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    Morning all
    Lizzie I do envoy you, a hair cut!
    I know hairdressers here aren't open at the moment but I have made an appointment with a mobile hairdresser for next month in anticipation that things will be up and running then.
    Where we are living now the hairdresser is quite some distance away (unlike where we used to live, it was just down to the road) so I found someone online. She seems to have a good reputation and I have see her car with her company name on the side so she seems ok, time will tell. My hair is bound to look better than the Boris/ Bob Geldof, just been pulled through a hedge backwards look that I am currently wearing!

    I love jacket potatoes, I like my with coleslaw but OH piles his with baked beans, yuck 🤮

    Gem I don't envoy you filling in a form for attendance allowance. It was a long form to fill in when I did it for my dad and that was over 10 years ago. Hope it isn't as bad as you may be dreading.

    Hope all our ladies are well
    Bring me sunshine in your smile.


      No hair appointment for us yet. OH arranges them as the hairdresser was hers long before we met. I have asked her but she says the hairdresser will contact us! If it were me I would be contacting her, but there you go. My hair isnt that bad to be honest, although cutting would do it good. I colour it myself and trim my own fringe so things haven't changed there. I have realised that using the hot brush more now my hair is longer makes it look a lot more presentable
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        I thought the country were forecast a good week, we have had rain overnight and it is very dull here. I have to go to Currys to pick up a CD player
        I have loads of CD's and I wanted to play one and found my new television was not compatible with my CD player and when my DS came with a card he said the CD, that I hadn't used for some time, was not working so I ordered another one. Fingers crossed it will work okay. Sil thinks I am mad buying a CD player but I have loads of CD's, not just music, films as well and want to play them in a convenient way for me through the television. I have exercise ones as well. Drawback is I will now have 3 controls, life was much simpler in the past.

        Oma, I hope your white cells will return to normal. Can't understand where you would have got a virus from.

        Gem, those forms take some filling in, will your mother get it back paid? I hope S manages to get the walk done.

        I love jacket potatoes Nanto, often had them at our favourite pub.
        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


          Oh dear Plant, 3 controls!! I do have a CD player but I am useless when it comes to working it! I sit on the table with the 3 controls and have to figure out how to work it all, I hardly use it though, when the GC where here they used to laugh at me trying to sort it all out. I have all my CD's on itunes, I use Spotify a lot as well so hardly play a CD! DS1 came a while ago with so many boxes full of his CD's, to store here, why I do not know. I told him if he had saved all the money they had spent on them he would be worth a fortune!!


            Hello, everyone. Somehow I didn't get round to dropping in this morning I was all over the place - I also forgot to fetch the milk in, very unusual for me! OH went out early to get two new tyres on my car. He had to sit in the car while it was being done! He was saying how muddy the roads are across the Forest - and looking at the car, I believe him!

            It's sunny but chilly here. I've used the sucky up thing all round the bedrooms and bathrooms, till it was exhausted and out of battery, poor thing. Also cleaned, bleached and Viakaled the kitchen sink, cleaned loos and generally tidied up a bit. I'm going to carry on putting phone numbers in our new landline phone - it's taking ages because I keep pressing the wrong key. It's not intuitive.

            I'll read early posts later, but hope everyone's ok.

            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Daisy, did you find out what is causing the water in your car??


                Daisy we have both been cleaning!
                The wet morning turned into sunny day! There are a few clouds about now but I would imagine OH will be back any time.
                I spent the morning doing housework, watching the episode of Unforgotten which I mostly slept through last night, and going for petrol. Off for GS1 in an hour or so.
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Good Afternoon Ladies,
                  To-day I must admit that I am feeling slightly better still suffering from back pain,in fact pain in most joints hoefully the telephone conversation with my Dr. tomorrow should shed some light on the problem you just watch I shall feel better tomorrow.

                  Lizzie,my DD and I where due to go away to Majorca also in June but that won't be happening as she has not even had her 1st injection yet as she is too young to be called for so no chance for us going I feel. I'm keeping my fingers crossed I can go to visit my pal in Glasgow in September staying 3nights BB& EM at a Hotel in the centre of Glasgow.

                  This Sunday 21st I am celebrating Mothers Day late I know but my DDs partner worked on the day and couldn't see his mum so he has invited us to his house to have a belated meal to celebrate,his parents have both had 2 x injections and he & DD get tested most days now via work so I feel safe going but will keep our distance.

