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    Plant - it's good to treat yourself. I bought a pair of Gerry Weber trousers last year and really love them. They are a perfect fit and so comfortable. It will be good to have your family back home. I hope they've enjoyed their holiday.

    Oma - did B offer you one of his sweeties? Your poor DD. I hope she doesn't have loads of menopause symptoms, although I think there's a lot more sympathy for early menopause than there used to be. She started her periods very young! I was only thinking the other day that some of GD1's friends are beginning to look more like teenagers than 9/10 year olds.

    WeeGranny - I've commented on the other thread. xx

    Nanto - thank you. I'm very tempted!

    Gem - well done for leaving that fearsome iron alone. How frustrating waiting on the phone like that. It was probably quicker to go there in person, and certainly less boring. When I'm on hold like that now I've taken to putting the phone onto loudspeaker and getting on with something else (usually ironing, would you believe).

    Well I didn't get any gardening done - it was really chilly and I didn't feel like it. I was actually quite tired - my usual post-Tuesday droop. But, I did give the bathrooms a good clean - everywhere has been getting short shrift just lately so I thought it was time I got stuck in with some hard-core scrubbing and cleaning.

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Qwerty, lovely to hear from you again my friend.😎
      Oma, naughty girl not using your splint. I can't blame you tho if you get too hot with it. 😁I feel for your DD, but I bet she's taking it all in her stride. I was diagnosed with midlife acne & was prescribed antibiotics for long term use.
      Clover look after yourself too. (((hugs)))

      There were several pages I missed & can't remember all the posts. Needless to say I hold you all in my thoughts.

      Bit of a funny day. Neighbour friend called round. She'd fallen twice cutting the lawn & wondered if OH could finish the job for her. Looked after her a while & she was saying how she's been diagnosed with dementia. She's changed in such a short while.

      I asked my sister the reason she's going to the eye clinic at the hospital tomoro & she said to see if she has glaucoma. Bit of a day really. Working on the quilt to take my mind off things.

      "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

      (Doe Zantamata.)


        Daisy /Nana DD is extremely fit she trains 4 times a week at boot camp so that helps her be strong and cope with things
        When she started her periods before her 9th Birthday we went to see a consultant at the Hospital and he said he could give her medication to stop them but then that would be interfering with her body and nature so it was decided to let nature take its course , wasn't easy for her or us but she took it in her stride , school was amazing if she had a period and didn't want to do PT there was never a issue , by the time all her friens started their periods she was a old hand at it
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Good morning one and all.

          Oma, like me,you were up early. I got up at 5.
          I'm sure your DD will takes things in her stride.

          Anyway,i've cleaned the small oven,big one didn't need doing,it only gets used once or twice a year.

          Gem,hope your day is less frustrating than yesterday.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Aqua this morning, seems very dark, not keen on turning out but good for me. Will pop back later.
            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              Good morning all
              A misty one here, but it is beginning to clear.

              You are good getting out to aqua on miserable mornings Plant. Years ago I went to one at 8pm, and making myself turn out on winter nights was hard!
              You have been busy already Nan2!

              I am going to the orthopaedic hospital soon. To collect DD3 who is having an injection for a long standing foot/ankle problem. She was having problems before they went to Canada. She was told not to drive home afterwards and someone must collect her, so it's me!
              This afternoon I will do my mums shopping, and go to see her. It is green bin day for her tomorrow, possibly the last of the year, so I will do a little gardening and collect fallen apples and put them in the bin and get it out for the collection.
              Have a good day everyone.
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Good morning everyone. It's damp and dreary here, but not actually raining at the moment.

                Plant - good for you! You will be really glad once you're there and enjoying the session.

                Nanto - you must be a lark. I couldn't even think about jobs like cleaning ovens first thing in the morning.

                Nana - your poor neighbour. It sounds as though she shouldn't be using a lawn mower. I hope your sister's eyes are ok.

                Oma - your DD is amazing and I'm sure being so fit will help with any symptoms she gets.

                Gem - glad the mist is clearing if you've got to drive this morning. Will your DD3 have to rest her foot for a day or two? Sad to think the gardening year is coming to an end - and I've still got lots of jobs to do.

                But all jobs can wait, and I'm meeting up with friends from college for lunch today. I've missed the last couple of get togethers for various reasons so I'm looking forward to seeing everyone.

                Back later.
                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Good morning everyone. Oma I would imagine that was a challenging time for you all. 9 is early for periods. Bless. 4 times a week at boot camp ...good grief!

