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The Daily Drop-in

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    Gemini, we have loads of flying ants but they just fly away and don’t bother us. Perhaps there are more nests elsewhere. Pleased you are feeling like eating again. One thing that is good living in a bungalow is that the bedrooms don’t get too hot. Hope that baby will not be too long coming.

    Lizzie, pleased you are feeling better and have your fridge working, your neighbours are very kind.

    Daisy, so pleased your caravan trip went well, will you book another one soon. Don’t envy you a wait in a hot car, perhaps you will be able to find some shade. Not as bad as having an injection in your eye.

    Oma, I feel very sorry for Storm, such a thick coat in this heat.

    Nanto, post pics of your GGS any time, I love seeing them, he is very Bonny.

    I have just done a test and it is still negative but I am 99% sure I have Covid. Had a good night, don’t feel too bad if I keep taking paracetamol. My DD sent in my dinner yesterday but I must cook today to use stuff in the fridge. I don’t seem to have lost my appetite.
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      Yes Storm has a cooling mat ,
      Today is his Birthday he’s 7

      DD as it’s overcast is taking him for a pupachino and a pupa cake at the local cafe in our village , they cater for dogs and dog walkers , he loves going .

      Hope J isn’t in too long is there anywhere you can go for a coffee out of the sun ?

      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Oma, there has been a lot of talk on TV about humans using dog cooling mats. Happy Birthday to Storm

        I'm pleased you haven't lost your appetite Plant. Keep resting as much as you can.

        It has rained here this morning, a fine fast drizzle. I have all doors and windows open as it is hot, but no garden for me so far. The gardens will appreciate it. Not sure about OH on the golf course though!
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Gem, a lot of ladies in the Lipedema group use those mats to cool their legs down whilst wearing the tights etc.


            Cloudy here,but its a bit of respite from the sun.

            Daisy,hope OH's appointment goes well.

            Plant,its good if you are still eating.

            Shopping arrived just after 9. I've had a really good stock up with various items.
            All packed away in cupboards,fridge and freezer.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Didnt you have one of those pillow cooling pads ?
              Do they work ?
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Good afternoon each.
                All going wonderfully here. OH went to a dinner with his club last week and came home with Covid which he has kindly given to me. In total, four more members now have it, and three wives. We are supposedly going to Holland on Thursday, we feel ok now but will have to see what Thursday brings. 🙄
                Loving the baby pics Nanto.
                Hot and stuffy here, flying ants appearing. A good feast for the birds.
                Commiserations to all other Covid people, I share your pain!
                Glad you had a good hols Daisy.
                Lizzie, you have my admiration. What a resourceful person you are.
                Tea up. 🫖
                Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                Eleanor Roosevelt.


                  Thank you Grauntie, where are you heading for across here?


                    Oh Grauntie that’s bad luck ,
                    Hope by Thursday you are clear of infection , it’s day 5 you can go out isn’t it ? xxx
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      Oh dear, Grauntie, I do hope you're ok for Thursday. If it's any consolation my DIL1's father and his OH have had to cancel a cruise because they both have Covid. Thank you - yes it was lovely to have a change of scene.

                      Oma - Happy birthday to Storm. I hope he enjoyed his pupachino and puppa cake! Eva had her first doggy ice cream while we were away. She's definitely hoping it won't be her last. We had a cooling mat for Eva, but she wasn't bothered about it and now the gel stuff's gone all lumpy, so perhaps it didn't cool properly. I'll have to get her another one.

                      Plant - it's funny you're getting symptoms of Covid but still testing negative. But the tests aren't foolproof, are they. I hope you soon feel better.

                      Enfys - did you enjoy your Knit and Natter? Have a wonderful time with your family. xx

                      Gem - I hope it wasn't too tiring for you having GS1. I know he's a very good boy, but it still takes it out of you if you're not 100%. No baby news?

                      The trip to the hospital was much worse than I had imagined! It was far too hot to sit in the car even for 5 minutes and we had to park some distance from the Eye Department. So I walked over with OH and sat on the bench opposite. It looks quite nice and modern, but I'm confident it would win prizes for the most uncomfortable bench ever! Full sun, no shade, and too high for my feet to touch the ground. I noticed other ladies having the same problem. The clinic was running very late, so I went for a ½ hour walk round the hospital. Came back and sat down again. Two and a half hours in all. I didn't dare drink too much either because I didn't fancy using the loos in the main hospital with so much Covid around.

                      It was also hot in the hospital - the staff were going round with water to give to the patients. OH is feeling exhausted and his eye is throbbing, but otherwise ok.

                      It was also DS1's day for a hospital appointment today. He'd noticed one eye was a bit blurry so they sent him straight off to the opticians. Thank goodness it's just a normal change in vision, so he's chosen some new glasses.

                      Hopefully tomorrow will be less fraught and hectic.

                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Oh Grauntie, thats bad luck. Hope you will be able to go on your trip.

                        Daisy,your day yesterday sounds awful.

                        Lizzie,well done for getting your fridge fitted.

                        No set plans for today in this household.

                        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                          Morning Nanto/ladies

                          that must have been a long wait at least if it’s dull you can sit in the car , poor J he must dread these days when he knows his eye is going to hurt .

                          How are we all today ? Hope all the poor ladies are feeling a bit better .

                          Any movement on baby yet ?

                          Up at silly o’clock again not sleeping with the heat ,
                          Tried the spare bed after squirming around our bed ,
                          It wasn’t any better had window wide open but then I could hear police cars chasing someone up the highway at just after 3 ,
                          Why they need to use sirens at that time of morning as the highway would be empty even if they on a car chase is beyond me .
                          So got up did my bits that needed doing got two loads of washing done and sat in the garden for a while before having a shower .
                          Now having a tea and toast ,
                          We have Storm today he will sleep in the shade no doubt Chicken and rice for his lunch ready and I have ice cream as his birthday treat 😁

                          Have a good day ladies xxx
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Good morning all.

                            Grauntie, what a pity, get well soon xx

                            Daisy, what a horrible day for you and OH ☹️ I hope you can both take it easy today.

                            Nan2, I hope GD and baby are doing well.

                            Oma, no baby news yet. Take it easy today.

                            No plans today. I looked after GS1 after school yesterday and am going to see my mum ( at last) tomorrow, so a rest day will be good.
                            Reading in the garden will probably be the order of the day.

                            It was lovely to have GS yesterday. We have missed each other. They decided to miss MA class. This meant we could just spend time together chatting and watching a film together.

                            Have a good day everyone. Stay cool, and I hope the poorly ones are soon better.
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Gem, GD and baby are doing ok. We are going to visit at the end of the week,all being well.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                Isn’t it nice just to have them fo chat too and relax no rushing around ,
                                GS1 comes on a monday for his tea and we chat about his college work and his life in general what he’s doing where he’s going ,
                                He came yesterday for a hour also before he went to play golf ,
                                I think we so lucky that at almost 18 he still wants to spend time with us and let us know what he’s doing .

                                I have just done the ironing as it’s still nice and cool , Dog has had his treats he is now asleep in the garden ,
                                Bpottering in the shed so I have a little time to myself 😁
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

