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    Plant, I hope the Dr prescribes something to clear the eczema. I am going to see my mum on Monday.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Hopefully that's the morning rush over and done with! We've agreed a pattern for the paving, fed everybody tea and doughnuts to celebrate the first slabs going down, put the bins out, put the shopping away and done a bit of a tidy up in the chest freezer as dog food's due tomorrow. It's never dull here!!!

      Glamm and Plant - your GGCs surely are far too young to be starting school! They were only born a few months ago. Or is time going by so fast we don't realise! Oma - I'm with your MIL, Plant and Gem's mum - mornings are for the birds to twitter about, people should be able to stay snuggled up in bed until the streets warm up.

      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Well got to MIL's at 10.30 and she was ready

        Had a good walk around Lidl and managed to get her to buy quite a bit so she has lots of nice tasty treats ,
        Mind you we got the "Im not coming shopping with you again" bit when she had to pay .

        Nurse was out yesterday taking bloods they think she is anemic , not surprised as she doesnt eat right its all Bacon sandwiches and rubbish .
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Oma, it is so important for elderly (everyone) to eat healthy, mind you, I could eat a bacon sandwich


            Brightened up a bit,but not sunny.

            Gem, i've seen the the lovely photos from yesterday.

            Had a couple of hours at Dads this morning. Changed and washed his bedding.
            Tidied all through for him.

            Oma, i'm a morning person,but hubby aint.

            Daisy,sounds like the garden is coming along nicely.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Lizzie she has a Bacon sandwich every dinner time never misses a day ,
              We do worry about it but at 87 if that's what she wants to eat then we say go ahead ,

              Nanto how is FIL doing ? when is the funeral xxx
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                My mum hasn't eaten well for years (Well until she went into the home) and she's still here nearly 93!

                It's much chiller than yesterday. I have got changed!
                We got a few things from Aldi, then OH bought three new polo shirts for golf.
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Gem, it is really hot here, 27 degrees. That is true Oma, if she is 87 years old and enjoying her bacon sandwich, let her be!
                  Gem, does your mum eat her meals now she is in the home?


                    Lizzie, enjoy the warmth whilst it lasts!
                    Mum will always eat small meals, but she is now being fed tasty and nutritious meals, so she will not only be eating a bit more as it is put in front of her, but better food than she had for many years.
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Had my doctors appt. this morning, as it happened there was a dermatologist in today and she had a look and said she felt it was psoriasis so more cream. Seemed strange to be able to enter the doctors. Baby H and mother here this afternoon, DD is looking after H whilst her mother has her second jab. GD1 and her husband are off to a wedding tomorrow so DD has got H overnight. I love vegetables so no problem there for me. After the doctors I stopped on the green, bought a coffee and a sandwich and sat by the pond and fed the ducks some corn.
                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        I have mentioned before that a good friend here in the apartments has alseimers, she seems to cope but just lately it is going really fast, I was down near the garage last Sunday and she was stood with a neighbour, she had lost her bike key, I asked how it was locked before she put it in the shed? She started to laugh and said she had drunk too much wine at a friends house. She certainly had. We sorted the keys out for her and I went on the bike, when I got back she shouted to me, not from her house but from the neighbours above her, the key didn't fit in the lock!! The neighbour helped her sort that problem out. I phoned her daughter yesterday, I know her well, she said it is a problem, especially with her being on her own. She can't be admitted into a home until she is a danger to herself or someone else.
                        The friend was just at the door, with a piece of paper in her hand, did I have her keys? I read the note and my friends had found the keys in her shed door so wrote the note telling her where they were, that is fine, only she knows where I live but can't figure out where the other people live, I went with her to pick the keys up and she went home, the neighbour that keeps an eye on her is going away next week so I said I will keep an eye on her if necessary.

                        I have just phoned her son, he is on holiday in Italy so I told him if there is anything whilst the other neighbour is away I will be there for his mother.

                        It is sad for them all, they lost their father young, now their mother needs this care. She does go to the Care Growers 3 days a week now, she really likes it there, they are well looked after and all have the same problem. She was telling me they grow vegetables etc in the gardens then use them to prepare the meal for them all. She does find her way there on her bike, so manages that.


                          Oh that is sad Lizzie. It's a responsibility for you,but very kind of you and I'm sure the family will be very grateful for your help in looking out for this lady.
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            I have know her a long time, someone needs to keep an eye on her, I must say most of the neighbours do so it won't all be down to me.


                              Lizzie, I've said it before, but you live in such a caring neighbourhood, and I suspect you are one of the chief carers. I'm sure this lady's family must be very grateful for you keeping an eye on her, and sorting out her keys like that.

                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)



                                Day out for us. Going to the farm shop,will have coffee while there.
                                Then on to the garden centre. Hubby NEEDS a few things. We will have dinner there.
                                Next stop will be Asda,then home.

                                Oma, Dad is doing ok,but will be glad when the funeral is over.
                                Funeral is on the 13th.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

