Just heard one of our Nieces has the new variant of Covid ,
She is a Police officer and she has had both Jabs so although she has it at the moment she isn't too bad ,
Fingers crossed she stays that way , She has two children aged 6 and 10 so they have gone to stay with B's Brother and his wife their grandparents ,
Dr said that as long as she isn't too bad she only has to isolate for 10 days .
She said its sods law she has had both Jabs and still gets it ,
I am still away in the shepherds hut so can’t write much, your poor niece Oma, I do hope that she isn’t too ill from it,
it is very hot here, 33 degrees today, I have really enjoyed my few days away and the friends have made me so welcome.
We have done some cycling together then after lunch I would go on my own and I have done 65km each day, nice cycling here through the woods into
I will get ready to leave in the morning and get home before the heat of the day.
Bowling was not good again this week, I can't get used to the outdoor mats. We are back in the village hall now, I hope I will be back on my game there
Sorry to hear your niece has the new variant, that is worrying.
I hope Henry is back Gemini
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Morning Mimi /Ladies
not a good night again but that's nothing unusual
Such a change in the weather since yesterday , It was very windy during the night and its dull and grey at the minute ,
Fingers crossed it gets better as the morning grows
Have a nice day ladies i will pop back later and see what everyone is up too xxx
Good morning ladies.Its a lot fresher this morning. Hope it stays dry, we want to cut the grass this afternoon.
Going to very warm over the weekend,especially on Sunday,according to the forecast.
Oma,hope you caught up on some sleep.
Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
Nan2, I think ours and mum's lawns could do with a cut!
Oma, your niece was unlucky. I hope she is soon over this and has it mildly,
I hope you enjoy bowls more next week Plant.
Thanks for checking in from your holiday Lizzie!
I had a lovely evening, it was wonderful to all be together. DD1 had got the bus in, so we dropped her home.
They didn't empty the green (garden waste) bins yesterday. Today is recycling collection, three boxes each household, so its all looking crowded out there!
School pick up for GD and GS2 this afternoon, and visit to my mum first. DD3 is coming with me.
No news on Henry yet local vets, RSPCA and Cats Protection have had no sign of him. I printed off posters with his photo and details yesterday afternoon and put some through letterboxes and on lampposts. I will print some more this morning to put on noticeboards around the village. I will have to let our catsitter friend, due next Saturday, know what has happened.
Enjoy your day everyone.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Good Friday morning all you early risers, and those who pop in later.
It's dull here at the moment and the clouds are due to hang around until tea time. Still, it won't be too hot to do the lawn later, lucky me.
Gem - have you posted Henry's picture on any of your local community FB groups? What about local shops etc - people chat there and it may spark a memory of someone seeing him. It's awful not knowing and I know all you want is to see him come in demanding food. Everything crossed he turns up today.
I'm so glad you had a lovely birthday meal with S and your DDs.
You've reminded me it's bin day for us - I'd forgotten.
Oma - I asked about when your niece had her jabs as I wondered if maximum immunity hadn't kicked in yet. I do hope she's soon feeling better. Did you get any sleep in the end?
Plant - I hope you can get back on form playing indoor bowls, but at least you have been able to meet up with friends and enjoy the fresh air and exercise with the outdoor game.
I'd better get a move one - shower, etc, and remind OH about the bins.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
Oh dear Gemini, how worrying for you, i do hope you have some news soon.
Am due for my warfarin test this morning, so just popping in to say hello, I am calling at the tip after so I will not be popping back until after lunch.
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare