy a bit of 'down' time this afternoon.

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Enjoy your walk, I am sure Eva will Daisy. Will the eye injections for J stop eventually?

                  Gem, when are they hoping to start the new library building? Well done for winning the quiz.

                  Lizzie, hope you get the sinus infection cleared up soon. I have a 5ft bed with drawers, I only sleep on one side.

                  Oma, what a nice sleep you had, no flower deliveries from your neighbour. enjoy your trip to Tesco, are you looking for food or presents?

                  Very worried about my sister, I managed to speak to her yesterday and she was very cross as they had moved her to a ward of very poorly old ladies, one died yesterday so I presume it is a ward of very poorly ladies who are finishing their days there, very upsetting for my sister. She is refusing their tablets because she says they are to keep her dopey. Fortunately she has a very close friend who is a retired doctor and he is going to have a word with the doctor dealing with her case. Her speech sounded a bit strange, I wondered if she had had a stroke.

                  We had a visit from Jack Frost overnight but sunny now. After I have cleaned the bathrooms I intend to go out and get some food, the fridge is looking very empty. I also have to go and collect some tablets from the hospital and take a parcel back to M&S Food hall down the hill. Fortunately it look quite welcoming out.
                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    Plant, that is a worry about your sister. I hope you can get more information.

                    My doctor has phoned and I now have an antibiotic spray, but, she wants me to go for a test! It is from my allergy ( I have had it many times before, but I will go for a test, I have an appointment in Delft in the morning, some of the places were miles away.


                      Back from Tesco , bought a few bits of food stuff and 3 new hand towels for downstairs loo
                      The one's I have don't seem to stay dry , one hand dry and they are wet even though they are good quality .

                      I was reading something from Good housekeeping and they tested 8 kinds of towels . Ivy&Fox from Tesco came out on top so I will give them a go .
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        Daisy, I missed your posting but a lot of people I have spoken to have problems from the clock changing. Enjoy the walk with the dogs.

                        Oma, I hope your towels dry this time, how many have you got in the cupboards??? I have a bath towel we got as a wedding present from my cousin, 50+ years ago, I have just discovered they are a Dutch firm so how they got them I do not know.


                          Plant, it must be worrying about your sister. I'm glad she has the retired doctor friend. It may just be the drugs affecting her speech.
                          Daisy, yes we are both falling asleep in the evening and waking early!
                          I'm glad you had a much better night's sleep Oma.

                          The meeting went well this morning. I think I have a thread about the new library which I will update soon. Planning begins in the new year, work hopefully early summer and fingers crossed our lovely new library will open in around a year's time. At some point when the main building work takes place (there is an extension being added to the building) we will close for 10 to 12 weeks.
                          Very cold out but nice and sunny. I collected our prescriptions on the way back from the meeting then brought in all the geranium pots from the garden. I always overwinter them in the conservatory now. Outside, in the garage or greenhouse they die. I have tried it!

                          I have just thawed out some carrot and ginger soup which I made last week, so off to have some of that for my lunch now
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Lizzie about 4-5 month ago a colleague of my DD's left a very abusive relationship in the middle of the night with nothing ,
                            She was able to get a small flat but had nothing to move in with ,
                            My DD and all the teams rallied around and bought or donated things , I had at least 20 different sized Towels in my cupboard that I wasn't using after changing colours etc ,
                            All very good condition , some I bought then didn't like as you do so still new
                            I was going to donate to a animal shelter but I gave them to her instead

                            I have a thing for new towels and dont get me started on Tea towels it drives B mad

                            Gem is it a new building or a extension on the old building ? all very exciting , new libraries are rarely built now sadly .
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              I remember you telling us that Oma, sorry, a memory thing!


                                Gem, dad has good and bad days. today he was quite chirpy.

                                Sunny today,but cold.I got a pair of gloves out this morning.

                                Just ordered some new cushion floor for the kitchen.
                                We always get it from the same place. man has just been with his samples.
                                I said to hubby,if we lived near Oma,we could have gone to her son in law.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

