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    Oma, not the news you wanted to hear eh? I wonder if it's possible to charge his fone in there or if he's too poorly to even think about it. I doubt it will be one of his priorities. I saw how his boxing pals put up a load of lovely pics up of him & super comments this morning on Fbk. He's well loved that's for sure. Sending love to you all.

    Plant, glad you found your prescription. You can't go without your heart meds. Can't have you getting poorly.

    Having a laugh with my sister this morning, saying that if we keep on eating as we're doing we'll be like those Sumo wrestlers.
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    "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

    (Doe Zantamata.)


      We have had a lovely sunny day so far, wind a little chilly but lovely in the sunroom.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Thanks ladies . Sorry I haven't been around but my phone has never stopped . All my niece's and nephews my Brother's 6 children have been ringing and I'm passing everything from them onto my Sister.

        latest is he has been moved into a side ward .
        They have discovered he has a blood infection and now they suspect Sepsis Arthritis , I have never heard of it before .
        Anyway they are taking fluid from his joints to test to get a definite diagnosis then they will put a plan of treatment in .
        This will explain the pain he is in .
        He is still on Antibiotics by intravenous drip but may need a different antibiotic . Not great for him but if he is in the clear for Covid 19 then he can start to fight this . We are all hoping he hasn't got Covid but time will tell after latest tests .

        I feel emotionally drained I love my brother so much . As sisters we have always adored our only brother so it's making it very difficult for us as he is never ill.

        Sorry to prattle on ladies I just need to explain why I'm not about today much .

        Nana yes as you say he is well thought of in the Boxing community and his friends xxx
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          At least they know what it is so can deal with it Oma. Sending lots of love. Of course you are worried, don't worry about us at all xxx
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Oma - what a worry for you and for all your brother's children. I've never heard of sepsis arthritis either, but if the doctors know what they're dealing with they can start the proper treatment. Hang on to the fact that he's an incredibly fit and active man, and he will be fighting this every inch of the way. You know we're here if you need us, and we're all wishing him a speedy recovery. Love to you and all his family. xxx

            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              As Gem says Oma, the sooner he has the right treatment the better for him. No need to apologise for what you call 'prattling on', it's all part & parcel of life. We're here to share everyone's news, happy, sad, anxious, grumbling, angry etc. I hope Brian & Clare are doing ok through all this too. You've certainly got your work cut out, as they say. Sending love. Xx
              "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

              (Doe Zantamata.)


                Good morning. frosty start to the day,but the sun is shing now.

                Oma,hope there has been some improvement for your brother.

                Jacket potatoes today for dinner, with tuna mayo, sweetcorn and cheese.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Good morning Nan2 and ladies all.
                  I woke this morning thinking about Oma and her dear brother. Like Nan2 I hope there is improvement overnight.

                  A walk today for us as the day looks nice. Takeaway for tea tonight. We need to go to my mum's to do a couple of things, but I want to leave that until tomorrow.
                  Have a good day everyone.
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Oma, I hope you get some good news about your brother, very worrying for you all.

                    I am going to do a little cleaning today and finish the pile of washing, I held back so DD could get her washing done now she is using my machine.
                    I have a birthday card to post for my GS1's wife so I will stroll up to the corner to post it later. Apart from that no plans.

                    Will pop back later.
                    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                      Good morning to everyone. It's another sunny, bright day here, but it's been chilly overnight.

                      Oma - hoping and praying for good news about your brother today. I hope your DD is ok, too, and she got a good rest over the week-end. Is she back at work now?

                      Plant take it steady - that cleaning lark can become a habit! I'm sure your DD was pleased to be able to get her washing done. Yours should dry nicely outside today.

                      Nanto - we had jacket potatoes last night - there was only one left, but it was quite large so it was plenty. Enjoy yours today.

                      No plans again today, but there's still plenty to do in the garden. I've just put the glass recycling box ready for collection.

                      Clover, if you're looking in, sending hugs. xxx
                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Good morning ladies Sun is out but it's still a bit nippy .
                        I text my Brother this morning on the off chance he was ok to text back ,
                        He did but it was very muddled . H seems to think they are treating him for a water infection and can't understand why they keeping him in and why he's on so many tablets or two drips .

                        I have pottered about this morning dusted bedrooms and cleaned bathroom . To be honest there is nothing to do I'm just looking for stuff that's not there .

                        Gem I was going to ask yesterday and forgot sorry . Did you hear from home yesterday is your Mum ok and settling ?
                        I read she's isolated for two weeks well that will give her a chance before she meets everyone .

                        Nanto are in law's ok ?

                        Daisy how is Eva doing are you still taking her to the paddock ?

                        Plant sounds like you got a good washing rota going there

                        Nana I spoke to Clare yesterday she's doing good the headaches and dizzy spells are less frequent so either the tumour is shrinking or she's getting used to the Meds . B is B daft as ever thank you for asking .

                        How are everyone else ? Hope your all coping with this lockdown , it's hard but got to be done .

                        Hope it warms up and everyone can get into the garden have a good day ladies xxx

                        Daisy DD is ok slept a fair bit so feels ready to face today again xx

                        Last edited by Oma; 14-04-2020, 08:22 AM.
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Oma - you must have been glad to hear from your brother, even though it was muddled. It's a step forward. xx Also good that Clare is making progress. Everything crossed that it's because the tumour is shrinking. I was wondering if DD had been able to sleep, because although she's exhausted she must have so much on her mind, and so many difficult emotions to deal with.

                          We didn't take Eva out over the week-end - far too many people about - but I walked her to the post box about 11 o'clock last night and she had a good sniff round. We'll take her to the paddock either today or tomorrow. We have only been a couple of times and try to time it so our friends will be inside having lunch, but if it gets too hot in the middle of the day we won't go. How is Storm coping?

                          Gem - I thought I'd typed a message to say relax and enjoy your day today - lots of happy memories to chat about. xxx
                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Oma, so worrying for you about your brother, but I am keeping my fingers crossed for him to come though this fine and get home soon xxxx
                            Yes, I phoned the care home yesterday. Mum was fine and had eaten some lunch and pud. Not much but she eats so little anyway and lately even less, so that she has anything is encouraging. The girl took the phone up to mum's room so I could talk to her on speakerphone, so I imagine the DDs will do that as well.
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Gem that's good to hear .amazing what they will do for someone else

                              Daisy Storms never had so many walks . GS1 is taking him out as part of his allowed exercise then SIL is taking him out and DD when she has time
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Oma,good to have a text from your brother,even though it was a bit muddled.

                                In laws are fine thank you.

                                Nice and sunny here.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

