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    Lovely day, I have been busy in the garden, SIL iS cutting the grass!
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      Aww Gem I sympathise with your back pain you take it easy lovely lady , xxxx

      Plant I bet you miss your shopping trips with GD but lovely that she still needs you and wants you to go with her ,
      Baby H must be a joy to see is GD ok now xx

      Lizzie i think we forget how these things come around so quickly , your right to cancel your insurance its dead money when your not using it .

      Daisy the Snow moon must have lingered ,
      I honestly don't think I have seen it so big and bright before , it looked very close ,
      It was Beautiful , wish I had tried to get a video or photo of it but I never thought last night .

      I forgot to tell you all about my dream last night ,
      I woke in such a temper ,

      I dreamt I came into the kitchen and B was standing over one of those little slim line clothes spinners we all had that danced around the floor when you were spinning wet clothes off ,
      It was all rusted and filthy ,
      I asked what he was doing , he said he had bought it and was going to put it where my fridge went in the kitchen then I could use it as i could do the washing in the sink and spin them off in this .

      I actually woke thinking it was true and I was so angry I almost punched poor B in my sleep

      Where that had come from I do not know but it took me a few minutes to realise it was a dream and calm down .

      I can understand how someone can murder a husband in his sleep now hahahaha

      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Oh that made me laugh Oma!! Poor B I'm glad you didn't actually punch him!
        Lovely to be out on a nice day Plant. Your visit to GD's sounds lovely.

        DD and GS1 came to see us again this afternoon
        DD is trying to get naturally physically inactive GS more active, so they are doing some weekend walks, combining play parks and a visit to us. He is tall, in age 11 trousers at 8, and has an enormous appetite so inclined to be heavy. I don't think he is fat, but he does need to be more active for various reasons.
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Plant, how lovely to be shopping with GD, and seeing baby H.

          Oma, that was a strange dream. Sometimes we dream such weird things.

          Daisy,i worry when i see hubby with a chainsaw and when he has the hedgetrimmer out.

          We have spent a couple of hours in the garde,so i have just been in the shower.
          The grass has had its first cut of the year. I didn't know hubby had bought a new mower, he had hidden it in the garage.
          He bought it on Friday morning while i was at in laws. Its a self propelled one,so easier to use than our other one.

          Gem, another lovely visit from DD and GS.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Wow Oma what a strange dream imagine your poor B explaining a black eye away to friends and family LOL.

            Yesterday I spent a large portion of the day in the garden clearing out all the tubs and hanging baskets ready for replanting when my order arrives from the stockist that I buy from,the had a flash sale offering free delivery for 48hrs so I got busy choosing what I wanted,just got to wait for them to arrive now.

            My youngest DGS had a nasty accident this afternoon a man let his dog off lead and the dog ran in front of DGSs bike he pulled up sharply and poor boy went straight over handle bars he was really shaken up and had injuries to his knee/chest/arm the handle bars went into his chest and winded him.
            To make matters worse the dogs owner left and never asked how my Luke was I am so cross about that.His mum called 111 to see if we could go to A&E bit they said not to go they sent out a crew to check him over at my house as I was nearest to where it had happened,he is now home with DD getting fussed over by DD and my DGD.

            Nan2 my dad had a fascination with lawn mowers considering he only had a garden the size of a postage stamp, he had when we emptied his shed after he died 5 lawn mowers all shapes and sizes all he needed was a ride on one and he would have had the whole set !!!

            Plant how lovely to go out with your GD and baby H a new bay brings such joy doesn't it, my little GGD has her 5th b'day next Thursday how the years have flown by it seems like yesterday I was informing everyone on here when she arrived such a lot has happened since then hasn't it.

            I'm off now to have my Sunday lunch a wee bit later than usual as I have been way layed with DGS and his injuries but hey-ho there's never a dull moment when you are a nanna is there. xx

            Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


              Glamma, what a nasty accident. Hope GS makes a speedy recovery.
              Shame on the dog owner.

              Hubby has told the nextdoor neighbour he can have our other mower for his brother.

              Gem, hope the back pain has eased off a bit.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                OH's chainsawing went to plan. Plant - he was just sawing up wood for a neighbour, although I think he did have a couple of pieces for turning!

                It would have been a good day to get out in the garden, but all the gardening tools are in the shed which is blocked by the scaffolding! Anyway, it was a good excuse for a lazy day. I varnished a couple of my paintings, OH groomed Eva in the garden - she looks lovely and shiny, but she's still moulting for England. I a read for a couple of hours - lovely - before getting dinner ready.

                Plant - how lovely that baby H is smiling. It was good for your and GD to have a bit of time together.

                Gem - I'm sure the warmth of the bath eased your poorly back, but do take care. Back pain is so horrible. When have you rebooked your canal trip for? It's difficult to get less active children doing exercise, but sensible of your DD to encourage GS1

                Oma - you do have some interesting dreams! So glad you realised before B got punched.

                Glamm - your poor GS. I've commented on your FB page about stupid dog owners who let their dogs loose on places like the prom where there are sure to be lots of distractions, and not to stop and make sure your GS was ok was inexcusable. Well done on getting all your pots and baskets ready for planting. It seems impossible that your GGD is 5 next week! Where did those years go! I bet she's excited about her birthday.

                Nanto - did your lawn looked all nice and spruce after its first cut? Is OH pleased with his shiny new mower?

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Good morning. It was very foggy earlier,but clearing a bit now.

