Daisy, my friends daughter doesn't live locally. She is in touch but not much she can do, the other daughter does go and help, but, my friend has no contact with that daughter so it is a difficult situation.
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Oma, like your DD I had cysts in my breast which had to be drained. I was also told I had 'fatty tissue' in my breasts. I haven't had any problems for many years now, so hopefully DD will be the same. It is worrying though.
Just had blood taken, after three attempts!! Thank goodness they only wanted two tubes of the stuff. Talk about being on a go slow! This afternoon I get my Covid vaccination. No more needles today please.
There was a horrific accident on the main road the other day. A young mum walking with her baby was run into by a van which had collided with a car. The baby was killed and she's in a critical condition in hospital. You can't begin to imagine what the family must be going through. So very sad.
Sun has come out after a night of rain! Must go and get on with things or the day will be over before we know it. Enjoy whatever you're up to ladies xBelieve you can and you're halfway there.
Theodore Roosevelt.
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Wee Granny I read about that accident such a tragedy for the poor family.
So glad you feel a wee bit brighter Oma hopefully your DD will get through this quickly it must be so worrying for you as well for her.
Next week my 2nd son is 39 and I messaged him to call in and collect his present & cards from out side in my storage locker he messaged back and told me he & his wife where unable to call over as they have both tested positive and they have been so careful at work,full PPE etc he didn't want to tell me as he knows I would worry and he knew I was having a bad time with loosing Poppy and it being the anniversary time of Js funeral.
The weather here is so dark & grey drizzling rain constantly at least when we had the last lockdown we could sit in the garden or front porch and watch the world go by.
I could do with having another wardrobe clear out but with all the charity shops closed for the foreseeable future I have nowhere to store unwanted stuff I have managed to sell some bits and bobs on Facebook Market place and collected £48 for the dogs home that J supported so that will be a small help for them I am contemplating asking them to look for a small dog to be rehomed but they are not doing rehoming at the minute.
Try and enjoy the rest of the day ladies I am going to do a netflix search for a good series that I can get into as there is nothing of interest on the TV at the moment that catches my interest. xxKeep Calm,You're Fabulous
WeeGranny, what a terrible accident.
Oma,pleased you are feeling a bit better.
Just had a cuppa, but i missed my mouth and the tea went all down my top, even through to my bra.
So, i've had to get changed.
My bulb went today in the bottom oven, fortunately we had a spare in the box of bulbs.
Thats about the most exciting thing today.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
WeeGranny - what a dreadful accident. How does a family even start to cope with a tragedy like that. I hope the sun stayed with you and you got all your jobs done. Did your vaccination go ok! You've certainly seen enough needles for one day. xx
Glamm - it was kind of your DS2 to try and protect you from knowing they had tested positive. I do hope they're ok and don't get ill. I imagine the rescue centres are full to bursting point if they're not rehoming at the moment. Are they fostering out, I wonder? Did you find anything on Netflix? We sorted out my OH's wardrobe a couple of weeks ago because our village Pre-school group is trying to raise money for premises and part of their efforts are collecting clothes for Bag2School. The group get paid by weight, and are still operating. Maybe there's an organisation near you who use it.
Bag2School, Northallerton. 2,617 likes · 3 talking about this · 25 were here. We are a Free Fundraising Scheme, working in Partnership with Schools, Businesses, Groups, Local Councils and Charities...
Nanto - I hope that cup of tea wasn't too hot! You could have been badly scalded.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Good morning, Nanto and all who follow later. Thank goodness the tea wasn't hot! What a pretty graphic - a taste of summer.
It's wet here again today, and I think the forecast is for more and more rain.
No plans for me, today. We've got Cooper and I don't get much done when he's around, but it gives DS2 and family an easier day with home schooling. He likes to join in if he can!
I seem to have a lot of milk in the fridge so I'll have to make something to use it up - I hate wasting food and normally the milk works out ok, so I don't know how we've suddenly got so much."Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Good morning Nanto , its better weather here too , fine drizzle but not too cold .
Not much to do today so another long day ,
Plant how is GD doing xx
I was going to tell you something but my mind has gone blank and i cant remember what it was now hahaha ,
I will blame tired fog brain , im not very bright today am IIm not fat just 6ft too small
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Good morning ladies.
I have catching up to do here!
A busy GC day kept me away yesterday.
Nan2, I remember once tipping a cup of tea over myself like that! I was in my mid teens and in those day still took milk in my tea, so it wasn't as bad as it would be now. My parents weren't pleased though as we had gone to one of mums work friends for a visit. They had teenage boys so no clothes for me to borrow, so we went home for me to change! (it was my own fault. I was trying out drinking from a cup by balancing it on the saucer and not holding the cup)
Glamma, I will update the what are we watching thread on the TV section. I hope your DS and DIL are not badly affected.
WG, the accident with the young mother is tragic.
Oma, it must have been bitter sweet to see your brother's photo on TV. I'm glad you are feeling better.
Daisy we always freeze the milk we buy, and defrost it when a bottle is getting low.
Lizzie, how is your BIL now?
No plans here apart from a phone chat with DD3 this afternoon.
It's very wet on the ground with soggy gardens, but at least for now it is not raining.
Have a good day everyone.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Good morning, BIL had another panic attack but coped, he does seem to panic, he panics that the boys have to go through the same so soon after their mother, but, as my sister used to tell me, he has everything going!!!
You may remember Gem that DG2 got a cup of boiling water over her when she was a toddler, they had placed it on the kitchen top and she managed to reach it and it went over her stomach, they took her to the hospital straight away and she had to return a few times for it to be cared for.
I have just gone my exercises, today I have decided to take control of myself, yet again!!!! Those long, dismal days don't help. Never mind, I am not the only one.
I have bought a jacket, for next winter really, but, I saw it on the website, reduced by 60%, I kept looking and decided I didn't need it , then on Sunday I received a mail that there was an extra 20% reduction, just for the one day so I ordered it, it was delivered yesterday,I am so pleased with it, it is a vegan coat!!! No wool, child labour etc etc. I have told myself if I buy anything new something has to go so I have got a coat ready for the second hand place. I also ordered a blue denim jacket for the summer, handy and smart so ordered a black one yesterday. I have to treat myself sometime!!
It is very windy here but dry at the moment. It rained all day long yesterday.
Warfarin check today, not far to drive, apart from that no plans. Looks dark and miserable outside.
Lizzie I hope your Bil is feeling better. What an awful accident
What a dreadful accident WG, how are the family going to cope with that loss.
I must go and get ready to go out, will pop back later and see what you are all up to.
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare