Grauntie - I do hope the hospital appointment goes well and you get the date you're waiting for. Sending hugs. xxx
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I am sat with my feet up Gem, I have worn shoes indoors all today with my support soles in, I must say it has helped, I have also phoned for an appointment to get feet measured etc for new ones.
I have to go to the hospital in Rotterdam tomorrow for my bladder problems. I go on the metro then a t is a short walk.
A little further forward re. appointment but not much. Apparently the last lot of scans I had weren’t any good as the radiologist didn’t do what was required. At the time she said it would be a waste of time as it’s never of any use! Obviously it is! Anyhoo, more scans have now been requested with a view to operating in October. We will see.
Thank you for your good wishes ladies.Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
Eleanor Roosevelt.
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Grauntie - I'm sorry you didn't get a definite date from the hospital, but they do need accurate scans - so it's good they realise they need more information. I do hope they let you know soon. xx
Lizzie - I hope your hospital appointment goes well tomorrow.
Gem - it sounds blissful - feet up while OH cooks.
Oma - I meant to say earlier J looks so grown up - and very handsome. I like beards, but I think I prefer him without. What do you think?"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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I much prefer him clean shaven Daisy ,
I do like his beard but I think it hides a nice face and makes him look older
Grauntie with luck you wont wait long for the scans , so annoying when they don't do what is required
Lizzie hope resting your feet help and your Appointment tomorrow goes well xx
Gem did you enjoy tea , what did you have ?
I have just had a shower and put PJs on , don't think anyone else will call nowIm not fat just 6ft too small
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Good morning everyone.
Oma I would have come over had I known it was Open House
Tea was mushroomy ravioli and garlic bread, which was very nice.
It does make you wonder why bother with scans if they are deemed no use by the radiologist Grauntie!!
Today someone from Sky is coming sometime between 8 and 1 to install a new Sky Q box. We both have plans this afternoon so hope he comes early.
I have GD and GS2 for the day. Last time this school holidays. This afternoon we are booked into Piglets, a local place with rides and animals. OH will be playing golf.
Enjoy your Thursday everyone.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Good morning early risers and all who come later. It's dull but a bit warmer here at the moment. Work has already started on the garden, but OH has a meeting at 10 am so I'll be on tea duty, no doubt!
Gem mushroomy ravioli etc sounds very tasty. I hope your Sky box arrives before you all have to go out. Enjoy your last day of the holidays with the children.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Grauntie, I hope it is nothing too major your procedure? Can’t understand why the scans are a problem, I hope they don’t keep you waiting too long.
Nanto, sorry to hear you had a bad night, hope you get a good one tonight.
Gemini, I was wonderng whether to change my Sky box. Have a lovely day with the GC
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
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Good morning ladies ,
We were out early ,
Went to Aldi then to Lidl ,
Lidl has the Austrian week on so lots of stuff we like that they only get in on these occasions , when they do I like to stock up .
Phoned MIL she wants to go tomorrow and get stuff so picking her up at 11 tomorrow to take her .
GS1 coming before work today for tea he wants Steak and fried cheesy potatoeshe starts at 4.30 .
Nanto its awful when you cant sleep .
Gem enjoy the last full day with the GC
Daisy at least the gardeners have turned up today
Chatted to my Niece during the night , she isn't a good sleeper either , so we often have a chat.Im not fat just 6ft too small