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    Good morning everyone. It's another beautiful, sunny day here, but it may be the last for a while so I'm going to make the most of it.

    Oma - my thoughts are with your brother. I do hope it's not Coronavirus and that he's soon on the mend, but still a worrying time for all of you. If his grandson on leave from the Navy has to go into isolation I suppose his ship would sail without him then he'd be redeployed when he's out of isolation? The complications from this virus seem never-ending.

    I hope everyone is feeling a bit better this morning, including Gem. Gem, I'm sure you were relieved to be sleeping in your own bed last night, and I hope your mum had a good night as well. xx

    Clover, you're very much in our thoughts, and I do hope your family are with you. Take care of yourself. Lots of love xxx

    Glamm - this is a strange holiday week-end for all of us, but it must be doubly hard for you. Sending hugs. xxx

    Our exciting Easter lunch will be chicken breasts from the freezer (we've run out of meat) and I'm going to do some of the Aunt Bessie's roasted potatoes, Yorkshire puddings and whatever veggies we've got left. We've got plenty of milk, so I'll make a rice pudding as well. Not quite a traditional Easter meal, but the best I can do today.

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Good morning Nan2, Lizzie and everyone.

      Oma, it must be so worrying, but hang on the fact that your brother is so fit. Sending him all positive good wishes, and love to you of course xx
      Mimi, how is your back?
      Nana, Mum was as aware as she has been recently. Thank you for asking, She kept needing reminding where we were going. The journey was tiring for her as she had to go in a wheelchair not stretcher a planned. I will fill in all the details today in new thread, but they couldn't get the stretcher into mums bedroom. Anyway, she was just ready to get into bed when she got there to be honest. We stayed outside until we knew she was settled.

      I hope she had a good night. I had the best night sleep in months. My back was so happy to be in bed. I had a nice relaxing bath earlier.
      I woke a couple of time listening for mum, then thinking she was at home and anxious that she was alone, then realising where she actually was. I was very low and tearful all evening, I do feel better now, as I do know it was the only option. If we we were able to visit her of course, it wouldn't be be so hard.

      A relaxing day ahead I hope. The garden maybe, or catch up on some TV. We had started playing Scrabble more often before all this with mum, so a game may be in order today.
      Easter eggs to eat too. Sad not to see family, but it's the case for us all isn't it?

      Happy Easter Sunday ladies
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Our posts crossed Daisy. I think our Easter meal will be something like yours! I wish I had thought to put a chicken to roast on the Tesco order.
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Oma, I hope you get some good news of your brother, very complicated isolation for his family if the result is positive.

          Another lovely day here, Sil is going to cook a BBQ this afternoon. Waitrose is shut so he will include the shed dwellers at a distance.
          My Dil and family gave me a lovely light weight dressing gown for Christmas, I was saving it for my holiday but in a way this is an enforced holiday, doesn't look as if my NT holiday will happen so I am wearing it, very pretty lots of colourful flowers on a cream background.

          Clover is very much in my thoughts having to deal with arrangements, I am sure the family will be supporting her.

          Difficult times for you too Glamm, times like this you miss your partner more

          Gemini, I hope you and OH had a good nights sleep knowing your mother is in safe hands.
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            Easter hugs as I think we all need some.
            "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

            (Doe Zantamata.)


              Gem and Oma I'm thinking of you both this morning and hoping that all the news you hear about your loved ones is good x

              Feeling in a better frame of mind this morning after a good night's sleep. OH brought me a cuppa and he said I didn't move a muscle when he came into the bedroom. Still some wine in the glass I took to bed!!!

              I got one of those little turkey breast joints in last week's shop so we're having that today. Hopefully I can find the pigs in blankets in the freezer!

              Enjoy the day ladies.I'm off for my daily constitutional round the garden in the sunshine 🌞🌞x
              Believe you can and you're halfway there.
              Theodore Roosevelt.


                Morning all.

                Oma, how is your brother. Hopefully you get some good news soon.

                Gem, my back is a lot better today but not making any sudden movements !
                Any news about your mum , has she settled in ok. Good to read you had a better nights sleep no2w you are back in your own be

                Sending out love to all our ladies and families who need support and love x
                Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                  Niece sent me a text this morning Drs say no results till this afternoon but she had spoke to my Brother and he needed some stuff taking in so her Husband packed a bag took it to Hospital and left it at nurses station outside ward .

                  Niece said he was less confused this morning .
                  Lot of back pain but Dr thinks he twisted his back when he collapsed activating a old problem with his sciatica that hadn't been a problem for a long time .
                  They gave him oxygen during night as his levels were low so that will have helped too .
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Thinking of your brother Oma, and hoping he is well soon.

                    Very nice positive news from the care home this morning.
                    When we left mum yesterday, we were told she wanted to go to bed, which was no surprise the whole day of being moved was stressful. However, today we discovered that they said Yes, but why not sit in your chair and have cup of tea and a bun first? Which she did!
                    No more sickness, and she has passed urine. This morning she was up and dressed! Had a cup of tea and some porridge. Not sure how much, but as she had eaten nothing for two days anything is a bonus. They got her to walk across the room a bit too which is amazing. DD2 is dropping in some Easter cards made by the GC today.
                    So, things look brighter.
                    I will make thread to get all the recent info about my mum in one place.
                    Then out to the garden again, we had (very late) breakfast out there.
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Gem, so lovely to hear such positive news.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Gem - that is the best news we've had just lately, isn't it. You must be so relieved. It sounds as though they are getting her to drink regularly and if she's eating even a small amount it's good. It will take a few days to recover from not eating. I'm sure she'll be pleased to have the Easter cards from the children.

                        Mimi - so pleased to hear your back is improving - just be careful with it.

                        Oma - I hope you get good news about your brother as well.

                        WeeGranny - you must have been really tired last night not to finish your wine. Glad you're feeling more like yourself this morning.

                        Nana - thank you for the Easter hugs. xx

                        Nanto - I hope the sun has continued to shine for you after that glorious sunrise.
                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Thanks Nan2 and Daisy yes it is good news

                          I have copied most of the posts about my mum into anew thread on YEO, for anyone who needs to update on it all.
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Good news . Tests back my Brother is in the clear for Covid 19
                            They don't know what the virus he has is so doing more tests tomorrow but at least it's not Coronavirus
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Oma - that is great news. Whatever the virus is, you must be so relieved it isn't what you all feared. Can his daughter go back to her own home now? xxx
                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                Phew thank goodness! Get well soon Oma's brother x
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

