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    Nan2, I'm sure they will enjoy Sunday dinner with you.
    Lovely to catch up with friends Enfys, even if it is cold! Good news about the BP.

    I have just got notification of a Zoom meeting regarding my sister. Today was mentioned on the phone the other day, but they didn't get back to confirm. It's at 11 so I won't use the room we usually use for Zooms as it is right next door to where DD is sleeping.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Enfys, your walking will help with your BP, how do you listen to your audible books when out walking? Enjoy your visit to your friend.

      Daisy, I am not very inventive with cooking meals, I need a recipe if I am going off piste. I am sure your DS and Dil were pleased to get back to work in their shop. I managed at last to watch the programme about The Pig Restaurant, amazing place.

      Gemini, sorry to hear you are still having a problem with your teeth. I bet you are looking forward to seeing your hairdresser, I wanted to give mine a hug.

      Nanto, Lovely coffee smell coming from your post. How lovely to have a visit from your GD and boyfriend to look forward to.

      GD1 delivered our invites to the wedding in July (I do hope so) but I was disappointed she didn't have H with her, she was with her other GM.

      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Good morning, Enfys, I am pleased your BP is now lower, enjoy your walks, that is what I need to start up again.

        Gem, try and get that tooth seen to, it is a long time for your cheek to be swollen.

        I have been busy with indoor plants, they grow too fast!!!! I had a gift voucher for the garden centre so made an appointment at 9am and went and got a new pot etc, what a price they are!!!! I have got them all sorted and moved around now, I hope to have a ride this afternoon, not as cold as it has been.

        Daisy, you will be tired out after having the children for a few days.

        Oma, you sound like a teenager with your spot!! I am pleased you got to the hairdressers though.
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          Morning ladies ,
          Been to MIL's its her Birthday tomorrow so went with her card and flowers , she was in quite a good mood for a change .
          Its lovely in the sun but its very cold in the shade , in fact its warmer outside than it is in the house I have my heating on .

          Gem try get a quicker appointment even if its just to check everything is ok and not still a infection xx

          Lizzie what a lovely plant what is it ?

          Daisy why did you choose a early delivery ? you will know better next one

          Plant what a shame she didnt have H with her , how are they doing in their new flat are they settled now ?

          Nanto how nice to have them coming for lunch I bet they looking forward to your lovely cooking

          Enfys you are in demand arnt you enjoy your meet ups xxx

          Did my Housework during the night and cleaned all my windows inside before we went to MIL's so only have my floors to wash then the day is mine .

          Have a good day ladies xxx
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Oma, it is a ,crassula horntree. I have cuttings if you need one!!!! I was planning on doing the windows inside but did the plants instead.


              Good Morning everyone, I have been missing for a couple of days but can report that 3 x doors have been painted with great success according to my DD I am finding it hard to bend down to do the skirting boards so will supervise GS no 5 to do it on Sunday,no painting today as my GD is due a visit and we are going to start potting the seeded potato's which have been in the dark for a few weeks.
              This painting & decorating has got me enthused to change my bedroom I am taking up the carpet and having it done in light grey wood the chap is coming on Tuesday to measure it for me he said his men will move the furniture for me so all change in the glamma household after a lot of decision making.

              All the flower plugs have been planted and covered with bubble wrap for a few weeks to keep the night frost at bay hopefully they will all survive, Daisy should I move them into the shed overnight and bring out into sunlight every morning ?

              I do enjoy a pot roast mid week served with duchess potato's I also enjoy a breast of lamb rolled and add rosemary garnish/cloves and touch of garlic with carrots & red onion put into the oven and forgotten for a few hours yummy.

              My hair appointment is not until mid June as she is so booked up and I want a particular stylist to do it,luckily enough I am not having anything more than an all over trim so the untidy ends I have at present can be hidden now as I put it up on top and just cope with the untidy fringe best I can,there is no way I am trimming it myself after the last time when it looked like it had been cut with a knife & fork.

              I have had no reaction to my second injection at all its good news that all over 50's can now book appointments we shall soon get there .

              Off now my little one has arrived we are off to water the garden and fill up the bird table with peanuts and wild bird food.
              Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                Enfys - my goodness, all this socialising. But it's lovely, isn't it. I don't think this cold weather encourages walking - it takes more effort to don enough layers to stay warm, and we have had some very dull days down here just lately. It will be better when the weather warms up a bit, but well done on getting your BP down to a point where the doctor is happy with it. xx

                Plant - yes, DS2 and DIL are so pleased to be back at work, and so far, keeping busy. I'm glad you enjoyed the programme. That might be somewhere to visit when you next visit the Forest. I remember the chef telling me about how he likes to use seasonal and foraged ingredients - he was lovely and so enthusiastic.

                Lizzie - that plant looks beautiful - very striking and different.

