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    Good Afternoon Ladies,I have just caught up on the news over the past two days at long last.
    Lizzie I do hope your eyes improve nothing worse I think,Gems I hope your DDs hand is less painful poor girl I feel for her.
    Plant I bet you are just on pins waiting for this precious little baby to arrive I so envy you having a new little one in your family.
    I spent Christmas at DDs as you all know I was none stop from about 6.30am I also had to facture in doing a 3 course meal for Jim next door and time it for when I drove down to DDs it was quite a fete but I managed it OK .
    Yesterday I was just so worn out I could only read the forum I didn't have the energy to reply to threads.
    I spent most of the day thinking and remembering what has happened during this past year,some what tearful and sad but determined to put on a brave face for New Year.
    I was spoilt with gifts from friends and family my DDs chap sent me a beautiful bouquet and the biggest box of Butter Cream Shortbread you have ever seen I just didn't have the heart to tell him I am diabetic and can't eat them (such a shame) but what a lovely thought he is such a nice chap.
    I have made a turkey wellington for dinner tonight and will take some through for old Jim next door we will be all turkied out by the end of the week won't we.?
    Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


      Been out for walk with Oh, but the bitter wind meant we didn't go as far as we'd planned. Back in the warm now. There must have been a lot of rain in the night because there's an awful lot of water lying around. Even the ditches are full. Our garden couch had moved from the patio onto the grass during the night, but apart from that, no damage.

      Lizzie I hope you soon get some relief for your eyes. It's very early for tree pollen. My OH asked me to look at his eye this morning. Thought there was something in it, and there was. A tiny little fly was caught in his lashes. I had a wander down the garden earlier and the bulbs are a couple of inches above the ground already!

      Gem, hope DD's hand soon eases and it heals nicely.

      DD gave me some leftover turkey and ham, so I'm going to chop it up and mix it with rice and peppers and onions and anything else I can find for tonight's dinner. There's also some left over Chrissie pud for OH. I'm not keen, so I'll have a bit of my homemade Yule Log. OH said it was one of the best puddings he's had. DD got it from Lidl.
      Gearing up for the plumber to come in on Tuesday to bring our cloakroom in to the 21st Century. Looking forward to getting rid of the old stuff!
      Think next week will be a relatively quiet one now we're in Tier 4.
      Believe you can and you're halfway there.
      Theodore Roosevelt.


        How do.
        Sufacing here. Not been at my best over Christmas, I have had a very uncomfortable gut. It could have been the sweets as I rarely eat them! It’s a really good job we were on our own! We actually enjoyed our quiet, pressure free Christmas.
        I have watched so much TV. Lots of good films.
        DD1’s birthday tomorrow. DD2 and all are doing a flying visit to deliver and collect gifts. It will be good to see them even though we FaceTime every day.
        Have a good evening each.
        Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
        Eleanor Roosevelt.


          This is Atlas, (he of the broken ankles) for Oma. 😁
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          Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
          Eleanor Roosevelt.


            Oh he is lovely , so glad you had him mended and not thrown away
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              He is very splendid Grauntie
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                Plant - it's nice to know that your GD1 won't have to wait beyond her due date for her baby. The doctor must think that the baby is a good size and true to dates.

                Lizzie - what a good job you noticed the olive tree pirouetting round your balcony. The consequences of it going through or over the railings don't stand thinking about.

                Oma - we had a long succession of toasters that drove OH mad. He complained they never toasted both sides equally. To me this is a classic first world problem and I really don't care if one side is browner than the other. In the end we got a Dualit one. It think we've bought cars for less money, but OH is happy with it. The bane of my life is kettles. They don't seem to last 5 minutes, and I can see we'll end up with a Dualit kettle as well!

                Glamm - I haven't done a fraction of what you've done over Christmas and I'm fit for nothing! You've done so well getting through this Christmas

                We got back from delivering Christmas and birthday presents this afternoon, and I sat down with a lovely book on acrylic painting techniques DS2 and Co had given me, and I could feel my eyes closing. So I reclined the chair back ready for a nana nap, but Eva decided I needed a cuddle more!! It was a very nice cuddle, but I'm still shattered.

                WeeGranny - it's cold here, too, and plenty of flooding on the road out of the village. Fortunately there wasn't too much traffic about. How exciting, having a new cloakroom. I hope the job doesn't take too long and you don't have any holdups.

