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Good morning, Nanto, Lizzie and all who pop in later. I hope you get your washing dried, Nanto. Lovely to see your GD, Lizzie.
It's still dark here, although there a bit of pink in the sky. Just off to collect Cooper for another day of doggy hugs."Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Morning ladies ,
Lizzie I bet she loves spending time with you too
Daisy our sky was quite pink first thing too , enjoy your day with Cooper give Eva a hug from us
Nanto that honey looks good enough to eatI think the air is too damp here to put washing out hope you get yours on the line xx
Qwerty are you having a nice time ? xx
Gem what are you up too today ?
how are everyone else and OH's ?
We off to Metro Centre today im looking for a new coat , then to Ikea for a few bits then to The Range I want new cushions, they are all in the same area so not a faff around driving from place to place ,
Have a good day ladies xxxIm not fat just 6ft too small
Good morning ladies.
Lizzie I think we appreciate the time with CG more as they get older, and they are doing their own thing more. I find that with my 10 year old GD.
Nan2, my OH is talking about yellow alerts for high winds from 6 am where we are, but all seems calm here just now.
You could become a professional dog nanny Daisy
Today is a Day Off for me. It isn't feasible for me to collect GS1 from school today, as it is a bus, train, walk, both ways. Taking much longer than my usual 30 minutes drive each way. I did it once when my carpal tunnel was too bad to drive, and OH came to bring me home. As I have known I couldn't do today for a while, DD has made other arrangements. I'll miss seeing GS though as I haven't seen him since Boxing Day.
OH is in a golf competition today. I plan to walk to the village for a couple of things for tea. I will do the post 12th night dust and tidy today. When OH is back we will put everything up in the loft.
I plan to make the most of my free day and watch a couple of DVDs!
Have a good day everyone.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Good morning. It’s very calm and mild here this morning after a windy day yesterday. I’ve had a wander round the garden in my dressing gown and it’s so mild for January. Loads of birds around too.
Haircut for me yesterday, left it a bit longer this time just for a change. Then we went out and DH managed to get a couple of jigsaws from our local community centre so he’s happy now, he does like to keep occupied.
I Hope Sunshine is having a lovely time...Sunshine in the sunshine 🌞🌞
Thinking of Clover, hope all is well with her too.
When do you get you car, Gem? A busy day for you Daisy.
Shopping for us this morning, I don’t need much, I’m trying to use up what’s left in the freezer. Have a good day whatever you have planned 🌞"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss
We back , I managed to buy 2 new Bras , a melt burner from Collectables , some makeup remover and a lipstick from Body shop , all in The Metro but didn't find a coat or any blouses its all dull colours at the moment ,
We then went to The Range and I bought two very large faux Rabbit fur white Cushions , they are so soft for our chairs , I also ended up buying some more Christmas baubles in the sale , well they were only 33p each
I now have heat pack on my knees , the floors in the metro are so hard it always makes my knees and back hurt and my knees had just started to stop achingIm not fat just 6ft too small
Oma - the really important question - did you get to Ikea?
Enfys, it's now raining here - drizzly but persistent rain, and it's dark (again) and a bit misty. We've had the lights on most of the day! OH was going to do some shopping then got caught up doing other things, so I don't know whether he'll shop or not now! I've got to leave early to collect the GDs as the road I usually use is closed. It also means a longer journey home and dog training starts again tonight so it's more of a rush.
Gem and Nanto - Yorkshire was mentioned on the weather forecast this morning because of high winds on their way.
Gem - a professional dog nanny would need a lot more stamina than I've got, if they're all like Cooper.But, shhhhh .... they are both asleep at the moment.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Good afternoon all
I’ve been to town this morning to buy some birthday cards and a calendar even though like most calendars on sale May bank holiday is incorrect, it is down as Monday 4th .
The bank holiday has been moved to Friday 8th May to mark the 75th anniversary of VE Day.
I also brought a new top from Debenhams in the sale . The Debenhams here has escaped closure ( this time round, who knows what will happen in the future) but there was more staff than customers in there today.
Had a bit of a surprise this morning to discover that the bus fare has gone up yet again, I wouldn’t mind betting that just as I get to September, when I am eligible for a free bus pass it will be snatched away from me !
Yesterday I attempted to comb the cat as she has taken on a very scruffy appearance, she hardly grooms herself now . As I started to comb her she was purring but as I got closer to her hind legs she began letting out a low growl , obviously the arthritis in her legs are playing her up... oh how I sympathise with her , poor old thing.
Hope I find our ladies in good healthBring me sunshine in your smile.
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Lovely mild sunny weather earlier, a neighbour came around for a coffee so that took care of the morning. A neighbour behind us was feeding (naughty) the red kites, there must have been about a dozen wheeling around, quite a sight. They were introduced to the Chilterns some years ago but have multiplied so much they are becoming a pest.
Your shopping trip sounded successful apart from the coat Oma. I have never been to a Metro Centre.
I expect your GS will be pleased when you pick him up in your new car Gemini.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Daisy no I didn't get , my knees were hurting too much so I will go maybe Friday or next week , I think I will survive with 200 napkins till then
Plant its the largest shopping centre in the country , but so big even after about 20+ years of visiting it I can easily get lostLast edited by Oma; 07-01-2020, 03:40 PM.Im not fat just 6ft too small
Oma, what a shame you didn't get a coat.
Daisy,the wind has picked up now,as they said it would.
I did get the washing out,but when it came very dark i brought it in.
Then it brightened up. They were almost dry though.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
Been mild here but have had spots of rain and the wind is quite chilly now.
Yoga this morning, then we had a chap from the solar panel company here this afternoon talking about increasing the battery size and advising us about utilities suppliers. He gave us some good advice and it was nice not to be pushed for a sale. Hopefully, his advice will see a further reduction in our electricity and gas bills. Just hope for a sunny summer to generate lots of electricity!!
GS now has his arm in a full cast because the other one wasn't immobilising the arm. Tasteful red and black plaster on his arm now!! Speaking to someone this morning and it seems the skatepark is a hot spot for broken limbs and not only among the younger children using it!
Need to organise something to eat tonight, but don't know what. Had a fry up last night but didn't enjoy it, so I think tonight's meal will be plant based. There's a cauli in the fridge so I think that will be used!
Have a good evening ladies whatever you're up to x
Believe you can and you're halfway there.
Theodore Roosevelt.
Your poor knees Oma. Mine were painful when I set off today. Not so much on my walk home, as painkillers had kicked in by then!
Poor GS, WG. Got to keep that arm straight though.
Mimi I have changed the bank holiday to the Friday in my new diary when I got it. Odd to have May Day on a Friday!
I had a nice day
Did some housework , then walked into the village with my Kindle and had a lovely leisurely lunch in my favourite cafe. I have never seen it so quiet, which was nice for us customers, but not for business. I suppose all eateries are quiet in the new year.
I went to Sainsbury's on my way back and came home and watched Beauty and The Beast.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown