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    Oh dear Gemini, your mother certainly leads you a dance, I hope she doesn't get toothache or worse. Love your car by the way.

    That's the trouble Daisy if one is on Warfarin and needs an antibiotic, I hope your friend will be better soon.

    That is one relaxed dog Oma.

    Our road is an unadopted road Gemini, we all contributed to it being made up some years ago and pay something every year. As we had it made up we are now responsible if anyone hurts themselves so we have had to take out insurance.
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      Poor you Gem with your mother, I only hope she doesn't get toothache! What a carry on with dentists.

      Daisy, the potholes must be bad and as you say, if they are full of water there is no way of knowing how deep they are.

      The sun has been out all day and the days are getting longer! I had a busy morning, I knew a man was coming to see to the ventilation system, been buzzing so hard in here, especially later on when I am sat reading or whatever it just buzzes, not anymore, then nice man put a new motor in the installation on the roof, I just got home from the doctor, it was like walking in another house, so quiet. BP 140/80 so was a one off! Luckily, I have to go once more than should be fine. I was busy baking when the man came, they told me between 9 and 11am, as they are never early I thought I would make some coconut buns, 8-30 the bell went and it was the man, he had coffee first and a few of my buns, he must have enjoyed them to put a new motor in as I have complained before.

      Plant, I have no idea what an adopted road is, is that a private road?

      The friend I swim with from the first floor got bad news of her partner, he is terminal. He only went in the hospital on Friday as he wasn't feeling well and yesterday they had the talk with the doctors. Sad, she lost her husband the same time as I lost Jan so about 18 years ago. Now has to go through it all again.

      Oma, my bike is only about 15 months old so I won't be tempted for a while. The new models are very smart though!!!!! I just met a friend of mine, he is policeman and just got an E bike through his work, he works in the centre of Den Haag so hopes to go to work on it. There is a new scheme here where they are trying to get more people going to work on the E bikes, no wonder if the traffic is like what it was on Tuesday morning. The dog looks as though he is guarding his toys!!


        Lizzie, sad news about your friends partner.
        Not much evidence of our days getting longer. Been very dark all afternoon.

        Daisy,chargrilled chicken is curtesy of Mr Birds Eye.
        They make a change now and again.
        Made extra roast potatoes for the freezer.

        Hairdresser been, so we are both shorned now.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          The dentists phoned back and have very kindly agreed to waive the ยฃ30 charge for today's missed appointment and move it on as the deposit for another one. I thanked them very much and said I would speak to mum before making another appointment. Mum says she will go and wants and needs to go. Sound familiar?! I will make an appointment for next week and please all cross your fingers I get her there!!
          Our hairdresser is coming in the morning Nan2.
          Yum Lizzie, coconut buns. I'm so sorry about your friend's OH.
          An unadopted road is just one which the council doesn't own, so won't repair or pay for. There are also private roads, I'm not sure if there is a difference, but basically in both cases its down to residents to maintain and fund them.
          โ€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.โ€ โ€“ Unknown


            Lizzie - what an awful shock for your swimming friend to get such bad news. I can imagine how much difference getting the motor fixed has made. It's the sort of noise that once you listen to it you can't ignore it. You should sleep peacefully tonight. Please could we have one of your sunny days. The evenings should be getting lighter, but the weather is so bad you really can't tell yet. Getting people to go to work an e-bikes sounds like a good idea, both from the point of view of congestion on the roads and pollution from cars.

            Nanto - clever Mr Birds Eye! I'll have to have a look in the freezer section next time I shop.

            Gem - I'm so sorry your mum has been unco-operative. As you say, it's frustrating because you can't insist she goes. The dentists sound very understanding, and I hope you have better luck next time. You have so much patience! xx

            Plant - I didn't realise that warfarin was affected by antibiotics. Do you have to be consistent with alcohol as well?

            Oma - Storm looks exhausted by playing with all his toys!

            We had a couple of hours sun this morning and I weeded the slate area in the front garden - then it started to rain, so that was it. It's been pouring down again, and where our garden had drained of water is now flooded again. Very fed up with it. But I took Eva round the block about 9 pm and it was so mild I was wishing I'd left my coat at home!
            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Wind has calmed down from what it was last night.

              Gem, very good of the dentist to waiver the ยฃ30.

              Daisy, mam is on warfarin,she has her blood checked regularly. More often though if she has had any antibiotics.

              3rd and final visit to the in laws this week.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Good morning ladies

                Hairdresser this morning, she comes to us. Then GS2, a little later than usual as DD is taking him swimming first. He starts swimming lessons tomorrow and she wants to familiarise him with it all.
                GD to collect from school, I missed seeing her last week
                We are eating out with our friends, recently returned from Dubai, tonight. It will be good to catch up with them.

                I hope the rain and storms leave everyone alone now.
                Have a good Friday.
                โ€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.โ€ โ€“ Unknown


                  Good morning everyone. Nanto - is the Daisy for me, please?

                  Gem - What a good idea to take GS2 swimming to day ahead of his first lesson tomorrow. He'll feel like an old hand straight away. Is he confident in the water? I hope things are all ok now with your friends - have a good evening with them.