                Grauntie - I'm sorry you haven't been yourself over Christmas, but it must have been quite nice to know you had no commitments and could be poorly in peace. I hope your DD1 has a lovely birthday. It's my God daughter's birthday tomorrow as well. Atlas needs good legs - he's got a big responsibility! It looks lovely, actually. If you ever need to rehome him ....

                I'm going to do some sort of stir fry for dinner tonight. The shopping doesn't come until Thursday, and the fridge is nearly empty. We've got plenty of things in the freezer, but "somebody" forgot to get anything out to defrost, so a stir fry it is!

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


        's my DS's birthday tomorrow too. Think we expectant Mum's must have waited to get Christmas over and done with before we went into labour! Hope she has a good day!
                  Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                  Theodore Roosevelt.


                    WeeGranny - it must have been a good date for giving birth. Certainly both my DIL2 (her DD's birthday is today) and my SIL, mother to my God daughter, were both determined not to be done out of their Christmas dinners.

                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Good morning everyone.
                      I hope all are well.

                      I'm sorry to hear you haven't felt too well Grauntie.
                      How are your eyes today Lizzie?

                      It was lovely to see DD and GS1 yesterday. We had fun playing a board game called Race Around The World. A bit more like limp around the world in our cases. Geography isn't a strong point for any of us, and GS is only 8
                      DD is hoping when her dressing is changed it may be for a smaller one enabling her to drive again.
                      DD3 and SIL are coming for a conservatory visit today I think. We will boost the heating up!
                      Quiz night tonight. I offered to set it and have done nothing yet, so I have 3 rounds to sort out before 8 pm!

                      Have a good day ladies.
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Good morning, Gem, my eyes are still sore but not as bad as they were yesterday, I keep rinsing them and it helps.


                          Good morning. Looks a bit miserable outside.
                          Plenty of things for me to do. Just tidied 1 freezer,after coffee i will do the other one.
                          Then ironing to be done.

                          Gem, good to hear you had a lovely day yesterday, and looks like you are sorted for today.
                          Hope DD is healing well.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Morning ladies , it was very cold during the night ,
                            I don't normally put the heating on if im up during the night as the room stays warm with the doors shut but it was flipping freezing ,
                            I put heating on and put a blanket around me till it warmed up ,

                            I have done my ironing and cleaned the bedrooms , to be fair they really only needed a dust and the lights dusting ,
                            Had a nice hot shower then cleaned wet room
                            Nothing much to do today , we have some Salmon and cod out so having fish pie for tea , beyond that nothing else planned

                            Lizzie good to hear your eyes are not as sore today ,

                            Gem get moving with those questions

                            How are we all ladies ? I will pop back later and check xxx

                            Nanto our posts crossed seems we had same idea with the ironing
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Good morning, ladies. It's chilly here and it must have rained again in the night - everywhere is very wet.

                              Gem - another busy day for you. I hope your DD's hand is less painful.

                              Lizzie - you must be relieved your eyes aren't so troublesome.

                              Oma - it sounds as though you didn't have much sleep lat night, and you've already been a busy bee. Take it easy.

                              Our washing basket is overflowing so I think I'd better get a couple of loads done today.

                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                Good Morning ladies,Its bitterly cold here its to be expected with me right near the River but the wind has dropped and there is no damage to the garden this time last time the wind was really bad and I had to re-stand all the potted conifers which line the side of the shed.
                                Yesterday was DGS4s birthday he was 23 but he is laid up in his house with man flu poor boy,but he was well enough to get through a 2 x course meal I dropped off at his house,then on Thursday it is DGS2S birthday he will be 29 I remember the day well !! there had been 2 x false alarms over xmas so back and forth through The Mersey Tunnel to the hospital (dd was living in L'pool at the time)its a wonder I never got clocked for speeding he eventually arrived at 11.55am on New Years Eve he is the daddy to my 2 x GGCs and a fantastic daddy very interactive with the little ones.
                                I am also attacking the ironing today and have already changed the bed this morning put out fresh towels in the wet room and all in the washing machine just now.This afternoon I may take Poppy for a walk that's if I get her to wake up from her comfy bed she is snooring like a train at the minute along with Oliver who is cuddled in next to her they must be feeling the cold if they pop outside I've never seen Pops have a wee so quickly and run back indoors.
                                Take care everyone and have a good day.xxxglamma
                                Keep Calm,You're Fabulous

