Just got back from Aqua, GS1 had messaged me to say could he come around with the children, of course I said yes.
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Grandma Chat Space
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I'm sure you enjoyed seeing the children Plant.
It was a lovely day wasn't it Nan2? OH was playing golf and it was a perfect day.
GS enjoyed his cake. He took some home, and I saved some for his cousins when they come on Friday.
OH has a Zoom commitee meeting this evening. I will look for something to watch on TV as she will have the laptop.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Just heard my SIL Clare's grandad who is in Hospital with Covid isnt expected to make the night
she said its breaking their hearts waiting for the phone call ,
Her Mam is a Air Ambulance Paramedic but she's working on the Covid ward of our local Hospital , she said its worse knowing what he will be going through , so sadIm not fat just 6ft too small
Good morning, I just heard that on the news Nanto. We are on semi lockdown and I read that they want schools to close for at least a month as they are the spreaders at the moment.
It is pouring down so I have decided to make a start on the childrens photo albums, I have the photo's sorted, ordered the albums, now I have to work out how I am going to do it all.
On the positive side , I have sold a Furby and someone is coming later for a barking dog. Those are the toys that GD2 brought that I didn't think would sell. GD2 will be pleased, they are decorating her bedroom and she has seen cushions she likes and she wants to buy them herself.
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Good morning Nan2, Lizzie, and ladies passing by.
I heard that too Nan2.
Sorting photos is good wet day activity Lizzie. Furbys! That takes me back.
A wet morning here, and grey.
This afternoon is the first Zoom meeting for the library Friends group, and our first meeting since our AGM in February. As secretary I will of course be writing and Zooming!
I hope everyone has a good day. Thinking of Daisy and family.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Good morning ladies , a grey miserable day again ,
Lizzie your GD is learning the value of money and buying stuff good on her at least she's thinking about it and not expecting her parents to buy everything .
Nanto we expecting GS1s school closing they had to send what they class as a small group of children home yesterday (100) not a small group i would say, as one of the childs parents tested positive and they still sent her to school
Our restrictions are getting tougher .
Havent heard anything about SIL's grandad today I hope no news is good news but he's 84 so doesnt seem good .
B has Dentist at 10 i have ironed and done a general flick around not much else to do
I will pop by later see how everyone is xx
Im not fat just 6ft too small
Gem, the lady that came for the Furby told me her GD had one and loved it, but, the cat got it!! Gem, I have cancelled my library card in Delft, we pay for them here by the way. I am going to join the one in the village again, handier at the moment.
Oma, yes, she is determined to buy the cushions herself from the money she gets from her toys. Stupid to send someone to school when there is someone in the home with Covid.
I just phoned my sister and BIL answered, he said she isn't as good as she makes out to be, I gather that by just hearing her voice, he said she is swelling up and can hardly walk, she has to go to the hospital this afternoon for the biopsy. Oh dear, worrying times!
Good morning ladies another wet grey day here in Manchester. We go into tier 3 from midnight tomorrow. So no mixing at all for us. We can still help with the girls as we are part of a support bubble but that’s all. Oh well we must get through this and hope for light coming soon. Hope everyone is well and I am thinking of Daisy and her family. Tough times indeed. Oma sorry for your sad news. 💐
Oma, perhaps no news is good news. What idiots some people are and selfish, having to shut the school because one person behaves badly.
Lizzie, I have great admiration for your GD, she has the right idea.
Fairyqueen, I hope things improve for your area. We are keeping our fingers crossed her, we are so close to London.
I had a lovely time yesterday with the GGC, I had all the cuddles because GM and GP are away. GS1 is having to take the full load this week as his OH, a teacher, is having to do parents evening on line. Can't imagine what she would be able to tell them as they have not long gone back to school. I gave him a crumble from the freezer and some home made biscuits to take home. I am planning to make them a cottage pie and a chicken pie to stick in their freezer. I also managed to get some lovely pics of the children to send to Dil.
Will pop back later, not dressed yet. I do need to get a move on.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Lizzie, it must be a worry about your sister.
Oma, there was a child in GS1's school (not his class) tested positive last week, and a few cases in some York schools. The bubble system seems to work in that just that group have to isolate.
Plant, how lovely to spend time with the GCCMy GC's schools have sent letters home instead of parent teacher meetings.
FQ, thank goodness for childcare bubbles. It makes the lockdowns more bearable.
OH wants to make a stew tonight so has gone out to buy meat. I have asked her to look for a pumpkin too, I don't want to trust that to the supermarket delivery.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown