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    Good morning, Nanto - thank you for the pretty graphic - a nice cheery start to the day.

    Gem - has the week flown by? Safe journey home. xx

    It's bright and sunny here at the moment, but the forecast for tomorrow isn't so good.

    Have a good Saturday, everyone.
    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Goodness Daisy, that sounds enough food to feed an army. Hope the sun shines for you all.

      Gemini, your holiday does sound very enjoyable for you both. Safe journey home.

      Lizzie, hope the tortoise behaves whilst he in your GD’s care.

      I have to put the bathroom back together today, mainly the airing cupboard.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Good morning ladies ,
        Everyone is so busy today what with cooking , shopping, putting rooms back together , going home etc

        I have had a busy morning Firstly I put two loads of washing on then washed all my downstairs paintworks tops of doors etc ,
        Dusted, hoovered cleaned tiles in kitchen and utility , washed kitchen cupboard doors down ,
        Then tackled the hall and stairs ,
        I did intend doing upstairs but B dusted for me so the paintwork can wait another day ,

        We then went to Morrison's for Pumpernickel Bread , popped into B&M for Cling Film refill they didn't have any so then went to Home Bargains , got it in there plus tin foil refill and Baking paper that I didn't intend buying but thought may as well while I was there ,

        From There to Aldi for Brussels Pate ,
        Queue's were massive , the man in front of me called to the young man on the checkout that I only had one item so he said come to the front ,
        In and out quicker than I thought

        Im now having a rest while the washing dries in the tumble and I will iron that later ,

        I was hoping to go to the garden centre today but its belting with rain so dont fancy walking around the outside bit in this .
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Good morning, Oma, you tire me out just reading what you have done this morning!

          Gem, hope you have a safe journey home.

          GD2 is here and she has had a sewing lesson this morning. I will take her home after lunch, if she wants to go as she is enjoying herself. She (we) made a pencil case. DIL gave her some stickers yesterday so she has ironed them on.
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            Good job done Lizzie , is she interested in sewing ?
            Its a handy skill to have , She will always remember learning to sew with Grandma
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              Good Morning Everyone you all sound so busy this week with all the cooking etc,
              Gems it sounds as though you have really enjoyed your week away I bet you both feel so relaxed and recharged.
              Oma I get exhausted reading your posts you are such a busy bee

              Things did not go as I thought they would at the Optical Clinic regarding my blurred vision, I have had an emergency appointment made at the Hospital for treatment for Wet AMD it needs looking up on Google as its too complicated to explain it frightened me but he has assured me it can be dealt with as they have caught it quickly the Operation will be done within the next 2 weeks as its too urgent to leave any longer its in the left eye only I can go ahead and have the laser treatment on 29th July as normal.

              The weather here today is glorious not too hot just nice and sunny very quiet this morning no sign of any neighbours my DD has called this morning with my GD (19) before they both go down to the hairdressers for a trim prior to DD's "Surprise Birthday Party" next Saturday I can't believe she will be 50yrs old its scary really where the years have gone.

              Talk soon x Take care everyone
              Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                Glamma, my mother in law has wet AMD, so i know all the ins and outs of it.

                Gem, hope you arrived home safe and sound.

                Weather here,has brightened up and warmed up.

                We were home from the supermarket about 11ish.
                All shopping put away,and got my jobs done.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Yes, I'm home safe and sound Nan2 😊

                  We had a good breakfast out and easy drive home. Our catsitting friend was still here so it was nice to have a catch up.
                  Henry the cat was funny. He made a big show of fussing W, as if to say 'this is my new mummy now'😀

                  Glamma at least they have caught the macular degeneration early, and you can have the other eye Lasered.

                  Nice pencil case Lizzie.

                  Daisy, the week has flown by. You would think with no holidays or even single nights away for so long it would have felt like a long time.
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Lizzie, GD made a good job of the pencil case.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Glamm - my OH has wet AMD in his left eye. This is the reason he goes to the eye unit every 8 weeks (it used to be every 4 weeks, before Covid. I don't know if it would have changed to 8-weekly without Covid.) Like yours, it was caught early on a routine eye test about 3 years ago. He was totally unaware of any problem, because his vision was fine. It's still fine, and the injections seem to have both stopped it worsening and improved it a little. He's very squeamish about eyes, hospitals and needles so he finds the injections quite a challenge, but I know Gem's auntie sails through them really well.

