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    Thanks ladies for the good wishes regarding my sciatica problem last time I had it the pain lingered for about 3 weeks,last night was not too bad I took zapain before I went to bed and it seemed to ease the pain for a few hours not waking until 4.30am to the I made a nice cup of hot chocolate and watched some Australian programme about Motorway Police

    Daisy did you see my question about stopping squirrels digging up my fushia's ?
    Also do you know if surfina's can be taken out of a pot and repotted into a hanging basket,I didn't know what plant they where when I first potted them from the grower and they are trailing surfina's which will look good in my baskets so just need to know is it too late to re-pot them ?
    Green fingers I will never have I'm afraid.

    Awful news about holiday makers in Portugal I feelso sorry for them but I think they took the chance far too soon,a lady in the nail salon I go to last week paid over £2.5k for 10days all inclusive for her and another couple they flew out last Wednesday so she will have to either get a flight home before Tuesday or isolate when they get back what a shame .
    Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


      Glamm - I'm glad you're feeling a bit better. Sorry, I meant to reply to your squirrel query this morning and then got distracted. I honestly don't know what to suggest. I guess squirrels will dig to find food, so either there is something tasty in the pots or they think there is. Other than a physical barrier over the posts, I don't know how you can stop them. Perhaps Plant will know. I should think your can move the surfinas - keep as much of the original compost/soil round the roots as you can and then keep them well-watered for a week or so to give them chance to rehabilitate.

      When I saw the news about Portugal I thought about Avo - I hope it doesn't spoil any plans she has made.

      Gem - I'm sorry you didn't make it to the coast, but I don't blame you not wanting to sit in all that traffic. I try not to venture anywhere during school holidays round here. The world and their family descend on the Forest and the roads are busy, the village is packed - and I don't blame people wanting to come here, but eventually it will be self-defeating. The quiet, peaceful places lose their special qualities. DS1 and family came down on Bank Holiday Sunday for my birthday and the 1hr 5 mins journey took over two hours because of the volumes of traffic.

      Lizzie - let's hope the urologist can stop you getting such frequent attacks - it's very debilitating.

      Plant - I do hope everything goes well for the Hen Do tomorrow - I think the forecast is good, so fingers crossed for that. Did you get the plants you wanted? Perhaps lighter bowls is the way to go. I agree with Lizzie - my hands are nowhere near as strong as they used to be!

      We've had a productive day today. I did one load of washing - towels, did the Sainsbury's order for tomorrow morning and then carried on with the gardening. OH has worked really hard on it too - it's not his favourite thing, but even he is pleased with the what he's achieved. I wonder if it will give him the gardening bug? Fingers crossed. We sat on the bench this evening admiring our handiwork and enjoying a glass of wine!

      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Feels very warm already.

        Gem, i wouldn't have wanted to sit in all that traffic.

        Lizzie, hope the urologist can get you sorted.

        We are going to Pontefract today,shopping.
        They have some lovely cafes,so first stop will be going for coffee.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Good Saturday morning Nanto and all who drop in later. It's nice and sunny here, and should stay that way all day.

          Nanto - enjoy your shopping, and your coffee stops.

          It's all go here today. Sainsburys and The Dogs Butcher have already delivered - I've just got to go and cram the dog food into the freezer. We've got some friends coming round this afternoon for a barbecue. We're trying to make the most of the good weather, but I need to get some stuff organised so it's a good job we were up so early.

          I hope everyone is ok - enjoy your Saturday. xx

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Daisy, I am going to attack the plants this morning, just a few to pot up, I will leave it to DD and GD2 to arrange them once Sil gets the awning up over the terrace, the weather prevented him doing it yesterday. They are having tea party food delivered from Waitrose today, the Prosecco is cooling. DD is going down to GD1’s flat to amuse her until just after 2pm. I am sure she must be suspecting something is going on.

            Pleased to hear Glam that you got some sleep, take care. Usually when squirrels dig it is to plant acorns etc. Like Daisy, I am sure you can replant Surfinus.

            Trip to Pontefract Nanto, don’t forget the liquorice, my OH loved it.

            Gemini, Shame about the trip to the coast, no pleasure sitting in as traffic jam.

            Must go and get dressed, will pop back later, Harry Potter here I come!
            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              Good morning ladies.

              Yes you are up early Daisy!
              I hope you have a nice time in Pontefract Nan2, I don't think I have been there.
              Glamma, I suffer on and off with sciatica and it is painful. I'm glad yours is improved. It is shame about people who have booked to go to Portugal. We would love to have gone away this summer, but daren't take the risk with all the uncertainty.
              I hope everything goes smoothly there today Plant.

              GS2 is coming for a sleepover tonight. He will be here this afternoon. His sister will be at DD3's so as it is SIL's birthday tomorrow, they can have night out if GS comes to us!
              We are going to my mums house this morning to prepare some furniture ready for the British Heart Foundation to (hopefully) take on Monday. Also to give the freezer which lives in mum's garage a spruce up, as I now have buyer for that, who is collecting tomorrow.

              Lovely weather again! Enjoy the day everyone.
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Good morning ladies ,
                Up with the larks this morning so i got my bucket out and cleaned all downstairs watered the plants before the sun came up ,
                We then went to Lidl for fresh bread and B&M for wasp spray ,
                next door has a nest in the porch roof AGAIN and I don't want them in my doorway
                I think she is in Hospital again as haven't seen her for over a week and her parents haven't been .

