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    Nanto - from what it says on the news, there's not much in the supermarket anyway.

    Plant - your GCss are lovely people. xx
    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Daisy for now Doggy day care is staying open , now GS1 is at home he will be walking Storm a lot , I couldn't go too long without having him so will see how we feel next week I may be dog napping him

      We went to the Garage filled the car up and I managed to get a box of icing sugar in there , cant get it anywhere else , B spotted it as we were going to pay for the petrol
      Finding odd things in odd places .

      WG we were talking about same thing tonight about hubby not going into the shops , from now on he will stay in the car if I need to go ,there is no point in putting himself in danger when there is no need ,
      He went to Specsavers this morning its inside Sainsburys , the queue to get into Sainsburys was right around the car park ,
      As Specsavers are by the out door he rang them to say he was there for his appointment but couldn't get in for the queue , so one of the girls came to the automatic out door and let him in there , then had to prevent anyone trying to get in that door , said to him he could have had a riot on his hands

      Post office turned up with a parcel rang the bell and stood down the drive , she had placed the parcel on the door step and just waited to see me open the door , everyone keeping their distance makes you feel like a leper should have a big cross on everyone's door
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Good to hear that you're all being careful & doing as you're asked. Tried staying in good spirits today so only read feel good stories. Works wonders. Thanks for all those flowers Nan2. I wish we had smelly-vision for your gorgeous meals.

        OH gave me some beautiful flowers today saying that they're for Mothers Day as I won't see any of my DD's at the wkend. How lovely.xx
        "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

        (Doe Zantamata.)


          Good morning. Hope everyone is well and in good spirits.

          Need to go to the shop on way to in laws, get the daily and weekly local paper and milk for them.
          Mam is due her vitamin B12 injection today. The nurse is going to ring me before she comes.
          She needs to make sure mam isn't showing any symptoms.

          I'll be back later.

          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Good morning all. It looks quite nice outside but I haven’t even poked my nose out yet. No plans apart from hopefully getting in the garden even just for some fresh air.

            Had two nice long phone calls yesterday from friends, good to,catch up and hear how they are even if we can’t see them.

            One friend has just returned from Cyprus, they seemed totally amazed by all that’s going on here and I’m sure she though I was exaggerating when I told her what the shops are like. She is planning to go tomorrow even though their son has offered so I tried to prepare her. She left here to go to Cyprus with a hacking cough, she still has it and so has her OH. Needless to say we will not be seeing them.

            DD is collecting our prescriptions for us today, we are so very lucky to have her nearby, I just hope she and her family stay well. It’s all so worrying, sometimes I feel overwhelmed by it all and have to give myself a good shake!

            Anyway, Have a good day everyone, whatever you are doing, take care and look after each other. 🌞
            "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


              Good morning everyone. A bright one here.

              Very good idea to avoid the coughing friend Enfys! I'm glad you have family nearby. So hard for those who don't.
              Nan2, you and I are in the same position I think. We can't just avoid family as we have an older generation to look after. You just have to do your best and be cautious don't you?
              My mum is confused and puzzled by the whole thing.

              We had a lovely evening with DD3 and SIL here. We all felt better for it, apart from the non hugging part.
              DD is dropping GS2 off here later. then we will have him for the day and take him home after tea.
              OH has to go to Asda blood taking today ready for her Thursday phone appointment. I have told her to avoid sitting near anyone in the queue!
              Next doors gorgeous Ragdoll cat has been missing for 3 days. I'm worried about her. She should be an indoor cat really as she is very valuable and beautiful (my DD2 also has a Ragdoll)

              Anyway, enjoy your Friday everyone, let's try to keep positive
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Good morning ladies ,
                We were in Morrisons at 7.30 , only wanted fresh bread , milk , cream and a new puzzle book , so in and out ,
                Shelves were empty but they did have pallets on the shop floor so I think they are trying ,

                We then went to screwfix , B had what he wanted on his phone so was served instantly , they have taken the catalogue's and order form away so everyone having to ask at till , that will hold people up ,

                SIL has decided to put back opening of shop they will open on appointment only basis or take samples to home's but they taking no chances

                Have a good day ladies xx
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Got quite a headache yesterday taking in all the information, do this, don't do that, it's almost like a dream. I am going to relax a bit more today and try to get in the garden. I have two letters to post so will have a stroll to the postbox on the corner.

                  Nana, what a lovely gesture from your OH, you have a good one there.

                  Gemini, so pleased your mother liked her lamp, so easy for her to switch it on and off. I am sure she is puzzled by what is going on.

