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    Oh Enfys, poor finger! I hope it heals soon.
    OH is on the golf committee
    We never got to the Van Gogh exhibition as my friend never stopped talking and there wasn't time! I have said I can go on Thursday morning if she wants so I will leave the ball in her court.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Plant - what a pity your Trefoil meeting and the embroidery exhibition have been cancelled, but better safe than sorry. It must be difficult to know what to do about children's birthday parties. It was a perennial Phlox that got the beauty treatment.

      Oma - I can't imagine what you thought I'd said when I got soaked with cold, muddy water! I said "Oh, my goodness, the water has drowned me."

      Gem - it sounds as though appointments to the golf club committee are eagerly sought after. As you say, with most societies etc it's a case of keep below the parapet or else you're in the firing line for Treasurer or Secretary! How did the get together with your friend go? I know we all have our 'off' days, but I find people who are constantly negative very tiring. I keep thinking I ought to be trying to cheer them up. It's different if a friend is going through a hard time, you want to do the best you can for them, whatever it may be.

      Oma - you are such good neighbours. I bet they were so relieved to accept your offer so they could do a 'proper' shop. By the way, how is your other neighbour?

      Enfys - ouch! I feel that for you - it must have been really painful. Thank goodness it didn't need a trip to hospital. It must be so hard when P is feeling that tired, and very frustrating for him. Sending you both gentle, virus-free hugs. xxx

      Nanto - we noticed the roads were quieter than usual this afternoon, although there are visitors around in the village.

      I don't seem to have got much done today, except wash the bedding. Earlier in the week OH had helped a friend to put something on eBay, and he sold it to someone who lives 2-3 hours away. They arranged to pic it up from here as they knew our village but not our friends, so we ended up having an impromptu social morning, comparing caravanning notes!

      We finally took Eva out about 3.30 and we'd only been in the paddock for about 5 minutes when another lady arrived to walk her dog. We didn't like to keep her waiting for too long, so Eva is still quite bouncy! We'll be back there tomorrow, weather permitting. In the 4 years we've used this paddock that's only the 3rd time someone else has been queueing up behind us.
      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Daisy, not only is my friend totally negative, which is wearing (she once stayed with us for 3 days and I was ready to jump off a cliff by the end!!) she doesn't listen to you, doesn't give you chance to say much and cuts in on you when you do. How she was a GP I do not know. She was one of my first clients, and we stayed in touch when she moved back to Scotland.
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          This is one reason I love GRU. Everyone helps everyone else. Gem I didn't know there was a V G exhibition in York. Thanks for the info'.

          DD2 came round with her little ones today & said in private that she said it could be the last time they're able to come for a while. She said she thinks it will be a case of a 'wait & see' situation depending on how everyone is. I said thank goodness for Skype etc. Lovely to see them tho, it really cheers me up. GD speaks so Yorkshire.😁
          "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

          (Doe Zantamata.)


            Enfys ouch I bet that hurt , Poor P the tiredness is overpowering , its not like normal tiredness is it xx

            Gem you should go to the exhibition yourself , it sounds like this friend would spoil it for you by taking all the time and moaning xx

            Daisy my other neighbour has been very quiet for a while , she has it in for my elderly neighbours and we have no idea why , they are so nice but for some reason she vents all her anger on them and they are afraid of her ,
            As her house is council they have put her on a warning they will seek possession if she continues to be abusive so I think its shook her up and keeping her quiet .

            Poor Eva she needs her run

            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              Gem - your friend sounds a most unlikely GP, and it's a bit of a miracle that your friendship has survived. She obviously doesn't realise the effect she has on people.

              Oma - it's such a shame that your elderly neighbours are terrorised by your other neighbour. I don't suppose she can help herself, especially when she doesn't take her medication, but that's not much help to the elderly couple. Let's hope the warning from the Council keeps her away from them. I think it's so sad when elderly people get terrorised like that by 'difficult' neighbours.

              Nan - as you say, thank goodness for Skype and FaceTime.

              Enfys - is your finger ok now? How is P - have you been able to persuade him to take it a bit easier?

              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                Not sure what the weather is going to be. In one direction it looks bright,in the other direction it looks gloomy.

                Oma, maybe she picks on the elderley neighbours because they don't retaliate. Not nice for them at all.

                Sorted the washing out. The amount of washing i do,you would think 22 lived here,not just 2.

                Off to get the washer on, then have some breakfast.
                Hubby gone to pick up his brother for the car boot sale. It seems ages since hubby last went.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Morning Nanto /Ladies
                  Nanto I say the same about the washing , how come just two of us create so much ?

                  I have told my elderly neighbours if she's at the door or the adjoining fence to ring me and I will deal with her Nanto , they have 6 sons but even when she's not taking her meds she never starts if they are there always when my neighbours are alone

                  Its dry and bright at the minute , B going to see his Mam just in case we cant get over this week , his Sister lives over the road to her and she is making sure MIL has everything so we have no worries there ,

                  I cleaned my bedrooms and bathroom yesterday and stripped the beds , fresh bedding waiting to go on today , we were lazy last night and slept with no Duvet cover on

                  Think I may sort the freezers out see what and what not we have ,
                  Take care today ladies ,
                  Enfys hope your finger isn't too sore today and P has slept well xxx
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Good morning early birds and those who pop in later. It's dull and overcast here - I hope it at least stays dry so I can get on with the gardening later.