                We were going to Paint over that horrible Pink wall today in our Bedroom but its too hot already so leave it another day ,
                I can live with it knowing its going

                Gem im sure the BHF will turn up they good at keeping appointments ,
                Shame about not getting to the coast wasn't it , always another day xx

                Plant all go at your end today , I hope its a lovely day for her xx

                Daisy how nice to be able to have friends round it seems so long since we all could just relax with people , enjoy xx

                Nanto Yes first must be a nice coffee and have some cake as a treat . have a lovely day buy something nice

                DD came yesterday to pick Storm up and we were chatting about the shop I bought the Hare and Highland cattle from ,
                She said there was a stags head she wanted out of there , I wish she had mentioned it before we could have bought it for her Birthday on Monday

                So we have decided to give her the money to buy it either when they have a trip out or order it on line ,
                we have been struggling to think of some thing for her this would have been ideal .
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  After a day of torrential rain yesterday, the sun is shining!!

                  Glamma....have you tried putting chicken wire over the top of your pots? Plants can grow through it, but the squirrels have a problem getting to them.

                  Did a physical shop at Sainsbury's yesterday! Was kn******* last night!

                  Done a boxercize class this morning and now off to get ready to go to DD's. Swimsuit at the ready!

                  Hope everyone has a good Saturday especially those feeling a bit under the weather. Plant , I'll listen for the laughter coming from your direction this afternoon and raise a glass to to the lovely bride from the hot tub !

                  Enjoy whatever you're all up to xx
                  Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                  Theodore Roosevelt.


                    WeeGranny thanks for that idea about chicken wire its sods law isn't it I through out a roll of it when I cleared the shed a week or so ago,I'll buy a small roll tomorrow and give it a try,thanks Daisy & Plant for the help on the surfina's I am going to replant them this afternoon into basketsthey look as though they may a nice deep purple colour.

                    The back seems to have eased slightly its still uncomfortable though I am just taking everything very slowly then sitting and having a rest before doing something else.

                    Enjoy the day ladies and Plant have a lovely time with your family xx
                    Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                      Oma, I have no doubt that BHF will turn up on Monday. What I am doubtful about is whether they will take them as they are quite fussy. They say they will let us know once they see them!
                      Keep taking it slowly Glamma.
                      How is the cystitis today Lizzie?
                      I hope you're having a lovely weekend WG.
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Gem, the medicine is working, yet again, I have been out no the bike with GD1, I always enjoy that!


                          Yes Gem they wont take the likes of Sofas if they don't have the fire safety tags on ,
                          When they came for MIL's she had removed the tags but kept them in a drawer so we just tied them back on before they came .

                          Lizzie although the medication is working you still need to get it sorted , you cant go on like that ,
                          Its so un comfy , Good you could still enjoy your bike ride xx

                          Glamm its always the same you get rid of something then you find a need for it

                          WG it is draining when you havent been shopping for a while , enjoy your time with DD today xxx
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Well we both enjoyed our day in Pontefract.
                            Didn't go for anything in particular,we go because we love it there.
                            Hubby bought some more solar lamps for the garden.
                            Plant,hubby bought 3 bags of liquorice, including some Pontefract cakes.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Nanto - that's the best reason for going somewhere - just because you love it.

                              Oma - what a pity you did't know about your DD wanting a stag's head when you were at the shop. Still, it will be a lovely surprise for her birthday.

                              Lizzie - I'm glad you're feeling better, but do hope they can sort it our for you. Are you able to chat as you cycle with your GD or do you have to cycle in single file?

                              WeeGranny - it's amazing how tiring the things are that we totally took for granted pre-lockdowns. But a little break at your DD's will set you up nicely. I hope you've had the same good weather as us today, and feel more relaxed after plenty fo time in the hot tub.

                              Also Plant - I hope the sun shone for your GD1's Hen Do. How did it go?

                              Gem - I'm sure you are enjoying GS2's sleepover as much as he is. This isn't the first time he's stayed without GD is it?

                              We've had a busy but lovely day. The weather has been prefect - warm but a slight breeze. They say practice makes perfect, and OH's barbecue skills are definitely improving! We had a lovely relaxed afternoon with 3 friends. They left about 7 and everything was cleared up, washed, dried and put away by 7.30. I did a bit of watering in the garden and then tried to sit and read for a while, but I'm too tired even for that. I definitely can't party will all hours these days!

                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                Good morning, my cystitis is clearing with the medicine, I will phone the hospital this week for an appointment.

                                Daisy, GD1 and myself usually do cycle paths so chat away as we cycle, there was one small road yesterday, near my veg man, a huge lorry came up behind us and we had to stop and get on the verge to let him pass. There was a terrible accident in the centre of Leiden yesterday, a young family were cycling through the town and the girl of 7 fell off her bike and came under the wheels of a bus and was killed instantly. It was so busy in the town centre so many saw it happen. I have just read that she probably swerved to miss a car door that opened in front of her, that is always dangerous, it was a taxi.

                                GD1 was telling me that where she always waits for me, at the water side, had been busy with youngsters swimming etc with the hot weather, she was saying they had left so much rubbish and actually tore a wooden bench out of the ground and ruined it, I could tell it really bothered her, she was saying it is easy enough to take your rubbish with you, which it is. On the way home she stopped to show me, and, this made me really proud of her, she started to clear the rubbish and place it in the crate of her bike!! I helped her and the crate was almost full. She then placed it in the first bin we came to.

                                I have friends eating here this evening, the ones that are at the camping, she has an hospital appointment tomorrow so are home tonight, I asked them to eat here as they won't have much in house, I am doing an English style roast meal!

                                Daisy, you would all enjoy the barbecue, especially if the weather was good.

                                Nanto, I can remember going to Pontefract many years ago though.
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