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    I’m afraid I’m in the doghouse for missing your birthday Oma.🐶🙁 I humbly apologise and hope you really enjoyed the day.

    I must also apologise for not contributing much lately though I have been lurking.I’ve had a lot on my mind and not felt much like joining in.

    If you can bear it I’ll share what’s been happening with the family.

    Firstly SIL was knocked off his bike by a silly person doing”wheelies” resulting in a broken collar bone for N, and an put in metalwork thus arm in a sling and no driving for 6 weeks.

    Next DD’s dear little dog was bitten and physically shaken in a completely unprovoked attack by a German Shepherd.She has had to have specialised in-patient treatment in a doggy hospital for a week and subsequently vet visits every other day. She is still having twice a week dressings under sedation. The bill is currently running at over £5000 !

    This was followed by a strange ,as yet undiagnosed neurological possible reaction to DD’s Covid jab.

    To cap it all GD tested positive for Coronavirus and the whole family had to go into isolation and L being “imprisoned” in her room for the duration! This of course caused a problem taking Luna to the vets. Luckily a couple of DD’s friends were able to take her.

    Hopefully most of these are slowly being resolved with only DD still in a dilemma over having her second jab. She is seeing a Consultant privately but he doesn’t. seem to have a clue and DD finds him rather patronising and condescending.She is due more tests this week.

    Apart from this I’m plodding along with atrip to the hospital for a check up on my metal hip. Apparently it is fine but the other hip is showing signs of wear🙁

    If you’ve ploughed through this ramble thank you and I’ll try to be more of a contributor in the future!


      The tooth extraction was easier than either the dentist or I thought it would be .
      However the bleeding didn't stop for a long time. I used up the gauze tubes they gave me and had to make more tubes from new unused muslin make -up cleansing cloths. I used two cloths made into strips then tubes. I was unable to drink or take any painkillers which was the worst part.
      I don't know if this happened because it was a deep root, or because I had a ten minute walk to the car, but I had no bleeding problem with the last tooth.
      I had to ask SIL to get GS from school and bring him here. I'm fine to have him but didn't feel like the school run in this state .
      It has stopped now I think. I had a small glass of water, ibuprofen and a yogurt a while ago. I was very hungry having had nothing since my 8.30 corn flakes and coffee!
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Oh Clover!! Big Hugs to you!! Only good things for the Clovers from now on please!
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Gosh Clover i am surprised you know what day it is or even if your up or down

          I do hope this is the last of your run of bad luck , you and family have had more than your fair share

          Gem maybe it was the walk as they say no exercise for a while after , you must have been famished as Cornflakes don't fill you do they .
          Pleased it was easy though and fingers crossed no dry socket with this one xxx

          We went to Metro centre this morning , that place always makes my back and knees hurt , its solid Marble type floors and no give in them
          We came out with a new pair of PJ bottoms for me and a shirt for B

          Then we went to The range across the road , I got some lovely Navy and white Picture frames , not as big as I intended but they were pretty and I decided in stead of 3 larger box frames up on the wall I will put 5 smaller frames up .

          From there I went into IKEA , B went into ASDA for salad and bread while I was in there he hates going in IKEA , I only bought Napkins and came out ,
          Sat on a seat in the sun and waited for B picking me up, Asda was only across the car park but I couldn't be bothered to walk to the car my knees were killing me .

          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Clover, what a lot to put up with all at the same time!!! I do hope everything goes well for everyone, which vaccine did DD have? Good luck with the hip!

            Oma, what a busy shopping day you have had, I have been to the Metro centre, many years ago! Your knees would hurt with walking round the shops.

            I have just been to DS1 to take GD2 her dress and she loved it, a good fit as well. She said " did you make this nan"? I got them some strawberries on the way, I got some at the supermarket for the lunch with the friends but no taste in them compared to the ones from the growers. The lunch went well, a nice couple, she was saying she misses out on so much like cycling, driving etc as her sight is so bad, it is to be compared to tunnel vision, she only sees what is straight in front of her and them not clear at all. She does enjoy the aqua though so that is a change for her.

            Gem, I do hope your gum heals quickly this time.
            Last edited by Lizzie48; 29-06-2021, 03:25 PM.


              Clover, what a lot has been going on. Hope things are on the up now.

              Gem, hope your mouth is feeling better.

              Lizzie, i saw your photo of the dress,very pretty it looked.

              Oma, busy morning for you then visiting all the shops.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Clover what a worrying time your family has had, hope things improve.

