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    I'm not sure about the flooring Oma.
    I'm a few episodes behind with Dr Who. I saw the one which started in Aleppo today.

    We are not now going to DD3's for a meal tomorrow night, as poor SIL has come down with rotten cold. The apple crumble has gone into the freezer!
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Gem - I'm so glad your mum's trip to the dentist was successful. One less worry for both of you. Be careful getting the soggy carpet up -you do't want any injuries before Florida. I'm sure you'll be able to use up that apple crumble. Hopefully SIL won't pass his cold on to DD3. I hope the library meeting goes ok tomorrow.

      Oma - that must have been a big shock to B's Army buddy's family especially with him being so active and fit. It sounds a lot of money for a couple of minutes of The Last Post. I'm sure a lot of families resort to a recorded version. Glad your plumber fixed the problem so easily. Sometimes what look like easy jobs aren't so if you're not sure it's better to get an expert in. There are enough floods around without having one in your house.

      Plant - I've heard mixed reviews about Emma. I started trying to read the book a couple of years ago, but gave up on it.

      Oma - no wonder you're tired - you were up in the night doing your housework. I hope you sleep better tonight. xx

      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Daisy DD3 (definitely the hypochondriac of the family!) is planning to sleep in the spare room tonight!
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Hahaha - no bad thing, though. I hope she doesn't get the lurgy as well.
          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            I fell asleep watching Top Gear we had recorded , B woke me it was only 9 pm said go to bed , I crawled the stairs fell into a sound sleep now im wide awake again, cant win

            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              Oma I hope you sleep tonight. I don't know how you function with such little sleep. Sorry to hear B lost one of his army buddies. Plant I'd like to see Emma too. I find that a lot of tv programmes, films etc difficult to follow now because of whispering actors. I used to love Sherlock & Dr Watson, (the latter played by a beautiful oriental girl) but as the series went on I found it harder & harder to hear Sherlock. With or without my hearing aids. Whispering lines seems to be a recent fad. So annoying.

              Plant I hope to post the squares tomorrow. I knit five Prem cannular sleeves today, so I made use of my restful day.

              [Sorry some of our posts crossed.]
              Last edited by Nana; 27-02-2020, 12:05 AM.
              "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

              (Doe Zantamata.)


                Good moaning each,
                Wet and miserable here.
                Nana, I agree about the whispering. It seems to be that and mumbling, plus talking at high speed! We have to have the tv up so loud to catch what is being said!
                Plenty to keep me indoors today, washing, ironing and letting out OH’s trousers! He has expanded round the middle since he has been unable to play golf due to weather conditions and a bad back, so he has taken up eating rubbish! 🙄
                I will have to venture out as we have no fresh food! Just 1/2 a cabbage and two sweet potatoes.
                Have a good day ladies.
                Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                Eleanor Roosevelt.


                  Morning ladies ,
                  Sun is out although cold it makes you feel better doesn't it

                  How are we all this morning ?
                  Nanto are you ok ? you usually first on xx

                  Waiting for Storm so have bedding in wash then I have a load of whites to do ,
                  B making bread the kitchen smells lovely ,
                  Will pop back later see how everyone is doing xx
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Good morning.Sunny but cold.

                    Oma, i'm ok thanks,been pottering in the kitchen.
                    Went to get something out of the freezer,and ended up tidying it out. Don't know how it gets untidy.

                    No washing for me,but have got some ironing to do.

                    Hairdresser coming at 12.30.

                    Corned beef pie,cheesy mash,garden peas and sweetcorn for dinner today. Oh and gravy.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Good morning everyone.

                      I can just imagine that lovely bread smell Oma.

                      It is the AGM of the Friends group this morning, I have no expectations of not coming back as secretary for a 3rd year! After this year we have to all be re -elected so I hope someone may take over. I now know that being secretary is way the hardest job on the committee. The chair just turns up, and not always!!
                      It is my sister's birthday today. Mum and I will go to see her this afternoon with her presents. I will do Mum's shopping first.

                      The washing machine arrives today!!

                      Time to get going.

                      Have a good day everyone.
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Good morning everyone. I think it must have rained hard in the night - part of our garden is awash again. I certainly wouldn't be cutting the lawn today, and think I was a bit lucky to get it done yesterday.

                        Oma - I bet that bread is mouthwatering. I'm obviously not quite awake because I read your sentence about Storm and washing as you were going to wash Storm as well!! I'll hopefully wake up soon! You must be exhausted with so little sleep. Can you have a nana nap this afternoon?

                        Gem - happy birthday to your sister. I hope your mum will be ok. You've got a busy day today. I'm afraid you're right - it's easier to say yes to these voluntary roles than it is to pass them on to someone else. My OH took on Treasurer of an organisation for two years - it was 18 years before they found a replacement!! I bet it will be good to get your new washing machine in place. Plus dishwasher tomorrow?

                        Nanto - I don't know how freezers get so untidy either. I think there must be a naughty little freezer elf who goes and moves everything round. Dinner sounds yummy and just right for a cold day.

                        Nana - you're a knitting queen! I'm sure your efforts will be much appreciated.

                        Grauntie - there must be a lot of golfers with the same problem. You'll have to get him a treadmill so he can at least get his exercise, although it might not help his back, poor chap. I think you're very clever being able to alter things to make them bigger. I can see the possibility of making garments smaller, but bigger sounds like a much harder problem.

                        I'm going out for lunch today with my College friends. We had to cancel our January get together because of illness, so it will be good to catch up with everyone.

                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          We have snow here so no Aqua for me today, no doubt it will clear up now I have made that decision. I have no excuse not to dust and vacuum the sitting room and bedroom.

                          Gemini, I hope someone comes forward to take over the Secretary's job.

                          Will pop back later.
                          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                            Gem happy Birthday to your Sister how old will she be ?
                            it is 6 years today since FIL died .

                            B just had a letter saying he Didn't turn up for Pain management appointment ( HE DID ) but at the bottom of the letter it states the letter was dictated in the presence of the patient ! How could he NOT turn up but letter be dictated in his presence?

                            He rang Drs secretary as he doesn't want it on his records that he didn't attend. She was baffled why the letter was sent as she could see he had been . They had a chuckle about the dictated in his presence bit
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Good morning. Just been out for a very short walk, my goodness, it’s bitter. The sunshine looked lovely but the wind is icy. We are out for lunch later, DH fancies it and I go along with whatever he wants to do.

                              Happy Birthday to your sister, Gem.

                              Daisy, the throws we bought are OK,I’m not too sure but DH chose them, unusual for him to be that bothered. Ut he really likes them. They are reversable, very light check one side and imitation sheep’s wool the other. They are cosy and I’m sure I’ll get used to them. (See photo)

                              Have a good day everyone 🌞

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                              "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                                The AGM was very good, and only one apology. We are all keeping our roles, which we expected. Plant it was next year I hoped someone would take over. I was thanked by the Chair for being her Super secretary
                                I will write more about our future library in another thread later.

                                My sister is 61 today Oma.
                                You couldn't make it up about that letter, could you?!!
                                Enfys, I agree about the weather , very sunny, but very cold!
                                Yes, dishwasher tomorrow Daisy. Have a lovely lunch.
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

