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    Daisy no didn't catch up on sleep yet , we went to Morrison's early in stead .

    I have a little ironing to do but i think I will leave it till after lunch now ,

    Gem I do hope He turns up , its the not knowing where they are isn't it ,
    I know its a horrible thought but have you drove around the streets just incase he has been hit ? xx

    Plant hope the clinic goes well ,

    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Such a worry that Henry has not arrived home you must be very worried I do hope he turns up soon.

      Daisy I have baskets outside my front door either side of the door and one at the far end of the property under the window I have several pots with begonia's so it looks very colourful ,
      I've always had long hair never really shorter than shoulder length since my 20's except obviously when I had Chemo in my 40's I never lost it all it just went very thin after treatment it took 2 yrs to get back to some kind of normality . After another discusion with DD last night I am now having it cut to shoulder length so I can at least put it up when required (lazy days) its middle of my back at the minute and a really good cut will do the world of good for the condition.

      Oma your trip around Hexham sounded lovely I do love Hexham when the children where younger we where 1 week away from signing for a 4 bed house in Acombe not too far from Hexham the fact that it was so far from schools and they where cut off during the winter made me think again I have always regretted our decision it was a Barret development and I worked for a chap who had bought one of the houses I think the name of the development was Abbots Oak or Abbots Cross not too sure now such a long time ago now.

      Lizzie I love the sound of your Shepherds Hut I bet it is so cosy and snug something I would love to do.

      i'm off to do the week-end shopping first to Aldi then to the Romanian Bakery for his delicious mini blueberry biscuits which are to die for he makes some lovely savories, a large cabbage leaf filled with mince onions & tomato's & mushrooms wrapped and baked in the oven it is a meal in it's self but goes well with a crispy salad he always has a massive queue outside his shop.

      Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


        Daisy yes the first thing we did was post on local FB group and the Missing Cats in York FB group.
        Now DD2's gorgeous cat has been put to sleep. Everyone is all so sad about it all.
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Awww Gem, sorry to hear about DD2's cat.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Still no sign of Henry, very worrying for you all Gemini

            Glamm, the food from that shop sounds delicious. Your flowers sound beautiful, Begonias are so beautiful.

            Back from Warfarin check, all good again, it has been up and down recently. Called at the parade of small shops and found my favourite cafe open again. It was almost 12am so I decided to treat myself to lunch, all good. GD1 sent me some pics of H, she is rolling over and back again so she will not be long before she is on the move.

            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              Well my Bedroom wall is finally finished ,

              I have been looking for something to go on that wall and found nothing ,
              I went in the loft and found a long frame I wasn't using , went to B&Q got a wallpaper sample free ,put it in and its sorted

              Doesn't look too shabby at all
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              This gallery has 2 photos.
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                I forgot to ask earlier but has the format of the Home Page been changed I used to be able to go to GRU and Forums would be on top of Todays Topics but am now finding I have to click onto Forums and scroll down to the section I need it is not showing the topics of the day as it did before,its not a problem for me just fiddley.

                Plant so glad you enjoyed lunch it won't be very long before little H will have mummy & daddy chasing after her and gates being installed on the door ways how quickly they grow is frightening I remember my eldest GS starting to walk at 9 mths I have never gotten over it such a shock to the system to see this little tot walking about the house.
                Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                  What a good idea Oma, looks great as well.


                    Oma, the picture looks good to me.

                    Garden duties have been carried out, then i had a shower.
                    We then had tea and cake in the garden.

                    Plant, lovely to hear more about babyH.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Did you have Coffee and Walnut cake Nanto ?
                      B is making me one tomorrow

                      Lizzie im pleased with it it cost nothing hahaha the best kind isnt it

                      Plant everything will have to be moved now H is rolling over , in no time she will be crawling

                      Glamm best to start of cautiously with your hair till you get used to it shorter , that way once you used to it you can either go shorter or grow it back again
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        Yes I was thinking that her father’s very valuable stamp collection is on a lower shelf, it will have to be sky hooks soon. DD just told me we are expected at GD’s partners house for a BBQ tomorrow, that will be nice.

                        Oma, you should have had a job of interior design, you make things look so nice and co-ordinated. I could do with you to sort me out.
                        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                          A late hello from me! Another warm day here, but with a few more clouds that earlier this week.

                          Took OH to the dental hygienist, then to hospital for a CT scan. He had to be there early because he had to have a drink beforehand......a rather large jug of Licquorice smelling stuff. Not his favourite flavour! I left him there and went and did a shop in the big Tesco's round the corner. Came back, got a coffee and sat outside with a magazine until he appeared with a nurse. Back again on Monday for the new chemo. I'll be sick of the sight of hospitals by the time this is all over. Got home after roadworks delays and his new consultant rang to say they've decided to stop the chemo he's on just now and review it in a couple of months.

                          House move not taking place this month sadly. All going well, early July, but it depends on negotiating the extra Stamp Duty with our buyers. Hopefully, the movers will be less busy then and we can get the ones we'd like. I'll be so glad when it's all done and dusted and we can get settled.

                          Hope everyone has a good evening xx
                          Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                          Theodore Roosevelt.


                            Sorry to hear that your house move is taking longer than you expected WG, very stressful for you in view of poorly OH as well.
                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                              Oma that wallpaper sample is the exact same paper I have just put up in my kitchen great minds think alike,you can see the finished product on my facebook page about 2 weeks ago how spooky is that must have the same taste mi dear x
                              Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                                Now you say it Glamm I did see it on your page , I thought it was familiar very pretty isn,t it .

                                WG what a carry on as if you dont have enough on your plate at the minute ,
                                Fingers crossed you get moved in July then ,
                                Did OH manage to drink the liquid ? It is a lot to drink wouldn't you think they would of found something better by now ,

                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