                Lizzie, pleased your GD loved her dress, they like to have clothes that are not sold in the shops. I am sure the strawberries taste better from the growers, we have a pick-your-own farm near to us.

                Oma looking forward to seeing your latest framing project.

                Gem, I hope your tooth will continue to stop bleeding, it must feel good to get that done.

                I am sorry I am so late posting, I had to phone the doctor early as I have cystitis, the receptionist took details and the doctor rang me after a few minutes. I have just picked up an antibiotic so I hope it will put things right. Oh they wanted a sample as well. The receptionist opened the door a crack and asked me to put it on a lid of a bucket!! times have certainly changed. Then I went shopping with GD1 and baby H, she is such a darling. I am now watching tennis and enjoying a cup of tea.
                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                  Plant, I hope the cystitis soon clears up.
                  Oma, it's years since I have been to the Metro Centre, or Meadowhall which is in Sheffield.
                  I'm glad GD was happy with the dress Lizzie.

                  Thanks everyone for your kind comments and concern over my tooth. All behaving at the moment. I actually made another appointment for Friday, when I made today's. A short one which I will keep if the dreaded Dry Socket strikes again. If not I will cancel.
                  I am very tired, so off to bed for me! Talk to you all tomorrow
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Looking a bit dull. Hope it staye fine, i want to cut the grass.

                    Plant,hope the cystitis clears up soon.
                    Gem,pleased you are ok after having been to the dentist.

                    I've been up since 4.30.
                    Yesterday i cooked mince and onions in the slow cooker.
                    Just had a cuppa when i got up,then made 2 cottage pies and 2 pastry pies.
                    Enough mince and onion left to serve with mash and veggies twice.
                    All in the freezer now.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      A quick good morning from me. It's almost sunny - better than of late anyway.

                      Nanto - you have been a busy bee. Even if I got up that early I don't think I'd get halve as much done as you.

                      Yesterday ended up being bitty and busy - I really will try and catch up on everyone's news as soon as I can - we've got friends coming for coffee this morning and I need to bake something to have with it, plus OH helping next door to get started with a job in the garden, and someone coming to mend our petrol mower.

                      However, I just want to send Clover some great big hugs. On top of everything else, what an awful time you and your family have had just lately. No wonder you didn't feel like chatting much. But we're always here for you and thinking of you. I do hope things are starting to improve for all of you.

                      Plant - well done on insisting on seeing a doctor for your cystitis. I hope the ABs are working and you are feeling better.

                      Gem - I hope your gum isn't too sore and you've slept well. xx

                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Good morning ladies.
                        Another early start for you Nan2. You and Oma have them too often! At least you make use of your time, I would just read or come online.

                        My mouth is fine this morning. I had a very bad headache last night so took co codamol and got an early night. I slept well. I can start the warm salt water mouthwashes today.
                        This afternoon is my library one. Having forgotten to go the week before my holiday, I must remember!!

                        Have a good Wednesday everyone.
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Morning Daisy! Have a nice morning with your friends
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Morning ladies ,
                            Nanto i think when we up so early we may as well get on with jobs that need doing and they done with ,
                            All those lovely meals ready in the freezer when needed

                            Gem pleased to hear its behaving itself hope it stays like that , good idea making the appointment , but fingers crossed you don't need it xx

                            Daisy are you making anything nice for your visitors ?
                            B made Gooseberry crumble yesterday it was lovely I had pouring cream on mine he had ice cream

                            Plant how are you today are the AB kicking in ? take care lovely lady , will you be watching Tennis today ? xx

                            Lizzie how's the weather in your part of the world today ?
                            Its grey and dreary here in the north

                            Clover hope today is a better day for you all you could do with some good days xxx

                            Waiting for the dog to arrive he is late DD must have something to do first before she drops him off
                            Apart from putting pictures up in spare room not a lot on today ,
                            MIL goes for her Angiogram today , B will collect her when she is done

                            Have a good day ladies xxx

                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Grey, wet and dreary here today, where my friends are in Limburg there are floods!


                                Just dropped car off for its first MOT, fingers crossed they find nothing wrong. I have only taken one paracetamol and already this morning not as much pain. Hairdresser coming at 11am so I have just got time to put a duster around the SR and bedroom. This afternoon I shall watch some tennis.

                                Mmmm Oma, love gooseberry crumble. Enjoy you day with Storm.

                                Nanto, sorry you had an early start, at least you made good use of the time.

                                Gemini, pleased to hear the gum is not giving you any problems, have a good read in the library later.

                                Daisy, more cooking for you? Enjoy your coffee with your friends.

                                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