                  I am managing to keep up with my housework I am doing jobs a wee bit at a time then resting for 1/2 hr before continuing it keeps me busy and stops me thinking of Friday 19th which would have been my 45th wedding anniversary such a tearful week.

                  My half hour break is up now off to do lounge floor and polish that dreaded glass table after Oliver left his fat paw marks all over it when he decided to sit in the sun.
                  Talk soon xx
                  Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                    Went to fetch my CD player, the shop was very close to GD1's flat so I thought I would call. It is a very large estate and it only has a few visitors parking spots. I had quite a walk to her flat and was off in the wrong direction but she spotted me. GD came back with me to find my car, it was quite a walk but we found it. GGD was as sweet as ever, she smiles so much. I realised when I got back that I hadn't had any lunch so a quick coffee and a banana filled the gap.

                    Enjoy your late Mothers Day Glamm. Pleased to hear you a feeling a bit better, don't let the doctor fob you off.

                    Daisy I am always all over the place first thing, I put fruit salad into my cup waiting for the kettle to boil.
                    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                      Not a bad morning. Yesterday started off lovely,then about later we had heavy rain.
                      After that cleared,it was a lovely sunny day. In fact in the afternoon we had our cuppa and biscuits in the garden.

                      Glamma,good to hear you are feeling a bit better.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Good morning, a bitter cold wind, I thought I would go for a bike ride, but, changed my mind. I have received a card from the neighbour, the funeral is on Friday.


                          Good morning Nan2, Lizzie and everyone.

                          Nan2 it was a lovely afternoon wasn't it? I heard on the radio it was the warmest day of the year. I went to collect GS with just a long cardigan on, no coat.
                          I'm glad there is some improvement Glamma.
                          At least there was a smiley baby at the end of your long walk Plant

                          A few things on the agenda for me today.
                          We need to drop something off for a friend so will have driveway chat with her.
                          OH needs to go for bloods in time for her twice yearly hospital appointment.
                          We will also go to mum's bungalow, to look for more warm tops, put her bin out and anything else which needs doing.

                          Yesterday I parked not far from where I used to live when collecting GS. We knocked on my ex next door neighbours door and had a five minute chat. He is still on the shielding list for this lockdown so we haven't seen each other this year, although we keep in touch by email. He was very happy to see us and meet GS for the first time

                          Have a good Wednesday all, and sending hugs to anyone in need of them xxx
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Good morning, everyone. It's sunny again, but not warm. A lovely cheery graphic, though, Nanto - thank you.

                            Gem - how lovely to finally see your ex-neighbour. A busy day for you today.

                            Plant - what can be better than a smiley baby! Enjoy your new CD player.

                            Glamm - I'm so pleased the back pain is easing off a bit. I hope you get some help when you talk to the doctor. It's a difficult week for you - birthdays and anniversaries must be very hard and I send you a big virtual hug for Friday.

                            Lizzie - we still don't know why my car is leaking. Autoglass are coming to check the windscreen tomorrow.

                            I've got lots of small jobs lined up today - including the Sainsbury's order for tomorrow and hopefully sorting out a pile of paperwork that's growing on my desk!

                            Take care one and all. xx
                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Have a Zoom meeting with my WI group, they have a speaker booked, I must make sure I am fit to be seen.

                              Gemini, how nice to see your old neighbour, I am sure they were pleased to see you. Hope you find your mums house all okay.

                              Sending hugs Glamm, not a week you look forward to, I hope you get some advice from the doctor.
                              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                                Good morning ladies , we have been to our little Morrisons ,
                                A few school kids in getting their stuff for lunch but not many , seemed odd seeing them in uniform again ,

                                TV unit coming lunch time still showing 12 week wait for other stuff though

                                Its a greyish day but not too cold so far ,

                                Plant what a lovely surprise for GD too having Granny call in and for you to see baby

                                Gem fingers crossed they can discover where the water is coming in ,

                                Gem I bet your old neighbour was thrilled to see you , he may not have seen anyone for ages

                                Nanto yesterday it was warmer in the garden than in the house I thought .

                                Lizzie to cold for a bike ride stay in the warm xx.

                                Glamm im sending virtual Hugs its a hard time for you xxxx
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