                  Oma, I think it is a very good idea that your OH doesn't do shopping. It is hard but you can't take chances. Saw on FB about the Sil's business, I expect he is anxious to get it off the ground. I am sure you will be having some visits from Storm, you must miss having him, he is such a character. Very amusing about OH's visit to Specsavers, I can just imagine the queue thinking he was jumping the queue.

                  The person to service the boiler didn't turn up yesterday, I phoned and the lady said she had it down for today. I know she was wrong because when she said Thursday I remember thinking, I would need to come straight back from swimming instead of stopping in my favourite cafe for lunch. Anyway he is coming this afternoon.

                  Daisy, I think my GC are lovely caring people too.

                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    Plant,hope you get the boiler serviced.

                    Gem, we do have to be careful, when we have an older generation to care for.
                    it's a case of being sensible. Hubby picked me up from in laws,but didn't come in.
                    He just waved at the window. The less visitors the better.
                    While i was at in laws, my sister in law called, with a card and pressie for Mothers day.
                    She has a sore throat and a cold sore,so she just popped them through the letterbox.
                    Stay safe and well ladies.

                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      How lovely that our families, friends & neighbours are looking out for us. 💕 However, my sister & OH are amongst those over 70 that think they're untouchable & still going shopping even tho they've had offers of help. All their childrens' families have chosen to self isolate because of a poorly family member but still they're being stubborn.

                      Gem, out of concern, are you & S ok to mix? I know it's difficult with your Mum, but wouldn't your girls, (the healthy ones) be able to share her care. Just till all this passes over? This challenging time creates so many hard decisions. I don't envy you yours love.
                      Last edited by Nana; 20-03-2020, 12:01 PM.
                      "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                      (Doe Zantamata.)


                        Sorry Nan2 our posts crossed. Glad everyone's staying well in your household. I don't know how far Cannon Hall Farm is from you but their farm shop is still open, fully stocked with fresh produce, & they're now doing local deliveries.
                        "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                        (Doe Zantamata.)


                          Hellos, everyone. I've read all your posts and am trying to catch up with everything that's going on. Forgive me for not commenting - I'll come back later.

                          At the moment I feel we are even busier than in normal times, with phone calls and whatnot. We have got Cooper today. DIL2 dropped him off. She reversed into out drive, I opened the front door and she let him out of the boot. He flew straight into the hall! No contact problems at all. She put his lead on the doorstep with the bananas I'd asked for and took the bag of eggs, GF pasta and some things for the girls. I'll take Cooper back at tea time and DS will come out to collect him from the boot. They will have Eva for a day after the week-end, so she gets an outing as well.

                          Love to everyone, stay safe. Back later - just off to get lunch.
                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Boiler man came but my boiler needs a part so they have ordered it and they will give me a ring to fix a time they can come and fit the part and service the boiler. I have defrosted both freezers, I did the larger one in the garage yesterday, moved stuff in to it from the small freezer at the bottom of the fridge the I will move the stuff DD has in her freezer back tomorrow. DD and Sil went for a walk and posted my letters for me.

                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                              WG, and Plant well done for getting the freezers cleaned out.

                              No shopping for us tomorrow. Both freezers are full.
                              We've got loads of bread of every description in and plenty of milk.
                              Plans for tomorrow are working in the garden. Hubby really looking forward to getting it done.

                              Pubs,bars cafes,restaurants and gyms ordered to close from tonight.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                Goodness, it's been busy today! I took Cooper back about 5 pm, but this afternoon every time I tried to sit down at the computer he wanted to get on my lap. I wonder if he's puzzled by the change in his usually strict routine.

                                Plant - I hope they can get the part for your boiler ok. You've been busy as well with your freezers.

                                Nanto - shhh .... you might find a queue of grannies at your door. Hopefully it will be fine tomorrow - and your garden will be looking lovely. You, your OH and his family are being very sensible in looking out for your in-laws.

                                Nana - it's good to hear about small businesses doing local deliveries. I think it's quite shocking that people in vulnerable groups are taking such risks - it's not just their own health, it's the other people they may infect and the overstretched doctors and nurses who have to care for them. I was quite upset that some good friends of ours are going about life as normal.

                                Oma - I'm glad B is taking care - but you must take care, too. I feel so upset for your SIL and his new business. It's such rotten bad timing. I hope he gets enough work via appointments to pay the bills. At least Storm is getting his social life still. Does work carry on as usual for your DD?

                                Gem - I'm so glad you mum is pleased with the lamp you got her, but no wonder she's confused and puzzled with all the Coronavirus news. It's hard enough for us to keep up with events. Glad you had a lovely evening with DD3 and SIL. Did you have a lovely time with DS2 today?

                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

