It’s been raining here all day! So, I’ve washed and clipped the dog - she smells lovely now! Lit the wood burner and haven’t done much this afternoon....
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Just the right time of year for a wood burner Avo.
The air ambulance is being kept busy near to you Oma. What waste of appointment times that was, not to mention patients time and money getting there.
Well the snowy morning turned into a dry and sunny afternoon with a temperature of 12 degrees! So soggy everywhere though. Once again the golf course will be closed for tomorrow's competition. I can't remember when OH last played! The ladies often meet up for coffee or lunch on golf days but it's not the same as playing.
My reflexology wasn't as relaxing as it could have been as mum was on the phone just before complaining about the state of the sunroom and saying she had 'Had enough'. I urged her to phone the builder as I had things going on, which didn't suit.
Anyway, I phoned them and left a message. I phoned mum later and she said she had done the same. Neither of us heard anything. OH and I drove round to the builders sons house (just round the corner to mum) after we left OH's car at the garage. No one was in so I left a note explaining the whole situation and asking him to help if he could. I also gave him mums phone number as she wont hear if they knock, and they cant get round to the back due to the built on garage.
I hope they can do something, as mum is stressed and that stresses me.
Good news is OH's car passed the MOT and was ready for us to go back for mid afternoon, before the tea time traffic sets in.
We are in for the night now.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Originally posted by Nana View PostAfternoon everyone. Nothing to report but just thought I'd say hello.xx
Oma - I hope the road crash victims will be ok. Did your DD manage to get into work this afternoon?
We've had yet another day of strong winds and showers - some heavy, others not so bad.
Plant - Eva tolerated her wash down better than I thought she would, but we give use warm water, not the hosepipe!
Avo - I used to love it when Rusty and Clyde (my Yorkies) were freshly bathed and coiffed. Clyde always looked smart, but Rusty always looked a scruff by the next day.
Gem - oh dear, your mum's sunroom roof is causing a lot of anxiety for her. Try not to let it get you down though (easier said than done, I'm sure). You've done everything you can for now, and I imagine the builders are very busy with all sorts of storm damage already. I bet S is fed up with not being able to play golf, especially after her enforced 'rest' from breaking her wrist last year. Glad her care passed its MOT. It's a good job you've got Florida to look forward to. xx
I'm really tired tonight - I do't know why, apart from an early start. The girls were very good after school. GD2 wanted to watch something on tv and GD1 entertained me with her repertoire of magic tricks. I could see how a couple of them worked, and the one that my OH had taught her, but she did them very well - quite slick!
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Good evening all. What a day weatherwise, blowing a gale and pouring with rain all day. Went to hairdressers this morning, I usually walk but took the bus instead. No opposing driving, parking is a nightmare. So getting there was fine but I walked home, not realising how bad the rain was and I got soaked. Couldn’t out the umbrella up as it was far too windy. Had to,change my clothes when I got home and warm up as I was freezing. Then I had to go to DDs this afternoon for dog sitting, so wet again.
Hope your Mum gets her sunroom sorted out Gem. Oma, wasted appointments all round, a waste of everyone’s time. DH has his diabetic check at both hospital and doctors too. He has queried it but the docs say they like to keep track of things and he knows he can always ring them if there’s a problem.
We have both been feeling really tired and lethargic for the past few days, this weather doesn’t help, just feel like hibernating.
Have a good evening everyone 🌛"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss
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Enfys - I wonder if feeling tired and lethargic is a kind of throwback to our days of living in caves. In the summer we'd all hunt and gather and prepare for the winter when resources were scarce. Then in the winter we'd probably sleep a lot more (no electric lights or anything) and live off our stores of food. So we're probably just victims of our heritage and should really be hibernating.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Well I must have had at least 4 stressy phone calls from mum today. Luckily this evening the builder son phoned me and he's going round in the morning. I let mum know so she's happier.
Daisy I hope you get a good rest tonight as you are tired.
Enfys, I think we do feel more tired and lethargic at this point of winter.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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I agree, everything is an effort this time of the year, coats on and off, wind makes you tired too. Had a really good game of bowls today, feeling very pleased with myself.
I hope the builder can can fix that roof soon Gemini, to give you a rest from stressed phone calls.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
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Good morning, Nanto.
The sun's just rising here and the sky is streaked with pink. It looks wonderful, but you know what they say about a red sky in themorning. At least the wind has dropped, thank goodness.
Gem - I hope the builder can reassure your mum to ease stress for you both. xx
Plant - well done on your good bowls game.
It's my usual manic Tuesday, so just off for a shower and then go and collect Cooper. See you all later - take care everyone. xx
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Good morning everyone.
I think all of us are ready for spring. The lights are getting lighter, spring flowers and blossom are appearing, but we need less wind and rain and more sun!
I'm glad you enjoyed bowls Plant. I admire you for how active you keep.
I am meeting DD2 for lunch and to PastPass plan! Her office is only 5 minutes drive away so we will meet in one of the cafes in my village.
Then GS1 to collect from school and look after.
Enjoy your day ladies. If you don't get any pancakes, they are available in the Tea Rooms!
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Weather quiet here this morning, some sunshine and no wind as yet. Nothing planned today so I might go out and have a mooch, perhaps a garden centre. GD1 And her partner returning to the cabin today after their GM sitting. I am going to the cinema tomorrow with a friend to see Emma.
Gemini, I hope that roof gets fixed soon.
Not many posts yet, I will pop back later.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
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Good morning ladies
Plant enjoy your mooch you might find something nice for your garden , have tea and cake while your there
Gem hope he can sort the roof or at least reassure your Mum it will be done at some point soon ,
Poor S will be going stir crazy not getting a game of Golf
Daisy yes she managed to get to work after lunch just in time for meetings and conference call .
Nanto we have lovely sunshine but boy is it cold .
Been out to Aldi & Lidle this morning , we having a cupper then off to Tesco , just as well they are all near except Tesco is about 20 mins away ,
It seems we all having plumbers etc in , we have a drip under the sink in the downstairs loo that someone is coming out tomorrow to see too ,
Then the bleed valve on the utility radiator broke off so we will need to look for new radiator and I went out into the garden yesterday to see what Storm was up to and the water was pouring off the guttering on utility roof as the end cap had broken off and was lying in the garden so snow melting and rain were not going down the drain just falling off the end of the gutter
Builders must love this time of year the work they get.
Im not fat just 6ft too small
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