                      By the way, I think the condition is usually treated as urgent. OH's was discovered on the Thursday and he saw the consultant first thing on the Monday.

                      Lizzie - your GD's pencil case looks very professional.

                      Gem - I was wondering how Henry would be when you got home. That's cats for you though, isn't it! Dogs are just the opposite - Eva wants a fuss and cuddle even if I've just been out to put the milk bottles on the doorstep! I'm sure Henry still loves you. xx

                      Oma - I need a rest after reading your post! What a busy bee you are. xx

                      I've finally got the house neat and tidy and just want to make a few cakes in the morning before everyone arrives. The weather forecast is awful - just for the south coast, but we won't let it beat us.

                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Good morning everyone, thanks, GD2 was really pleased with the case, she does like to sew and is interested, she loved being here, taking her home was another story! They live 5kms away and it took me well over an hour! I had read that there was a lot of traffic in the village on Friday afternoon as one of the roads has temporary traffic lights, with that in mind I thought I would go another route, oh dear, the main road was closed and all the traffic at a standstill, it took us so long to get out of the village and finally took the road to Delft and then Rotterdam to get to their village!! There are so many people complaining on the local site. We finally got there and I took the long route home, no bother at all.

                        GD1 had been for an interview for work in a supermarket and she was accepted, as she is still 15 years old she can work 8 hours a week, it is the first she applied for so was really pleased she got it.

                        Gem, pleased you got home OK, you would be home faster then I was yesterday!!!

                        Daisy, I hope the weather is better than the forecast and that all goes well. You have been so busy getting everything prepared.

                        Glamm, I hope all goes well with your eye, a friend of mind has it in both eyes and goes once a month for injections, she said there are so many for the same treatment.

                        I brought a dress home to alter for GD2 yesterday so did that when I got home and got another cut out to put together. The one I altered was a favourite of GD1, with her being so tall I put a crocheted band in for her, GD2 loves the dress and asked if I would take the band out as then she can wear it. So, I did as she asked.

                        I am going to shower now and get dressed, see if I can find some flowers today for my neighbour, she shares her boxes with me, I have fruit and veg to last me all the week.

                        I have a man coming tomorrow morning to fix my new tap, the friend was going to do it but he is very busy and now they are away again for a few weeks, the organisation where I do the coffee etc have men that will do DIY chores, so, I got in touch and the man is coming tomorrow, they only charge €4 for 30 minutes, they do a lot of chores, including gardening etc. I have never thought to use them before.


                          Good morning Lizzie and all who follow.
                          Well done to GD for getting a job in the supermarket.
                          You were busy with the dress alterations.

                          Daisy,hope you have a lovely day with the family.
                          Fingers crossed it stays fine for you.

                          Making a beef dinner today,joint going in the slow cooker.
                          Hubby got some apples last week and he says they are tasteless,so making a pie with them.
                          Pulled a couple of sticks of rhubarb to mix with the apples.

                          Hubby and his brother gone to the car boot sale,so i'm going to crack on.
                          Looking a bit overcast this morning.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Good morning everyone. Just a quick 'hello' from me! It's raining!! Boohooo. We'll make the best of it - that's what umbrellas are for. We'll have a large gazebo and a large patio umbrella.

                            Have a good Sunday, everyone. I must get on with a bit of baking. Cakes are good for wet weather.

                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Daisy, i saw on the weather forecast it said rain in the south.
                              I thought of you when i saw it.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                Good morning ladies.

                                Apple and rhubarb pie sounds good Nan2.
                                It's tedious being stuck in traffic Lizzie, it happens round here sometimes. Unexpected roadworks and the like.
                                Glamma my auntie has the same condition as Daisy's OH and you. She has the injections every 9 to 10 weeks (they vary it slightly depending on the results) and it has helped immensely. She's 92 and still lives independently. The type my mum has has no treatment and has really limited her later years.
                                Daisy, damn that weather!! I'm sure you will all have a lovely time despite it.
                                Henry has totally forgiven us now by the way His catsitter auntie has totally spoilt him though, but he needed that after his traumatic 8 days of living rough!

                                Today is just holiday washing, and going to the supermarket. I imagine OH will be catching up in the garden, and maybe I will too!

                                Have a good Sunday, however you spend it.
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