                  Oven cleaning is a job we both hate so thinking of getting someone in to do it. After that we'll probably want to keep it that way & make the effort ourselves. Well done Nan2. Plant you show me up. I should follow your example. Gem I hope your day goes to plan.

                  OH gone golfing already. I'm determined to crack on with the quilt.
                  "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                  (Doe Zantamata.)


                    Morning ladies ,
                    Nanto I have been up since 4.15

                    Gem have you heard how the little Hedgehog is doing ?
                    DD will have to rest her foot today I imagine , B's Sister had a injection in her foot last week she gets one regular as she has a problem with the bones in her ankle and down the side of her foot , without them she's hobbling around .

                    Daisy enjoy your lunch out the other jobs can wait xx

                    Plant good for you going out on cold mornings can be a effort

                    Nanto / Nana Oven cleaning not the best job is it , My friend D gets someone in to do hers , she cant do it and J has bad Asthma so any chemicals are a no no for him .

                    How are all the poorly people and injured people today ?

                    Went to Morrisons at 8am then into Aldi I needed white vinegar and neither shop had any in , asked the manager in Aldi if they had any in the back warehouse , he came back and said he or someone had forgotten to order it so would do that today bit of a odd thing to forget though you would think it was done automatically when stocks are low .

                    I have some ironing to do today but cant be bothered at the minute ,

                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      I don't mind cleaning the oven,but i don't let it get too bad.
                      Cleaned windows and done rest of housework.
                      Time for a coffee before the hairdresser comes.

                      Stay warm today,its quite cold here.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Good afternoon. I couldn’t believe it when I woke up this Morning and it was 9.30!,! I’d been awake a lot during the night so the extra sleep was very welcome. Consequently, we are all behind today. Didn’t have breakfast until 10 so lunch will be later too. P says he is feeling a bit better today and although my ribs still hurt I think it is gradually improving.

                        How are you today Clover? I keep thinking of you.

                        Hope the little hedeghog improves Gem. Please let us know.

                        I still haven’t decided about the supermarket shop, think I need to sort my cupboards out so I could stock up on a few bits to warrant the delivery charge.

                        So a lazy day here so far although I have made a tuna pasta bake for lunch. Also, I am wearing my new thick tights today and I am very pleased with them. They are so easy to get on, feel lovely and stay up! I always have problems with tights and my long legs so I feel very pleased with these. It means I can wear skirts instead of trousers all the time. Doesn’t take much to make me happy 😀👗. Have a good day everyone 🌞
                        "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                          Daisy the mist cleared but then the drizzle came! OH told me it was going to be a lovely day so I put a wash load on before going out this morning. It is now on airers in the spare bedroom!
                          I hope you have a good lunch and catch up.
                          Oma this mornings update on the hedgehog was 'Not doing great, but rallying'

                          I had a lovely morning actually. I took my coffee with me and drank it in my car waiting for DD, and reading the Christmas Lakeland catalogue! I then drove DD home , stayed for cuppa which actually stretched onto a couple of hours chat!
                          She has to rest with her foot up today, and take it easy a bit tomorrow if possible. She will work from home tomorrow.
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Certainly didn't like turning out but lovely to see my Aqua friends and enjoyed the class. Stopped in my favourite cafe on the way home and had poached eggs on sourdough bread, yummy. My DD and Sil are coming back from Spain today, not sure what time.

                            Pleased to hear you and P are feeling a bit better today Enfys, that extra sleep will help.

                            Gemini, busy, busy as usual but nice to spend a bit of time with DD3, hope her foot improves.
                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                              Gem - at least you didn't get the washing out on the line before it rained. Come on, Andrew, we're all rooting for you, little man. The Lakeland catalogue is always good reading - despite the seasonal nature of this one.

                              Enfys - you must have needed that sleep. It's good to hear that you're both feeling a bit better. As you say it can be the little things that make us happy - the tights sound very comfortable. I hate tights - they always end up with the crotch somewhere near my knees!! (Sorry, too much information!)

                              Plant - glad you enjoyed your aqua class and seeing your friends. Poached eggs on sourdough sounds delicious.

                              We went from dry to driving rain and big puddles everywhere. The Golf Club where we meet for lunch overlooks the Solent and The Needles on the Isle of Wight, but today someone had nicked them - they'd disappeared!

                              There were 9 of us today, which is lovely. As I had missed the last 2 get togethers I had a lot to catch up on finding out how friends had spent the summer. It was good to see them all.

                              Oven cleaning, aaaaarrrrgggghhhh!!!

                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                The morning started off well weatherwise.
                                Just as the hairdresser arrived it started to raining.
                                Had a couple of hours of sunshine after the rain.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

