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    Hallo, a little late today, I have had a busy morning! I had booked a slot at a shop in the next village for 8am, they are open from Wednesday but it will then be so busy so I thought I would get what I wanted this morning, I came home and give a neighbour advise about a new E bike!!!! She is 83 years old and does all her shopping on her bike, I think she had one of the first electric ones in this block, she had bought a new one, the same one as I have and it was delivered this morning, I asked her if she had thought about buying one with a low frame as this one is high, I have to think about it each time I use it and I am 10 years younger. Her son was with her and he kept asking her to decide, I told her it was up to her, after a while she decided to have the one they brought, they took it into the shed and I went into my shed, when we all headed for the lift the young delivery boy was on the phone, he had phoned the office and explained, I think he realised it was not the right frame for her, he said if he took it back with him she could go to the salesroom in the next village and have a trial ride on the low frame one. If she kept it and changed her mind it would then be a second hand one and she would lose a lot of money so she decided to not have it, when she saw her old one she realised that the new one was a lot higher. When that was all sorted I went down to her and told her I wasn't planning on interfering but the low one will be much better for her, she agreed with me and thanked me.

    I them came home and a friend from the first floor came up for coffee, she has just got a rag doll kitten and is regretting it!!!! He had climbed in her curtains the other day, amongst other things!

    Gem, I hope it all goes well at the hospital for your mum.

    Glamm, it is lovely here in the sun, colder in the shadow. You are doing well with the decorating, are you going to wallpaper yourself?

    Plant, your GS will be pleased he has got the job, it can't be easy finding a job with all the restrictions.

    Clover, I hope the DS and family enjoy the lunch. He has done well to lose the weight.

    Oma, I hope you enjoy the meal for your anniversary.

    I was going to the Makro but will go tomorrow, oh, it is the Kings birthday so I don't know if it is open and if it is it will be very busy so I won't bother.


      I think I must have too much time on my hands. I needed to read the gas and electric meters. A job that should take one minute. I thought it looked very dusty and cob webby inside the cupboards, so I decided to vacuum them out. They still looked grubby so I got a cloth to wipe them out. While I was outside I thought the garage door looked like it could do with a wash. So out came the bucket and sponge and I got to work. I then decided the cupboards in the garage could do with a wipe. Another good job done! All that was left to do, was de-spider the rest of the garage and have a good sweep around. Now I have a garage and meter cupboards to be proud of. How sad is that!!!
      Always face the sunshine and the shadows fall behind you.


        Sunshine I was thinking the same yesterday , mine need cleaning , I haven't actually got around to it but the thought is there
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          All went very well today. I will update later x
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Sunshine,you were certainly on a roll today.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Sunshine - my whole life seems like that - one job leads to another, then another, even though I probably haven't finished the first one.

              First thing our neighbour and I took the two dogs for a walk round the block. I think Eva was still tired from Friday and Saturday, but she was very good for a change, and when we got back we let both dogs off lead in our garden. They played nicely together which is lovely, but we only let them have about 5 minutes. We're taking things very slowly because we really want them to be friends.

              I caught up with most of the washing, dried and ironed it (get me!). This afternoon I thought I'd sow some seeds and tidy up the greenhouse, but after about half an hour I felt exhausted so came in and had a nana nap. This is becoming a habit! OH was feeling the same, and we wondered if it was the Covid jabs we had on Saturday, plus a very busy few days.

              Gem - so glad things went well today. xx

              Lizzie - well done on looking out for your neighbour with her new e-bike. Thank goodness she saw the low frame was was better for her.
              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                Good morning. Looking a bit overcast this morning.

                Just been tidying all the flowers i had bought last week. Thats an hours job.

                Salad for dinner today. Last week i bought some Birds Eye fish nuggets.
                Not had them before. Thought they would make a change from breaded chicken or scampi.
                We shall see.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Good morning all.

                  Very jolly graphic today Nan2, it made me smile.

                  Well done to your son and OH Clover. I bet they feel good for the weight loss.

                  Great news about your GS's new job Plant.

                  Hopefully your friend's kitten will settle down Lizzie. I have had too many cats to count over my lifetime and I only remember one kitten, called William, who wreaked havoc. Kittens are generally so much easier than puppies!

                  You were busy Daisy, no wonder you needed a nap! As you say the jab may be making you tired too.

                  Not sad but admirable Sunshine! I doubt I will ever reach that standard though. I know my limitations.

                  The hospital outing with my mum yesterday went well. I will write about it somewhere else.
                  I won last night's quiz by miles! I think my wonderful skill at identifying cartoon birds in one of the rounds swung it for me

                  GS1 from school this afternoon. No other plans. OH at golf today. I will take the morning as it comes.

                  Happy Tuesday everyone.
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Good morning ladies ,

                    Nanto my motto is give it a try you never know you might like them , if you don't at least you tried

                    Gem glad it went well with Mum I did wonder if she would be ok going out after all this time ,
                    Well done you smarty pants winning the quiz

                    Daisy you must need the nap and why not when you have been busy you need to recharge xx

                    I have done my housework and ironed
                    Its raining quite heavy but we need it for the gardens and the birds are bathing in the puddles

                    Off to Ikea for them opening im down to my last pack of napkins

                    I also need to buy some dishes and cutlery for DD , one of her staff had to leave her abusive husband during the night with nothing ,
                    She is sleeping on a friends sofa but housing are getting her a place this week
                    All DD's staff are getting together and getting stuff so she will have what she needs

                    DD is coming tomorrow to raid my loft , I know i have table lamps pictures and ornaments up there she can have plus long curtains so anything that DD thinks she could use she can take .

