Good to have you back Plant! Mum doesn't seem to have the concentration to watch TV any more, unfortunately. I knew your sister was a tough lady who would surprise everyone.
GM, I hope your DD avoids Covid.
Oma, OH does get about! Tonight is the golf club Christmas dinner for the Thursday group she runs and plays in.
The meeting was good and not too long. We got coffee and mince pies too
I went to Sainsburys for a few things, and noticed brandy sauce and brandy butter which are dated until January. I had them on the December 20th delivery but worry that they won't appear, so bought them! I also bought mince pies so I can take one for mum while we decorate the tree. She used to love doing this, so I am hoping she will be able to do some with my help.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Good Morning,So pleased to read everyone's news and glad Plants back with us.
I have finished buying all my cards now just have to write them I forgot to get eldest son's Birthday card for next week fancy forgetting him ? I have 4 x birthdays in December it's an expensive month indeed.
My DDs partner is getting down my decorations next week for me I don't have to go over the top this year as I am spending it at DDs partners house so just my favourite bits & bobs that have been with me for years and hold fond memories of when the ACs where small.
I am not putting up lights on my outdoor tree as last year they all blew off on the 3rd day there where 180 of them so I am not going to trust the weather again it took me ages to unravel them last year.
The sun is shining here today but bitterly cold I feel so sorry for those without electric further up North than me it must be awful for them and the poor people trying their hardest to restore their power must be frozen being out in all that dreadful weather lets pray they get sorted soon.
Off now to do a wee bit of ironing I'm doing a bit at a time and plan to reach the bottom of the basket by Saturday ???.
Glam our outdoor lights came down in the storm but they were easy to put back up just came off the hooks .
I have just done a huge well for me huge pile of ironing ,
I usually do it on the day it’s washed and dried but didn’t do last load and there were two loads today ,
it’s all done and put away .
We have bought Martin &Clare a high chair they were looking at for the new Baby from Mama & Papas it’s just arrived , the box is huge , you forget how big these things are
I’m not sure they will want it in the house yet so if not it will go in our big cupboard in the bedroom , we will have to move stuff around .
It was in the Black Friday sale so couldn’t miss out on it .
Gem we did the same in Aldi this morning Bailies cream and Brandy sauce all with January dates on them
Hope your Mum helps with the tree it will be so nice for her xx
Awake to the white stuff but then we had a lot of sun shine. I have a doctors appt. just after 3p.m. So couldn’t go to bowls today. I am still having problems with phroriosis.
Spent most of the day sorting out my IPad and the Christmas table runner. I got my Christmas cards out but could not find my card list.
Good idea Oma to buy the high chair in the sale, they are quite expensive. GGD has not long been in hers.
Gemini, I hope your mum enjoys decorating the tree for her room. Will she be joining you all for Christmas dinner?
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Well that me and OH fully vaccinated unless the government says we have to have another booster which is looking likely.
I had my booster yesterday afternoon and OH had his early this morning. We were up at sparrows cough this morning, it was still dark!
Instead of hanging around waiting for OH to receive his jab I said I would pop down the road to Home Bargains which is close to the centre where the vaccines are being given.
I only wanted some gift tags, some small fairy lights to go into a glass bowl and a bottle bag.
£45 later I emerged from the shop with two bags of shopping. I did get the gift tags and lights and a lot more besides but sadly no bottle bag
Tomorrow lunchtime I am going to meet up with my wonderful friends I worked with many years ago At first I wasn't going to go OH said its time I started to get on with my life and push what happened within our family to the back of my mind. So I have written out some Christmas cards for them and I will take them with me tomorrow.
Talking of Christmas cards we had our first card yesterday It was from one of our neighbours who live just down the road from us
Hallo everyone, I have had a busy day, why and how I do not know! I waited for the specialist to phone about my bladder problems, in the meantime tidied the leaves etc from the balcony, it was like summer, on that side at least. I have ordered a new rug for in here, I have been looking a while and hope I like this one.
This afternoon I went to friends for a chat, I told the other one what I thought of him going out whilst he had corona, he said " I had to go with the dog"!
A parcel came whilst I was out, it was for GD1 so I took it at 5pm, on the bike, had coffee there and managed to miss the showers on the way home. I am eating there on Sunday for December 5th, no presents etc just a meal.
Mimi, enjoy yourself, you can worry all you can but it won't help You would enjoy the shopping spree.
Oma, they will love the high chair, you are early enough.
How nice of you to buy the highchair Oma. I am going to wait a bit longer to buy anything for DD's baby and probably until we know the sex. They want to know.
Mimi good for you! Get out there and live your life. You have done nothing wrong and life is for living xx
Nice to have family plans for 5th Lizzie.
Well if you can call telling me there were not enough lights, here there and everywhere, my mum helped me put up her tree!! I was constantly moving them for her
I wasn't sure if she would be up to putting any baubles on, but she didn't try to. She was happy with the results in the end though. I also took a little set of battery operated Santa lights which I have put on shelf opposite where she usually sits. The tree is beside her. The home had put a little tree with blue lights on in her room. With her Christmas ornaments as well it's looking festive in there.
OH enjoyed the snooker. She's gone out again now to the golf dinner. Salmon and catch up TV for me
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Good evening all. I’ve been fairly busy today, deciding what to take with me tomorrow. I am travelling light, we all have to, 6 of us plus dog in two cars means space is tight! Think it’s all sorted now. Popped round to my neighbours to let them know I wouldn’t be here, they offered to put my garden bin out for me next week, very grateful as it’s full to the brim. My neighbour on the other side, he lost his wife a couple of years ago, has just gone to live in France. He’s bought a 5 bedroomed house with a lot of land in a little village in Brittany. I hope he’s done the right thing, he’s on his own, doesn’t speak the language and is still very down after losing his wife. His son, who is moving in next door, is concerned but Can’t persuade him to wait a while before taking such a big step. I couldn’t do it.
Anyine here with Virgin Media? It’s been off most of the day, now we can only get the main 4:channels available, social media is awash with complaints.
Im settled in for a Peaceful evening, then we’ll be off later tomorrow morning. Have a good evening everyone.
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss
I have ordered 2 lazy susans. My cleaning stuff is in the cupboard under the sink.
They are in baskets.It will be easier being able to turn them round, rather than get them in and out of baskets.
they should be delivered on monday.
Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.