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The Daily Drop-in

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    A nice breeze blowing. First lot of washing dried and ironed.
    Got a load of towels out,but they probably won't be ironed until tomorrow.

    Gem, hope DD goes into labour today.
    The midwife told my GD that 90% of inductions end up being c-section.
    Nephew wife was also told the same by her midwife.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Hallo everyone, it is cooler here today, still warm indoors though, Oma, I can understand the tears!!!! I had had enough of it all yesterday!!

      I am feeling much better thanks, I did manage to eat last night and enjoyed what I did eat, chicken pieces with green beans etc, not too much so I managed most of it.

      I am just home from the hospital, had all the check ups etc for the operation, BP low but it often is and nothing to worry about. It will be a day in the hospital, but, I won't be allowed home my own and can't be on my own for 24 hours, so, I will see what can be arranged, otherwise a night in the hospital but that will be a longer wait.

      We have just had a few drops of rain, that is it up to now.

      Gem, fingers crossed for your DD3, such a long wait for

      I met my friend on the way to the metro, she is the one with chronic leukaemia, she said she has dodged the corona all this time then came home from Norway and everyone from the bus party tested positive!! She wasn't too bad though so that was a good thing, I was talking to the lady at the gym today, she said the flu she had in April was 10 times worse!!! I said that as well.


        Lizzie, I agree, people say they have had flu when they have a heavy cold but having had flu years ago and was in bed for a week, my 2 doses of covid have been debilitating but not as bad as flu, unless you get complications. I can’t remember what you are having the op for.

        Gemini, hoping really had that the baby arrives with any intervention. Enjoy your meal, I haven’t been to ask for years.

        We did have a few spots of rain yesterday and although it is cooler, it is very humid. Oma, I have been to WI, good speaker about hearing dogs for the deaf, very interesting. I then called at the surgery to make an appt.for a blood test and to the chemist for a prescription. After lunch I went to Hobbycraft for some material and to M&S Food Hall to pick up a parcel. Hobbycraft was almost too cold, didn’t want to come out. Going to go in and see the GGC,
        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


          Plant, I am going in for my bladder, yet again, they are doing Bulkamid this time so I do hope it helps.

          Yes, the flu can hit you really hard!


            Wind getting up now,rain is forecast later.

            GD1 and family been.
            You do not have permission to view this gallery.
            This gallery has 1 photos.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Oh he is gorgeous isn’t he , looks so peaceful 😁

              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Hello - late to the party today! It is much cooler and actually very pleasant, but I took Eva out first thing, just in case it got too warm later. I had said I wouldn't go with OH to his pensioners' club coffee and lunch today because I had so much to do. Then on the spur of the moment I changed my mind. It was then a mad rush to shower, wash my hair and get ready. We went round to a friends afterward, so haven't been in the house long. It was very nice with a good speaker - a retired police constable (female) who had some interesting tales to tell, followed by a lovely lunch.

                Nanto - isn't it lovely to be able to say GD1 and family! Such a gorgeous, contented baby - I love seeing the photos.

                Gem - poor DD3. If she hasn't gone into labour yet, there's still time tonight. Come on baby - everyone is waiting for you. xxx

                Plant - you've had a busy day!

                Lizzie - I'm glad it's cooler for you. I hope there is a friend or member of the family who can stay with you after the op. I'm sure you just want to get it over and done with. Fingers crossed for you.

                Oma - sending you big hugs. It's awful when you feel like that. It sounds as though you are just totally exhausted. xx

                We don't want a proper meal tonight with eating midday, but Eva is pestering for her dinner. I'll try and pop back later.

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Good evening.

                  Much cooler here too Daisy, very welcome.

                  Baby looks adorable Nan2 😊

                  I hope you sleep better tonight Oma now it's cooler.

                  I managed the aqua class but was very tired this afternoon!
                  OH and I took the bus onto town early evening and had our meal at Ask.
                  While we were on the bus home it started rain. Luckily we had taken a golf umbrella with us!

                  I do wish DD's labour would start tonight. She seems to think induction will take several days 😕
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    It's raining. I think a lot of gardens wiil be grateful.
                    No plans here,but who knows,that could change.