                    My Brothers DD who had the bowel surgery had more surgery yesterday as she had a Hernia the size of a satsuma in her stoma causing pain , she has waited over a year for this surgery to repair it ,
                    All went to plan just took longer because of scar tissue so we were getting a bit worried yesterday when she was still in surgery after 4 hours ,
                    They have taken another 10 cm out and repaired everything , spoke to her this morning shes in pain but doing ok

                    She was waiting for breakfast as she was so hungry , thats a good sign

                    Hope everyone is ok today , I will pop back later xxx
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      Oma, poor lady with the abusive husband, good job she has friends to help and support her. That sounds very painful for your brother's DD, I hope she will be feeling more comfortable now.

                      Gemini, so pleased everything went well with the trip with your mother. Congratulations on winning the quiz

                      Sunshine, you can polish your halo, my garage could do with a sweep when you are in the area

                      I am planning to go to JL to take back some purchases, I might then go on to Waitrose, fridge is looking a bit bare.

                      Funeral went well, if you can say that about a very sad occasion, It was strange seeing my eldest two GS's in dark suits. GS1, GS2, Sil and his brother carried her coffin, she would have been proud of all her children and grandchildren.

                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        Good morning, Oma, how awful for that woman, I have been there so I know exactly what she is going through! I hope your niece soon recovers, will she have to stay very long in the hospital?

                        Plant, I am please the funeral went well, we get new rules tomorrow and I think that 100 people are allowed then.

                        It is our Kings birthday, usually massive celebrations but not today, the Dutch are very traditional!! With the Kings birthday they have to have orange vanilla slices by the coffee, all the bakers etc in the village have queue's for them!!!!

                        Daisy, the dogs seem to be getting to know each other, yes, I do hope the lady goes to the shop and chooses the lower frame, it annoys me, I know it is a sale for the man, but, he should see that the one she chose was not suitable.

                        Gem, pleased the trip went well, clever you winning the quiz!!

                        Last edited by Lizzie48; 27-04-2021, 08:42 AM.


                          Good morning all you early risers and those who come later.

                          Nanto - the mushroom house graphic put a smile on my face this morning. Very cheery. I've never tried fish nuggets, so I hope they are nice and tasty. It's good to have a change.

                          Gem - glad all went well with your mum, and big First Prize Rosette on winning the quiz. You never know when random knowledge will come in handy! From what I remember about DIL's kitten, she became a grown up cat much quicker than any of our dogs have grown out of all their puppy stages! I'm sure there's a reason for that, but I don't know what it is.

                          Oma - I do hope your brother's DD makes a speedy recovery from this latest surgery. I'm sure she will feel much better for it after everything has settled down again, but she's had a hard time, poor girl. It must be very hard to find the strength to get out of an abusive relationship, so very well done to your DD's colleague. I'm glad she's getting a new home, and I'm sure all the kindness people are showing her will help to rebuild her confidence as well as furnishing her new home.

                          Lizzie - I could cope with orange vanilla slices to celebrate a monarch's birthday. I'm sure lots of people will miss the tradition this year. I hope your neighbour listens to your good advice about her bike. She'll be so much safer on one that's the right size for her.

                          Plant - I know it seems odd, but it is comforting when a funeral goes to plan, and I'm sure your SIL's mum would have felt very proud of her sons and grandsons. I hope you get all your shopping done.

                          I've been and collected Cooper, and a warning light came on on my car. I think it's something to do with tyres - I've just had two new ones put on. Anyway OH has kindly taken it down to the local garage for me. Both dogs have had a play and are now sleeping it off. What a lovely life they lead. Apart from a load of towels to go in the wash I've got no plans for today. I might just have a day off!! I still feel quite tired.

                          My face looks like something off a butcher's slab! The cream is certainly doing its job - there are bright red sore patches all over my nose and onto my cheeks, plus the crater where the lumpy sun damage was removed. For once, I'd be happy to wear a mask, but it makes the crater bleed and the warmth irritates the raw meat bits! This is the 3rd week of the cream, so just over one more week to go, then hopefully it will start to heal. It's a good job my social life is still at zero.

                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            A few of the "orange" traditions.
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                            This gallery has 3 photos.


                              Lizzie - the cakes look delicious - definitely a good tradition! What vibrant colours the flowers are too - taking Orange to a whole new level. Beautiful.
                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                What a yummy tradition Lizzie!

                                Plant, a sad day but it sounds as though they did the lady proud.

                                Oma, if only we lived closer I could give DD a lot from my mum's house!

                                Your poor face Daisy, hopefully as you say healing will start soon x

                                I am now not collecting GS1, so have a unexpected free day!
                                He has some cold symptoms which we suspect may also be hayfever (he, his mummy and I all react to tree pollen, high at the moment) When DD rang school they wanted him to have a Covid test, which I think is fair enough as we don't want schools closing down again. He had his test this morning and we are certain it will be negative. So he's having a lazy morning with screens and an Easter egg, and will do homework this afternoon. He could come here of course but DD thinks best not just in case as we haven't had our second jabs yet.
                                Now I have a free afternoon I have no excuse not to do some housework!
                                I also need to apply to a new driving licence as mine runs out next month.
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