                  So far this morning, the sun's shining and it's raining. It must be April!!

                  I'm not sure what we're doing today - possibly shopping, possibly having Cooper, possibly having to push the sucky up thing round. The new hall rug shows every speck - not great in a household like ours!

                  This week seems to have flown by, despite the truly awful weather we're getting.

                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Good morning all.

                    Sun us shining, no rain now but it poured in the night. Not sure what the plans are for this morning. I want to pop out to the Range and Dunelm so will probably do that and have a coffee. Then Dexter here this afternoon. Iโ€™m having him here today so I can get in with a few things. Make a change for him too.

                    We had a nice meal out with our friends yesterday, plenty of catching up and a few laughs, did us good.

                    When we got got home I had an email from one of the lovely hotels we stay at in Devon with a very good offer for February, so we have booked! A 3 day break just before DHโ€™s birthday, something else to look forward to. We want to do as much as we can whilst he is still feeling ok, it will be a lovely break.

                    There are lots of big black clouds looming up now so I think more rain is on its way โ˜”๏ธ. Hope you all have a good day, and stay dry ๐ŸŒž

                    "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                      Lots of rain overnight but sunny now. All this rain has left our local roads in a mess, lots of potholes, deep and wide ones. Can't make up my mind where to shop today, don't want much so might go to the local M&S Food Hall, their fruit and veg is usually better than Waitrose. (wash my mouth out, they pay my GD's and her partners wages.) I have bought some material to make small tote bags for small girls, they are for the sales table at an exhibition my Embroidery and Textile group are holding in March so I need to get on with those.

                      Hope your GS2 takes to his swimming lessons Gemini, very sensible of his mother to give him a taster of what it will be like.

                      Daisy, it is mainly due to changes, ie eating more green veg or stepping up alcohol intake, we are not allowed too many eggs and no cranberries. I have to phone them if I am taking antibiotics.
                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        Good morning all.
                        Colder and slightly dryer here at the moment.

                        Yesterday we went to the cinema to see Downtown Abbey. It was a Silver Screen showing so for ยฃ3 per person we got a seat wherever we wanted to sit and a cup of coffee. OH has said he wants to see the film Judy ( Judy Garland) next . I think it is showing next week .
                        When we came out of the cinema it was blowing a gale and purring down with rain but we werenโ€™t bothered as we came straight out of the cinema and then straight into Miller and Carter ( itโ€™s directly opposite) for a meal. We were given a Miller and Carter gift card for Christmas, plus I have a code on my phone for a free dessert so it was a bargain day out. I have to say , OH had a main and a dessert, I had a main and a coffee , good girl aren't I ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‡

                        I don't have much planned for today, Tesco with arrive later with the groceries and then I will cook lunch , goodness knows what we will have , it will be a surprise for the both of us!

                        I shouldn't have mentioned anything about it being dryer here as itโ€™s pouring down with rain now , me and my mouth
                        Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                          Lots of black clouds here and wet.
                          Our hair is cut, next appointment just before our hols!
                          Daisy, GS is water confident , I think DD just wants him a bit more capable in water before we go to Florida. There are dangers in having your own pool. When we went with DD2's family to Spain in a villa with pool GS was baby and GD 6. She was a confident swimmer, even swimming lengths underwater, but we had a rule she couldn't go in without an adult. It worked well. GS will be younger, but he does obey rules , so it will be fine

                          What a good idea to book the Devon holiday Enfys, something to look forward to.
                          Mimi, I fancy the Judy film too.
                          โ€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.โ€ โ€“ Unknown


                            I got my letter from the the hospital. All clear on my mammogram. They know patients who have had cancer are understandably anxious so they fast track the results.
                            As for some reason I had got myself highly anxious and stressed this year it is such a relief!
                            Thank you to all of you who reassured me xx
                            โ€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.โ€ โ€“ Unknown


                              Great news Gem ๐Ÿ˜. Now you can relax.
                              "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                                Afternoon ladies , everyone is busy today it seems , Shopping, booking breaks away, Dog or Child minding etc etc , who said retirement was a stroll in the park

                                Gem B said he's sending kisses xxxx great news

                                Well after the most awful night and I mean awful , about 2 hours sleep in little 10 mins bursts , bed hopping then sofa hopping I gave up at 5am ,
                                Had to go for my Pre Op at 9.15 then to B's Mams to sort her new lap top out and ring about a new router ,

                                Came home had a quick lunch then off to Framers to pic up a photo of our Martin's wedding , he has done a great job of it , we then popped into Tesco ,

                                Honestly I don't know how my eyes are open , I have a headache a sore stomach and im so tired I feel off balance

                                Then to top it off putting shopping in the boot and B's new phone dropped out of his pocket and broke

                                I may be unavailable by phone for a few days as I have said he can if possible put his SIM in mine and use that ,
                                I will let everyone know if or when that happens and if anyone needs me they can contact me via here or FB , it will only be for a short while

                                Im going to try for a Nana nap if I can before our friends come to pick up their laptop B has been fixing for them , I think it will be on the way to pick GS1 up from school as its their day .xx
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