                Glamm - I'd be tempted to be on the safe side and pop your seedlings into the shed at night, still covered up, but let them have as much daylight as you can during the day without the covers on. Hopefully the frosty nights will soon warm up, but it only takes one really cold night to kill them. You've put a lot of work into them, so I'd keep the as safe as possible.

                You've done so well with painting your doors, but skirting boards are a job for your GS! We've got wood effect flooring in our bedroom and bedside rugs and I really like it - it looks cool and fresh and is easier to clean. The only down side I can think of if you're a light sleeper and Ollie wanders round your bedroom at night is that you might hear his claws clicking on the floor. Well done on no reaction to your second injection.

                Nanto - what are you going to cook for lunch on Sunday?

                Oma - I chose an early delivery because I didn't know what else we might want to do during the day!! With our whirlwind social life the diary soon fills up! (The real reason is because I'm a nutcase. )

                Gem - I hope your zoom meeting about your sister went well.

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  GD came today with H this time, she is still smiling, such a good baby so far. They are very happy in their flat Oma. I was supposed to go to outdoor bowls this afternoon but every time I poked my nose out it was such a cold wind. My cold is just about better but I didn't want to risk it. Made celery soup instead.

                  Glamm, well done for getting all that painting done. Once you start decorating it snow balls. I haven't had breast of lamb or neck of lamb since my OH died.

                  Would love to make a visit to the New Forest Daisy, it is a long time since I was last there last.
                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    Enfys,you social gaddabout. pleased the blood pressure has come down.

                    Oma,good to hear MIL was in a good mood.

                    Daisy, i'm going to do a roast on Sunday,probably beef.

                    Hairdresser been today,so i feel a bit tidier now.

                    Went on the Damart site today.
                    Ordered a skirt,2 cardigans and 2 tops.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Good morning. Frosty but sunny again.

                      DS2 and his partner visiting this morning,about 11.30ish.
                      Will have to make sure i'm back from in laws.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Good morning Nanto and all who call in later. Thank you for the pretty and cheery graphic - we have had yet another frosty night.

                        I hope your in-laws are ok and you get back in time to see DS2 and his partner.

                        See you later.

                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Good morning, it doesn't happen very often but I was so annoyed this morning. Do you remember me buying household steps?I have been having problems, 2 steps later still the same problem, I even got in touch with the factory for a solution and got it, they can only supply them through the seller, I got in touch with them and told what they had to order, instead of sending the part they sent new steps, with the same problem. I phoned 2 weeks ago and the lady told me to wait with returning them until I heard from them, didn't hear anything, today, DS2 gets a mail asking why he hasn't returned the steps. I was so annoyed, at last I got someone on the phone with knowledge, when he managed to calm me down he promised to sort it out and phone me back today, and, I haven't to use the steps in case I fall!!!!!!
                          We have a TV program here that deals with such problems and I said I would go to them, I wouldn't but he didn't know that.

                          At the end of the call he said he was pleased I had calmed down!!!

                          Now the plans of doing the windows have been put on hold, I am even late with my shower.


                            Good morning everyone.
                            A sunny one here, but I presume it is cold!

                            IIt sounds as though several of us have much tidier hair now.
                            t must be lovely to see the baby Plant.
                            Well done with your newly acquired decorating skills Glamma! Your J would be proud of you.
                            Good news about the BP Enfys.

                            GD and GS2 pick up from school, visit to my mum first. With travelling and the half hour wait for the covid test it takes up all afternoon, even though the visit is only half an hour!

                            I hope all goes well for everyone today.
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Good morning ladies ,
                              Its lovely and bright but ever so cold ,
                              We have been to Aldi and I am pleased I put my big coat on ,

                              Gem hope Mum is good today , its a faff on with the test but better to be safe xxx

                              Nanto nice to have visitors isnt it

                              Daisy what are your plans today ?
                              How is DS doing on the trial drug ?

                              Lizzie I hope you get your phone call and they not just fobbing you off , its so annoying isnt it ,
                              I once bought a Kettle from Habitat , the lid wouldn't close so I sent it back ,
                              They sent me a new one and when it arrived it was the same kettle in a new box , how I knew was I had stuck a little round sticker on the bottom with my initials on to test as I had heard that it had happened to someone else .

                              I wont tell you what I said in my email .
                              I left them a bad review they emailed and asked me to take it off and they would send me a £5 voucher to use on another of their products , the cheek , safe to say I declined the offer

                              Plant how is your cold today ?

                              Just fresh bedding for me to iron today ready for going on tomorrow ,
                              B washed the floors last night and I hoovered through so not a lot left to do .

                              Have a good day ladies xxx
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Forgot to add GS1 was offered a football contract with a Academy last night but their education programme doesn't include Music and that's his passion so he wont be accepting it
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