                    Gem, hope DD doesn't have to wait much longer for baby to put in an appearance.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Morning Nanto
                      Can smell the roses wafting from that open window 😁

                      It’s cooler today but still stuffy , I have all the window and doors open ,

                      Off to MILs this morning I hope she’s in a good mood .

                      Our toaster decided to play up this morning and burnt the last two slices of bread so I have ended up with Shreddies ,
                      don’t mind but I really fancied toast and honey this morning 🙄

                      I really hope DD makes a move it’s always a drawn out process being induced and usually C section or forceps but she may be lucky and baby will come out in a rush to see what all the fuss is about 😁
                      Did you enjoy your meal ? What did you have xx

                      sometimes it’s the spur of the moment decision that turn out the best outings 😁
                      hope you slept well after that xx

                      does Baby H like her bedroom ? I meant to ask ,
                      Did you see the other GGC is the little boy off nursery for the summer or are they staying open .

                      Everything done even cleaned the oven door while it’s still cool so having a tea now ,
                      Hove a good day ladies xxx

                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        Oma I hope you slept better last night as it was cooler, I expect Mil will have been very uncomfortable in this hot weather and full of complaints.

                        Gemini, I hope you enjoyed your meal at Ask. I do hope that baby arrives soon, your DD must be feeling very uncomfortable.

                        We had an enjoyable speaker at WI yesterday, he worked as a volunteer for the Hearing Dogs for the Deaf. It is a charity I support, the headquarters happens to be a few miles away from here.

                        Oma, GGD loved her mural and kept touching the tiger. DD and Sil were very busy yesterday with their GC. They had their two GD’s all day and fetched their GS from school (last day) then take him to gymnastics and fetch him later.. GGS is a bit of a pickle and was very wound up after fun at school. Their Dil is a teacher so they will not be having them in the holidays, just baby H once a week. DD and Sil will be pleased to get away on holiday on Sunday.

                        I hope you have all had some rain to cool things down, we had quite a bit last evening.
                        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                          Good morning all.
                          much cooler, no need at all for fans last night.

                          Oma and Plant I had chicken and mushroom risotto and a few of OH's stuffed mushrooms from her starter. Fizzy water with peach to drink. I have had better risotto but it was OK, and nice to be out at last.

                          I bet that speaker was interesting Plant, especially as it's a charity you support.

                          Induction day so that is going to be on our minds all day. SIL may stay here tonight, and as many nights as needed as it's closer to the hospital than theirs.

                          I am going with DD and SIL1 to see GS1's production from the film making club he has been going to for the last few weeks. I have no idea what to expect as he wants to surprise me!

                          The rest of the day will be being in contact with, and worrying about DD3.
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Update! DD's waters broke on their own at 5am
                            She is at the hospital now, having irregular contractions. She is waiting for an examination to find out if the cervix is opening at all. If not they will proceed with the induction gel to speed things up.
                            This is good news and I hope labour progresses today.

                            The What'sApp group I have with my DDs is buzzing!!
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Good morning, luckily a lot cooler and we have had rain, I even went to the next village in my car for what I wanted. I have been picking brambles (blackberries), it is a shame, there are so many but with it being too dry lately they aren't ripening or growing. I did get some for the freezer and hope to get some for jam at the weekend.

                              The lady I swim with has just been up to see how I am and the neighbour in the garage next to me came in the garage yesterday to ask how I coped on Tuesday!!! He said they were saying how hot it was and how I must be suffering. I told him I survived but was pleased there wasn't another day of that heat.

                              I have phoned the hospital and there is no chance of me staying in a night so I have to get someone to pick me up, I have a date, September 23rd, luckily a Friday so I will see if DS1 can pick me up then see how I get through the 24 hours, maybe GD1 but we will have to plan that.

                              Gem, thinking of you and DD3. It must be happening today!xxx

                              Oma, you will be pleased it is cooler, I certainly am!


                                Oh Gem so exciting , come on baby time you were out 😁👶🏻

                                Lizzie I’m sure your GD will be pleased to stay with you ,
                                nice of your neighbours to check on you .

                                I feel so much better at this temperature,

                                MIL was miserable when we got there but by time we left she was ok , not great but better .
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