                    We're going to Sainsburys this morning - hopefully before it gets too busy. OH did a small shop a few days ago, but we've run out of basics like fresh veg, potatoes, jam and a few other bits and pieces. I don't know whether to get a few store cupboard bits and pieces - if the over 70s have to stay at home, we can keep going for a couple of weeks or so without troubling anybody for help, but it's annoying if you find you've suddenly run out of say stock cubes or salt and pepper!

                    Enfys - I hope P is feeling a bit better today. Sending hugs.

                    Oma - glad your MIL is ok. We need to tidy our freezers up as well. There's about 2 months worth of dog food in the chest freezer and I need to reorganise that.

                    Nanto - I hope your OH enjoys his car boot sale - hopefully lots to look at!!

                    Clover - if your looking in - just to say I hope you're ok, and sending love. xx

                    I hope everyone is ok. Chat later.

                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Good morning ladies.

                      Daisy, in all honesty I feel sorry for my friend. I never ever contact her apart from Christmas cards and a FB greeting on her birthday, but respond when she contacts me. If she still lived locally I wouldn't see her often though!
                      My DD's have asked about coronavirus and childcare, saying all we GPs are more important than their jobs, so if we need to stop looking after the kids we must. For now, for me I feel is is business as usual.
                      Nan2 are the car boot sales indoor ones? There is a big outdoor one near here on Sunday mornings (which we hardly every go to as you have to be up early!!) But it's not yet open for the season.
                      I have been wondering about Qwerty, if she is here or in Spain?

                      I didn't go to see my mum yesterday as planned. While I was out with my friend OH phoned to say that friends we had plans with today had to cancel, leaving today free. They invited us there for meal last night instead. So it made more sense to go to mums today. OH may be donating some of her garage carpet to mum and laying it in the sunroom today!

                      Have a good day everyone, and stay well.
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Very overcast and cloudy, hope the sun comes out to cheer us up. I read on Facebook, an article, saying Elderly could be quarantined for 4 months, well if the sun shines and I can be outside and I can finish all my ongoing projects I might be able to cope. Will my family next door lock our communicating door? I am not sure whether to go to bowls tomorrow.

                        Gemini, I wonder how your friend's patients coped with her not listening to them. Hope you find your mother well, she will be pleased to get that carpet down.

                        I hope you find what you want in the shops Daisy

                        Enfys, I hope your finger has healed okay.

                        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                          Dull and windy here, lovely yesterday, I went into Delft to change my books,, library closed so went to the AA shop and treated myself to a bike navigation. I have been thinking about it a while but DS2 said ( whilst he swears by his) "use google on your phone mum"!!! This one was on offer to closed my eyes whilst paying and got it!!! It will be handy if I go anywhere different, gives different routes etc.

                          Gem, I know a few people like your GP friend, can't listen without taking over the conversation, in fact the woman I go to the pool with is very much like that, the man I was having lunch with last week thought I had been very quiet whilst drinking coffee recently, he agreed with me as to why. She is a friendly woman, but, once you start she does tend to take over. Mind you, there are more like her!

                          Enfys, it is so easy to cut fingers etc, I hope it has healed.


                            Good morning all. Grey and dull here, had heavy rain too. Don’t think I’ll get back out in the garden today, it’s all so wet.

                            Finger is ok, thank you. Just a bit sore but I heal quickly luckily. P still feeling tired, but he says he doesn’t feel unwell and still has a good appetite.

                            Had a long FaceTime chat with DGD this morning, She was supposed to be coming home in May when her visa runs out but she said so many flights home are being cancelled she is not sure she will make it. She can get transferred to a six month tourist visa but she doesn’t want to get stuck anywhere on route because of travel restrictions. Also, there is talk of her staying for another year, so it’s all up in the air. We just want her To be safe and healthy.

                            and it’s raining again.........honestly, we need an ark.

                            Have a good day everyone. ☔️
                            "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                              Afternoon Grans. Nothing much planned today, except to put some washing in. You all sound like busy bees again. Oma I didn't know your SIL lives opposite your MIL. That's handy. No need to worry that she's ok. Gem, I bet your Mum will be so pleased to get her sunroom finished. Kind of S to do it. I was wondering about Qwerty too. Nan2 I hope your OH didn't bring too much home. I used to love car boots.

                              Daisy, did you get what you needed or was Sainsbo's like Old Mother Hubbard's cupboards? Lizzie, no excuses for taking the wrong road now. Enfys good to hear that P is a fighter but sensible at the same time. Sorry to hear about your finger. Plant, I think I'd be the one to lock the communicating door.😉Well, off to get lunch now. Hope you're all having a good Sunday.
                              "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                              (Doe Zantamata.)


                                Plant, I really hope that you (and everyone else) don't have to self isolate, especially for so long!
                                The advantage if there can be any are that at least family are right there to drop off anything you need, and you are an online person, so not cut off from your online friends.
                                Hopefully P can find some indoor actives to occupy him which don't tire his as much Enfys. That is he feeling well and eating well are good.
                                So complicated just now with family abroad isn't it?
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

