Yes it is a sampler, it is mounted in an embroidery frame.
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Gosh that was a late post Nan2!
We had a lovely woodland walk in the sunshine this afternoon. We saw lots of frozen pools of water but most of the walking areas were fine.
After our walk we went to our friends C and P's house to drop off P's birthday card. We knocked and they were in so we stood on their drive and had a catch up. We haven't seen them since before lockdown, so it was nice to chat a while.
We came home and warmed up with a cuppa and The Crown.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Nanto - I thought our post was late enough - it's often about 2 pm.
Gem - what a lovely winter walk. It's lovely to see friends, isn't it, even if you do have to stand in the cold."Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Must have been the night for cramps,Daisy! I woke in agony with cramp in my calf last night! Sadly, my nurse isn't as attentive as yours and I was left to my own devices to sort it out! I hate the solid feeling that you're left with after an attack.
Has been a beautiful cold, sunny day here. I played with my new toy hoover today and was horrified at the amount of dust it picked up! Then I had to charge it up, so I couldn't do anymore!
Surgery rang asking if I would like a Covid vaccination. Booked in for Thursday at 2.50pm at the same place OH had his.
Off to bed now, hopefully no night disturbances tonight!! Sleep tight ladies xxBelieve you can and you're halfway there.
Theodore Roosevelt.
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Good morning Nanto, and all who drop in later. Nanto - the graphic is both cheerful and calming - very pretty. I do look forward to our daily delight on Chat - thank you. xx
WG - Ouch, poor you. I hope your leg was ok last night and you had a good sleep. You exhausted your new hoover! You're let off any hoovering duties now until it's recovered. What kind did you get? We'll have to replace our trusty Dyson plug in one soon and I really have no idea what's effective but light and can cope with mug, dog hair and general messiness on hard floors and carpets.
Our trees survive another day - the tree people aren't now coming till tomorrow, so Eva and Cooper are having a play date today. It's been frosty overnight, but its raining now. I hope the roads aren't icy.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Good morning ladies.
Nan2, be careful on the frosty pavements.
I hope your leg feels better today WG. I know too well the feeling of calf cramps in the night!
I hope the doggies have a lovely play date Daisy!
GS1 day today. I know many envy me having my GC each week and it is something which I truly appreciate and keeps a sense of 'normality' which was lacking in lockdown1. I have to say it is not always easy in the winter to amuse an 8 year old boy all day without letting him stay on screens the whole time! Added to which the home schooling lark is no walk in the park! I love having him, but just as sometimes people see having a new baby as all sugar and spice, the same can be said for GC care in a winter lockdown! I am happy to have him though and his parents really need time to work. I will report back what activities away from the screen we do today!
No other plans today, I think we are having a takeaway tonight.
Take care everyone.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Morning ladies , im a bit late had a dreadful night and I don't feel well this morning ,
Cant say what with , I just feel out of sorts and dizzy ,
Have just been washed and washed my hair usually im done well before now but really cant be bothered today .
I will pop back later when i feel more human xx
Im not fat just 6ft too small
Grey day here after lovely sunshine yesterday. We still have snow on the ground and it’s very cold. Log burner is already alight. We will go out soon with Bella. She was fascinated with the snow. Can’t believe she is 17 weeks today! She has grown a lot. I can’t imagine what this lockdown would have been without her.Grandmothers are just antique little girls - author unknown
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Oh Oma, so sorry to hear you are not feeling well, I hope after a rest you will be feeling better.
Snow still laying in the garden but I gather the main roads are okay but the track and our road are packed snow but you can drive on it. I am not planning on going anywhere today. Had a very nice M&S meal next door yesterday evening for SIL's birthday. Baby H was very good and slept whilst we were eating. Gemini, my DD feels very lucky having her GC on a Wednesday, the little one is easily amused and still has a sleep, the 3 year old would be happy watching television all day. I cooked with him last week, does your GS like cooking? Any ideas what I could cook with him this week?What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Plant, having the 11 year old and 4 year old on Thursdays is easy, but GS1 is a screen addict now! A good boy and no trouble at all, but it's hard to engage him in anything and I can't just leave him watching You Tube all day! He will occasionally cook, so that is an idea.
You could try simple biscuits this time Plant, or jam tarts.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Gemini, would your GS enjoy doing a scavenger hunt within the house. He could have a list of items, maybe 12 or even 20 ( depending on concentration levels). Items could be anything from a red Lego brick to an umbrella. You could challenge him to return them to their original places. Good luck!Always face the sunshine and the shadows fall behind you.
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