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    GM until B was ill we went to the Tattoo every year , made a break away of it , we have enjoyed every one of them even one year when it absolutely bounced down with rain and we squelched back to the hotel

    Get booked early though as tickets sell fast xx
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Grrrr I have just spent the last half hour getting cat fur off the red fabric skirt that goes around the Christmas tree .
      Our cat took to sleeping under the tree during the Christmas period, which was fine until I noticed how much fur was on the skirt when we took the decs down today.
      I lay the skirt on the floor in the spare room and got down on my hands and knees to clean it with the roller that picks up fur and fluff ( supposedly)
      When the job was complete I struggled to get back on my feet and stupidly leaving the spare room door opened I took the roller outside and cleaned it , while I was there I swept the patio, so I was gone about 10mins.
      Apparently, this is all the time it takes for our cat to discover the skirt and replace every single cat hair back on to it.
      When I returned indoors, there she was asleep on the skirt !
      I’ve got the right hump now

      Any way , deep breath and relax.......

      Happy New Year ladies. I hope that this year is a huge improvement on those who are struggling at the moment.

      Grauntie several years years ago we planned to go to Edinburgh Tattoo but OH was made redundant and it was put on the ‘back burner’ and we’ve never mentioned it since .

      Now I’ve had a cup of coffee I must go and tackle that flipping skirt again.... now come on Mimi.... think lovely thoughts....deep breathes..... ..... it’s no good it’s not working!

      Bring me sunshine in your smile.


        Mimi, your funny posts make me laugh 😊
        Our cat has spent a lot of time behind the Christmas tree this year. As our tree skirt is a shinyish fabric hopefully it will have fared better!

        Never been to the Tattoo despite DD1 living in Edinburgh for many years. I've heard it's good though.

        NYE mostly cleared away now, friend T about to go home. I think we may watch some TV and eat chocolate. Just when we were making inroads into the Christmas chocs, we were given several boxes last night! We shared some with our guests and I think some may go away until later in the year.
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Well a cat has to sleep somewhere Mimi.
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            Hello everyone, and happy New Year

            I have to report I'm stone cold sober after last night's party, and was up well before 9. I'll be back later - I got stuck online with a problem and it's taken 2 hours to get it sorted, so I need to do some tidying up and get us some lunch.
            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Oh I am sorry Mimi but I howled laughing at that hahahaha
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Me too Mimi! Have you tried a damp rubber glove?
                Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                Eleanor Roosevelt.


                  I laughd at your post as well Mimi.
                  All decorations boxed up and back in the cupboard.
                  Polished and hoovered the living room,so order has been restored.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Mimi, that did make me laugh 😀.
                    "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                      Evening ladies , all guests gone , we cleared away , had a cupper then set too taking everything down .

                      Just finished everything back in loft just the outside lights to come down in the morning , floors to wash and tables to come out of the shed ,

                      We cooked for the 5000 everyone took lots home , MIL took a big tub of curry home to have tomorrow and some cake so she's set .

                      We did too much as usual but still had lots of stuff in the freezer that we decided not to do .

                      Deffo not doing it next year we will go out let someone else do the cooking and washing up , I have a washer full of tea towels to do tomorrow .

                      Hope everyone has had a good day xx

                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        It's taken me a while to get back on here! Mimi - the best laugh of the day! Your cat knows how to wind you up!

                        Oma - you did well to get all your clearing up done from today! Going out for a meal next year sounds a good idea.

                        Gem - I hope you had a nice relaxing TV and chocs day!

                        Enfys - I hope you enjoyed your carvery lunch - what a nice way to start the New Year.

                        Lizzie - that's a lot of fireworks. What a pity the weather didn't co-operate though.

                        Grauntie - how nice to be planning holidays. I hope you manage to see the Edinburgh Tattoo this year - it sounds wonderful.

                        My OH managed to hurt his back again this morning so he's been suffering all day. We're hoping to go shopping tomorrow if he's ok, and to DS1's on Friday. I've done most of the clearing up from last night, but with not getting to bed until 3 am, I was quite tired. We need to take the decs down now! They've had their time in the sunshine for this year.

                        Sleep well everyone. Night, night.
                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Good morning. The sun is rising in the distance.

                          Oma, going out for a meal next year is the best option.

                          Daisy, hope OH's back feels better today.

                          First jobs for me are ironing and want to clean the kitchen windows.
                          No doubt i will find something else to do.

                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Good morning, Nanto and those who pop in later. I like the sunrise graphic, Nanto - our sunrise this morning is hidden in thick cloud, but it's not cold.

                            We're off to Southampton this morning to do some much-needed shopping - I hope it's not too busy. OH's back is also still painful, so we'll take it steady. See you lter.

                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Good morning, all. Dull here but not cold.

                              Hope your DHs back improves Daisy, and the shops aren’t too busy.

                              Had a lovely lunch yesterday, luckily DD had booked a table as they were really busy. It was nice to meet up before DD jetted off late last night. I got the dates wrong, thought it was early this morning. So she is up in the air, about an hour away from Singapore where she will change planes then on to Adelaide and the heat 🌞🌞🌞.

                              We are going to friends for lunch today. We haven’t seen them for ages although we phone each other regularly, so it will be nice to catch up,

                              I wonder how Clover is today, hope all,is OK.

                              Have a good day everyone 🙂

                              "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                                Good morning ladies!
                                Lots of ironing needing doing in our house Nan2.
                                I hope it's not too busy Daisy, and OH's back survives the trip.
                                Oma, lovely to entertain but that sounds exhausting. You have done your bit all these years, so yes start planning for next year then you can book somewhere for you all.

                                Lots of decorations coming down around GRU. I saw on FB my mums neighbours took theirs down on Boxing Day. What is the point of putting them up I wonder?? But, each to their own.

                                This morning OH and I will do my mum's shopping. Then I will catch a bus over to hers this afternoon. OH will come over late afternoon, after golf, with the shopping, and will take me home. The same will happen next Thursday, as I wont have my car until Friday of next week.
                                No decs coming down in the Gemini household, which also means not much more housework after our NYE spruce up, until they come down

                                Have a good day everyone.
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