                  Daisy,pleased the chainsawing went well.
                  Our grass looks a lot better now its had its first cut.
                  I don't do a lot in the garden,hubby does most of it, but i always do the grass.
                  Love the feeling of satisfaction when its done. Very pleased with the new mower.

                  Yesterday it felt like Spring had sprung.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Good Moaning.
                    Dull here, no sun forecast.
                    Daisy, OH has a chain saw, it fills me with horror when he uses it, which is not often . I don’t know whether that’s bad or good!
                    Nothing to report.
                    Have a productive day ladies.
                    Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                    Eleanor Roosevelt.


                      Good morning my dears, and welcome to March and St David's Day!

                      Frosty and foggy here, but not as foggy as yesterday morning, it has almost gone now.

                      Glamma your poor GS would have been very shaken by that. Thank goodness he wasn't too badly hurt and I hope he feels OK today.

                      Daisy I am relieved that your OH survived a chainsaw encounter!! We have moved the boat holiday to the beginning of October. September would have been preferable but the friends we are going with are swanning off to Crete for half of it!

                      We haven't cut our grass yet Nan2. Once it starts to need it we have front and back lawns at my mum's house to look after as well as our own, so no rush here

                      The only plan here is to go to B&Q for paint. We will call at my mum's house to put the recycling boxes back in the garage and check on things while we are out.
                      OH has painted my ex therapy room cream, over the lilac, and she feels it need another coat. The tin is empty however, so more must be bought! The plan is to buy more cream and once the second coat is done I am going to add some acrylic paint to the remainder to create a different (subtle) colour to paint the small amount of paintable walls in our bedroom.
                      Quiz night tonight.

                      Have a good day and week everyone.
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Glamm, I don't like dogs being let loose when I am out on the bike, I don't like those extending leads either, they certainly aren't in control of the dog! I do hope the GS is ok, it would be so scaring for him.

                        Colder and dull here this morning. I am running late, or lazy, not sure which comes first.


                          Morning ladies ,
                          Its very frosty and cold here ,
                          Washing on and housework done so not much else to do ,
                          I may give the bedrooms a damp dust ,they don't really need it but its something to do I suppose .

                          Gem we were talking about B&Q this morning we deciding what day would be best to go we decided on Wednesday morning ,
                          Don't need paint but B wants wood for something or other and I like to look around .

                          Lizzie if there isnt anything to rush for just take your time

                          Glamm let us know how GS is when you hear today please xx

                          Nanto the garden always looks better with the grass cut , thats why I like my plastic grass never needs cutting

                          Daisy how are they doing on the roof ? is there much to do ? xx
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Good St David's Day morning to you all. I hope you're all wearing your leek with pride today! Ok, a daffodil might be better.

                            OH has used a chainsaw a lot, and he's got full protective gear - boots, special trousers, gloves and jacket, face helmet etc - but he's usually working with other chainsaw regulars who also are safety conscious. Yesterday it was a neighbour who wears t-shirt and shorts in all weathers and doesn't even use a cycle helmet! Fortunately the neighbour was happy to take instructions and kept well out of the way of the saw!

                            Glamm - how is your GS today?

                            Gem - you are getting on with your decorating. I like the artistic touch of mixing your own colour. I hope everything is ok at your mum's. Is there any news on when you can see her yet? At least you have your boating holiday to look forward to - if 'look forward' is the right phrase. xx

                            Oma - enjoy your outing to B&Q. Do they still do the pensioners' discount - I think that was on a Wednesday?

                            They've started on the roof today. I'm typing this to the deafening noise of what sounds like a dentists' torture chamber where they are drilling out old cement. I think it will take 3 or 4 days. The roof itself is fine, it's the edges/verges where the cement has been flaking away for a time, and we want it done before water starts getting in. It's funny, but 4 other neighbours have now asked for the roofers to give them estimates for the same job! The houses were all built at the same time so I suppose they all fall apart at the same time as well!

                            Lizzie - I don't like extending leads for the same reason. It's ok if the dog has perfect recall and the owner is watchful, but if it decides to run suddenly you haven't got much control, but for a well-behaved dog I suppose it can give them a bit more freedom to stop and sniff etc.

                            Nanto - I bet your lawn smells wonderful after being cut.

                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Dull here but no rain, indoor jobs for me today. I have finished my latest knitting project, just need to sew it together. No excuse now not to finish the table runner.

                              Glamm, Ihope your GS isn't feeling too sore today.

                              Oma, should you be doing damp dusting the bedrooms? Take care of that back.

                              Daisy, have the builders finished next door?

                              GS is going to have a look at my computer, in the meantime I will be using my IPad. I think he might advise me to get a new computer. It is only GRus I am having a problem with, it very slowly let's me in but after I have made a post it cuts me off. I expect it is something I have done.
                              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                                Plant - have you now sorted out what to do with your table runner? I think you were close to binning it last time we discussed it?

                                It's probably something simple with your computer, so hopefully your GS can fix it. It sounds as though you have very little working memory available, but sadly, they don't last for ever. My OH couldn't believe the difference when he finally ditched his old computer and got a new laptop. He's got a separate screen, mouse and keyboard to use it on his desk which is great because he has then got two screens which makes things easier. And he can just unplug the laptop and use it elsewhere. Win, win!

                                The work is still going on next door, but most of the external work is now complete. They're working on bathrooms and the kitchen as well now it's weather-proof. I'm sure it will look wonderful when it's finished. Their original estimate was to move in by the end of this month.
                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

