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    Morning ladies
    just spent a couple of hours down a very foggy misty beach . B was feeling ok at first but then started to feel sick again so we came home but those couple hours were nice .

    Plant maybe you shouldn't be lugging Duvet around with a sore tummy do take care xx

    Will pop back later I'm off to make a hot drink now xx
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Very misty
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      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Plant and B, feel better soon!
        I hope you can recharge your batteries today Daisy, after all the socialising!

        I'm glad you at least got to the beach Oma. Hopefully a nicer day next time
        β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Afternoon all.

          Thanks admin for my ecard . Its lovely. So thoughtful for you to think of us , it certainly cheers us up.

          Oma how is B

          Enfys did you have a nice birthday, How is P

          Plant hope you feel better soon.

          I see some parts of the UK have thunderstorms forcast but not for this neck of the woods. I love a good thunderstorm. I know what you are thinking, strange woman.

          Well did anyone go actual real life shopping today ? Apparently there were almost 100 people queued outside our branch of Primark waiting to go in .
          Myself and OH have said whatever restrictions are in place and whatever ones are lifted its going to be a long time before we feel safe enough to be shopping in town .

          Hope I find you all well and enjoying the sunshine
          Bring me sunshine in your smile.


            No shopping for us Mimi! Although we are not in the highest risk group I don't feel ready to brave shops yet! You have to feel for parents whose kids have grown out of clothes and shoes.
            β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              We the same Gem even when we can go out it will be a while before we are brave enough .

              Phoned Dr today couldn't get B a appointment but got a phone consultation tonight at 8. 45 pm

              Can't see what they can do over the phone but see what happens , it's coming and going he's fine for a while then it washed over him , apart from that he's ok
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Hopefully it will just pass Oma. As you say hard to know how a phone consultation will help.

                Next week I have a phone appointment with the women's physiotherapist for my prolapse. The mind boggles
                I am overdue for my bone density scan, but that they can't do over the phone!
                β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Going to be a nice day, but i think heavy thundery showers fore cast for most of the country around tea time ish.

                  Off to in laws then we are going to deliver birthday presents to DS1.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Oma, sorry forgot to ask how the phone consultation went.

                    Hope all those feeling under the weather feel better soon.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Good morning everyone. It started off sunny here, but has clouded over now.

                      Nanto - will you be able to see DS1 to wish him a happy birthday?

                      Oma - I hope B's phone consultation went ok, and he's feeling better today. Does the sick feeling happen at the same time, like so long after taking medication? xx

                      Gem - as you say, the mind boggles! But hopefully the physio will be able to suggest some exercises to help.

                      It will seem strange shopping again, but being an oldie I won't be going yet awhile. I'm not a great lover of big shops and shopping centre anyway. I'd really like to go to a garden centre, but keep telling myself I'm silly to be tempted.

                      My DS1 and DIL re-opened their shop yesterday. It's only small, but they have set up screens to divide the kiosks (where people can sort through and choose their photos) and have split the shop so one side is for work coming in and the other for collections only. There's hand sanitiser everywhere and they clean the kiosk screens after each customer. They were pleased to have a steady stream of people but not overwhelmed, and were impressed that people were actually reading the various notices and following instructions. They got a early visit from the Council, and the lady was very complimentary about their set up, so they felt all the hard work had been worth it.

                      This afternoon OH and I are going over to DS1's to spend some time in the garden with the girls, and we're really looking forward to seeing them. If it rains we won'g go, so fingers crossed!

                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Morning ladies

                        Dull but quite warm again , it was lovely yesterday tea time we were able to sit in garden .

                        Drs rang last night sending him anti sickness tablets today to try for 3 days said plenty fluids can't see how they can diagnose anything over phone but there it is

                        Hope everyone and OHs are ok anyone feeling under the weather I hope your on the mend .

                        Enfys did the nurse help with P ?

                        Will pop back later keep smiling πŸ˜€

                        Daisy our posts crossed ,
                        Pleased to hear all went well yesterday good for them .

                        No the sickness comes in waves for no reason horrid feeling when that happens xx
                        Last edited by Oma; 16-06-2020, 08:05 AM.
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Good morning everyone.

                          Nan2 I hope your son has a good birthday. Those of us with birthdays later in lockdown are luckier than the early ones, but we still have to wait to celebrate in restaurants
                          Oma, I hope B feels better soon.
                          I'm so glad your families business has restarted and day one went well Daisy. I do think most people do obey the rules, we are used to it by now. It is just the occasional idiot who thinks it is all a fuss about nothing who mess things up.

                          This morning my friend M is coming for coffee in the garden. OH will be playing golf. We have only met once since all this started, in a park with a flask each, so it will be good to catch up. She lives alone so I wonder if she has 'Bubbled' with her DS or DD, I will ask!
                          It's a bit dull but hopefully it will improve in the next hour. At least is is dry for being outdoors.

                          Have a good day everyone.
                          β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Good morning. Dull but humid here.

                            Oma, thanks for asking. Unfortunately we had a call to,say the nurse had been delayed so she is coming this morning. P is not very well, I don’t think the iron tablets they gave him are helping, he was very sick yesterday. Will be glad to get some advice as to what to do. I was very worried last night but he seems a bit brighter this morning. Yesterday was the only time I have ever heard him be negative about his illness, so upsetting to hear him say he thinks his time is almost up 😒. How do you deal with that? I had no words......
                            "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                              Sending love Enfys, and fingers crossed the nurses visit will help xx
                              β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Very difficult for you Enfys keeping your OH's spirits up when you are so worried yourself. It could be the iron tablets. Sending much love to you both.

                                Gemini, I know how you feel, I am awaiting to have a BCC removed from my face and some dental work done. Have a lovely chat with your friend, hope the weather holds up for you.

                                Daisy, your DS and Dil sound as if they are very well organised, I feel sure that the sort of customers they have will not be difficult with the rules in place.

                                We have a very mackerel sky, I think that means rain? Tummy a bit better but still very sore, pulse still a bit jumpy. I will have a coffee and then a little walk just up the road and back.

                                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

