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    Oma, I think our Lidl have the Austrian week as well.

    The steak and fried cheesy potatoes sound tasty.

    I have to get ready for my visit to the hospital, we have to wear masks on public transport, up to September 15th I think if they haven't changed it. I expect to wear one in the hospital as well.


      Lizzie we like the Nurnberger Bratwurst , The ready to bake Pretzels ,Plum Tart, and the Choco Softies
      In fact most stuff ,
      We get the ordinary Bratwurst all the time but the small Nurnberger ones only seem to come in on Austrian week

      MIL loves the roll mops i must confess I have never tried them

      Good luck with the hospital I hope your not there too long xx
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Oma, not sure if i would/could eat cheesy potatoes,but the steak would go down a treat.
        Never tried roll mops either.

        Lizzie,hope all goes well at the hospital.

        Sun is shining today,dried the washing lovely.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Oma, we have the roll mops here, I will have a look at the others when I go again, probably tomorrow.

          I am back from the hospital, it has come in very warm! it was busy on the metro, we have to wear a mask on public transport but not in the hospital. I had my blood taken and an ultra sound, got to go for a bladder examination in a few weeks, not keen on that, then go again a week or so after that for the results, if there is anything in my sample or kidney problems the doctor will phone me next week.


            Lizzie - It seems odd not having to wear a mask in a hospital where there are poorly, vulnerable patients. The bladder examination doesn't sound like much fun, but much better to have things checked thoroughly. Fingers crossed everything is ok. xx

            Nanto - we had about half an hour of sun and cloud this afternoon - it suddenly got warm as I was taking Eva out and I had to take my jacket off and tie it round my middle, while juggling the lead and 3 pooh bags! How nice to get your washing dried in the sun. I dried a load of towels in the drier this afternoon - we haven't got our whirly thingy up at the moment.
            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              We had a great time at the adventure park. The sun, unexpectedly, shone quite a lot. We stayed for four hours. We played crazy golf, went on the maize maze, fairy trail and animal trail (including 3 day old piglets) The children went on everything. Grandma was broken!! Knees and back aching, but a good time was had by all. So nice to spend this time with them both before they go back to school.
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Gem - what a lovely day out. Loved the photos on FB. x
                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)



                  Overcast, but it was yesterday morning,then the sun came out.

                  Lizzie,i'm surprised you don't have to wear a mask for the hospital.
                  Good luck for when you get your results.

                  Going to have a look at Gems photos on Facebook.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Good morning, lovely and sunny so going for a bike ride soon, I have just got hoovered through.

                    Gem, it looked a lovely day out, I love piglets

                    Nan, I heard from friends that in some hospitals we still have to wear masks.


                      Good morning, Nanto and your cute little friend - and of course to all who call by later.

                      It's all happening at Daisy Towers today - workmen needing tea and discussion on various things, Sainsbury's delivery and later bin men, but bins need putting out etc first. So I'll have to get my skates on and get dressed. I'll pop back later.
                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Good morning my dears.
                        I woke thinking it was Saturday, as I had the GC yesterday!

                        Busy day and early start there Daisy!
                        Same here weatherwise yesterday Nan2, so I hope for a repeat today.
                        Lizzie, we still have to wear masks in all medical/dental places, and it is advised in all indoor public places.

                        A free day today. We may go to Aldi for a couple of things. We are invited round to friends this evening.

                        Happy Friday everyone.
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Morning ladies , we not in any rush this morning ,
                          Taking MIL to Aldi but she wont go till 11 she is murder to get going on a morning
                          So we will pop into Morrisons near to her before we pick her up .
                          We will pick Dog up on way back , DD in office all day today and GS1 going out with friends after lunch so Storm can come and get spoilt for the afternoon

                          Have a good day ladies xxx
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Gemini I am not surprised you got muddled about the days I have been all out of sync this week because of the Bank Holiday it happens every time.

                            Everyone sounds so busy and organised whilst I have had a quiet week and only gone to shops twice this week for essentials.

                            My GGD started school full time yesterday where on earth has the time gone it has flown by,her brother start's pre-school next Monday their mummy said she won't know what to do with herself without them.
                            Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                              Gosh, how time flies Glamma! I hope they both have a lovely time
                              Oma, my mum has never been a morning person. She would call 11am dawn!
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Good morning all. We are forecast sun today. I have a face to face doctors appt. this morning , the eczema on my foot and leg hasn’t cleared up. Hope he scan suggest something as I am going back to Aqua soon.

                                Gemini, pics on facebook look fun was being had by all. Enjoy your evening out. When is your next visit to your mum?

                                Glamm. my GGS starts full time school too. I think he is ready but I expect he will be tired. I am sure their mother will enjoy her free time.

                                Daisy, I hope your garden work is progressing, it will be worth all the tea making.

                                Like your Mil, Oma, I don’t get going very fast in the morning.
                                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

