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    Enfys a sad day for you all , Im sure there will be tears but also smiles when your remembering things he did ,
    That year seems to have flown over , Big hugs lovely lady xxx

    Glamm good luck it will be all worth it in the end wont it xx

    Gem I hope he realises he is responsible and gets it done quickly before more viewings xxx

    Plant all go at your DD's isnt it but they will be loving having the GC their im sure
    Enjoy bowls x

    Nanto hope your washing dries , its started to drizzle here again

    Well We went to B&M got in there walking around and i took a sort of funny turn , felt really wobbly and light headed
    So came home rather than go to any other shops ,

    I lay on sofa and fell asleep for hour . Still feel a bit strange but better than I did so not sure what it was ,

    If I feel ok later we will go out again if not there is nothing spoiling anything we want will wait .
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Take it easy Oma xxx
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Enfys - thinking of you today, and remembering P. I'm so glad we were able to meet him, even though it was just the once. We both thought he was a lovely, lovely man and your love for each other was very clear. Sending hugs to you and your DD and GS.

        It's also one year today since my DS1 had the seizure that alerted the doctors to his brain tumour. Ironically, he's at the hospital today for the results of the scan he had on Thursday.

        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Hope its good news Daisy , you will be anxious till you find out im sure xx

          Gem I have no other choice B said I have done enough today and to be honest I cant be bothered anyway
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Glamm, I hope all goes smoothly for you today. Do you have to go into Liverpool for the hospital?

            Oma - could that funny turn be plain old lack of sleep? You've done a lot this morning already.

            Plant - it certainly is open house next door for your family. It must be lovely though that wherever they go they all come back as often as they can.

            The problem with trousers for GD1 is that that is the smallest size they make in her school colours - it's a funny shade of blue, not something you can get off the shelf. So there won't even be second hand ones around. But if DIL can buy the fabric the other granny could make them. (Clever lady).

            Gem - sending hugs to you. I do hope the man responds to your letter and gets the rubbish moved. As Plant says, your mum's bungalow would be snapped up here.

            I've been and collected both GDs and Cooper this morning. All 3 plus Eva very excited, but the girls are currently sorting out the toy box and taking out toys they've outgrown to send to the charity shop. I think we'll then need a bit of a shopping spree to restock!

            A friend of OH's has just arrived - we haven't seen him since March last year, so time for a bit of a catch up.

            Hopefully, I'll be back later.
            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Hallo everyone, I have the cystitis, yet again, far too often, my doctor has just phoned and she wants me to go to the urology in Rotterdam.

              Oma, watch what you are doing, that is how I felt when I had that strange virus a while back.

              Daisy, the same used to happen here with the girls toys! I hope it is good news for your DS, as with Enfys, a year soon passes.

              Enfys, thinking of you, it will be a strange day with lot of memories, a year does soon pass.xxxxx

              I have been to do coffee and hung my washing out before I left, I have just brought it in, all dry, I managed to miss a call from the doctor whilst doing it. Luckily she phoned me back.

              Glamm, good luck at the hospital, I hope the bus journeys go as planned.

              Plant, you have a busy time having the family next door.

              I have just got a photo or my DIL2 with her first grandchild! So, I am kind of a great grandmother.
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                Oh Lizzie how sweet , well yes you are a GGranny now
                Beautiful baby xx
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  What a lovely squidgy baby Lizzie!
                  Daisy, everything crossed for your son's scan results xxx

                  I had a nice catch up with my friend and she brought Portuguese custard tarts!

                  I'm going to concoct the letter to 'that man' now, have my lunch, then deliver the letter. I'm a expecting parcel so I hope it arrives before I want to go out.
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Gem, the young mother is a special nurse for babies born far too early, incubators etc, she will see the difference with this little one!


                      Lizzie, what a gorgeous bonny baby, with a fantastic head of hair. What a difference his (?) mummy will see between him and the babies she nurses. I hope she's making a good recovery. Yes, you are definitely a Great Grandma now. xxx

                      DS1's consultant says everything is stable, which could mean it's exactly the same as last time, or has shrunk a bit. Either way, it's good news and a big relief. His phosphate levels were fine and everything else. He has to go back in 3 weeks' time.
                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Oma, hope you feel better. It could have been a drop in your blood sugar levels.

                        Lizzie,lovely photo and beautiful baby.

                        Daisy,that is good news about DS1. So pleased for you.

                        Gem read the letter and thats just the sort of letter i would have written.

                        Enfys,hope being with family is helping you today.
                        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                          Very positive news there Daisy I'm so pleased.

                          I went to mum's, letter about the dead stuff in hand but the man has actually moved it! (or hopefully got someone else to)

                          I then dropped off a birthday present to a friend. I didn't know if she would be in but she was . We had a good chat and catch up. And I had a coffee and Mary Berry chocolate bun she had made. A day of cake and socialising for me

                          Quiz tonight.
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Oma, I hope you are feeling better, could you be anemic? Take it easy.

                            Daisy, pleased you have had good news about your dear son. Busy day with dogs and girls, good idea to sort out the toys.

                            Lizzie, beautiful baby, I love new babies.

                            Gemini, I hope that letter makes him realise what problem he has caused. I adore Portuguese tarts.

                            Enfys I hope your day hasn’t been too painful for you and your family.
                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                              Feeling off still but I think lack of sleep and back pain hasn't helped , maybe feel better tomorrow ,

                              Gem glad he has at least cleared it but has he had the area tidied up ?

                              Daisy good news at least it hasn't worsened , that's the news you want to hear xx
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Good morning everyone, it looks like being a nice day, it was yesterday actually, windy but dry and sunny. Sorry, I had just got in from the shops and it rained!

                                I am feeling better with the medicine so may get moving today.

                                I phoned my DIL and the baby was born at home, they hadn't time to get to the hospital, they hardly had time to get the poor girl upstairs and to her bed. They did take her and the baby to the hospital later, in the nurses car, to be examined, everything was fine. The baby weighed 4+kg, (9lbs) the mother is tiny so a huge baby!

                                I am going to the Lidl to get some mince to make pasta sauce in the slow cooker.
                                Last edited by Lizzie48; 10-08-2021, 07:05 AM.

