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    Have a lovely time Sunshine, good idea to catch a few rays at this time of the year.

    Gemini, enjoy your mystery show with DD and the GC.

    Enfys, I hope your neck will feel better when the soreness wears off.

    My OH used to love Pontefract cakes, we did call there once to get some genuine ones.

    Very late getting up, I was awake in the night with toothache (not the one I am waiting to have removed) I am falling to bits.
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      Morning all, or should I say good-afternoon having just noticed the time. It’s a mild sunny day here so far , thank goodness that strong wind has gone bur according to the weather forecast we are due to have some more strong winds.

      Daisy, yes I did get back to writing my cards and I think I have finished but I am bound to get one from someone I have forgotten.

      Have a lovely time Sunshine, enjoy the cruise.

      Enfys hope you are more comfortable today.

      Plant toothache is horrible, hope it’s not bothering you too much.

      Have a good good day everyone

      Bring me sunshine in your smile.


        Oh Plant toothache is awful, do you need it checking?
        Enfys, I hope the aches subside soon.
        Well done getting your cards done Mimi.

        I made the Christmas cake this morning, it is in the oven now. That is the full sized one I make for us. I make half size one for my mum , which I will get done tomorrow or Monday.
        I will continue writing my Christmas cards now until it is time to get ready to go out.

        We went to the vets this morning to make an appointment for early Tuesday. Our vet will be back on Monday but is fully booked. We feel the time has come for little cat. She very wobbly on her legs now and eating is very erratic. She uses the litter tray but also goes elsewhere, including on me 3 times now. Having had her 19 years I know her well as I did her sister. I know life is not what it should be for her now, she's ready to go. We were both in tears making the appointment, We know its the right decision though.
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Sun shining now after a gloomy start to the day.

          Clover, I'm sorry the doc wasn't more helpful about how you're feeling. Maybe when G has his next hospital visit you could ask them if they know of any organisations that could help with respite care. AgeUK springs to mind as a possibility for help. The lady I take to Art got care for her OH when she went but I think it was a private agency that provided the care.

          Gem, it's heartbreaking when you have to make decisions about much loved family pets. But as you say, you know her well and she's not getting any better. Thinking of you both xx

          Dasiy, I haven't done my own card this year, just couldn't get enthused about doing it. So bought ones it will have to be. Hopefully next year, will see me get the artistic cap on!

          Been and collected my tickets for Wednesday. The ticket machine at our station has been out of action for weeks, but has now been restored to full working order. So I'm ready for the off.

          Plant, your teeth seem to be causing you a lot of pain at the moment don't they ? I hope you've got something to ease the pain even if it's just a large G&T!

          Enfys, I hope your neck is feeling easier now and that you haven't had any recurrence of the strange swellings.

          Sunshine, enjoy your cruise and make the most of the sunshine! There's nothing like a bit of warm winter sunshine to set you up for the grey days I always think.

          My present will have to stay here as it's too big to go in my luggage and I'm certainly not paying excess baggage to take it the DS's and bring it all the way back again!!

          Enjoy the rest of the day ladies whatever you're up to xx
          Believe you can and you're halfway there.
          Theodore Roosevelt.


            I got the freezer defrosted just in time for the food delivery, and now it's clean, tidy and fully stocked, after a bit of Freezer Tetris. I can just about feel my fingers again. I then made some mincepies for tomorrow, and put the timer on for the second batch while I had a sandwich, and the timer jammed and I forgot about the mincepies. Crisps, anyone!

            Enfys - I'm glad the osteopath has identified the problem. I always feel sore for 24-36 hours afterwards, but hopefully your neck will be better tomorrow.

            Oma - it sounds as though you've got everything under control.

            Sunshine - have a wonderful time. I hope there's plenty of sunshine for you - it's a good time to go. Relax and enjoy.

            Plant - poor you, yet more tooth trouble. xx

            Mimi - it's quite mild here, but no sunshine. Well done on getting your cards done.

            WeeGranny - I do hope the artistic muse is with you for next year's Christmas cards, but you're right. If you're not in the 'zone' you wouldn't have enjoyed it.

            Gem - I'm so sad for you. I'm sure you're making the right and kind decision for little cat, but I know how hard it is, especially not long after losing her sister. She is an amazing age though, and I'm sure you will have so many lovely memories of her. I'm in tears for you as well. Sending hugs. xxx

            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Oh Gem how sad but its what is best for her , I will give you a big hug on Wednesday xxx

              Plant you have had some trouble with your teeth lately , toothache is horrible I feel your pain xx

              Daisy well done getting the freezer done , poor mince pies letting them burn like that , its note like you is it

              WG no use dragging your gift with you when you have to bring it back again x

              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Evening ladies just a quickie as I have eldest g/d , you can no longer leave them to play with toys, at going on for ten they want to do and learn things with you , so we made Christmas cookies, and an apple and raspberry pie, lol she was amazed how the pastry was flour and when you finished it it rolled out with a rolling pin and became a pie 😀
                Gem I am so sorry to hear we might have to accept bad news next week, you just have to think how long you have had her and looked after her and what a happy home she has come from sending love hope to cheer you up on Wednesday
                Plant it’s funny well it isn’t really but toothache I have had also , I think it’s sensitivity with me it’s half way across my front teeth and back teeth and the same at the bottom , but I can go a week and I’m fine so leaving it till next week when I’m due for a check up
                Daisy glad you enjoyed your lunch out , it’s good to get out of the four walls and be amongst company
                Sunshine hope you have a lovely cruise and that it warms your bones up !
                Enfys sounds like the treatment for you will do you good but it may take a few days to feel the benefit
                Dd is picking up g/ d tomorrow so coming for Sunday lunch and breathe , enjoy the rest of your weekend grandmas


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                    Qwerty you have had a productive day. Is that the icing bowl that GD is cleaning out ?

                    Gem I’m so sorry to hear about your little kitty. It’s the kindest thing you can ever do for her. Sending big hugs to you and S.

                    I hope those with aches and pains soon get some relief.

                    Sunshine have a wonderful cruise. Our last one was to the Canary Islands.

                    Enjoy your evening ladies.


                      Sunshine,enjoy your cruise.

                      Gem,sorry to hear about kitty,but if you think her time has come, the kindest thing is to let her go.

                      We never got to Pontefract. Ended up in Gems neck of the woods.
                      Stopped off at friends on the way to Pontefract. P & J said they fancied going to York,so we all went.
                      Been a long but enjoyable day.
                      You do not have permission to view this gallery.
                      This gallery has 2 photos.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Originally posted by Oma View Post
                        Daisy well done getting the freezer done , poor mince pies letting them burn like that , its note like you is it

                        Oma - not in the slightest!

                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Originally posted by Clover View Post
                          Qwerty you have had a productive day. Is that the icing bowl that GD is cleaning out ?

                          Gem I’m so sorry to hear about your little kitty. It’s the kindest thing you can ever do for her. Sending big hugs to you and S.

                          I hope those with aches and pains soon get some relief.

                          Sunshine have a wonderful cruise. Our last one was to the Canary Islands.

                          Enjoy your evening ladies.
                          It is I’m afraid Clover ,naughty grandma , but grandmas house grandmas rules or lack of them.
                          Last edited by Qwerty; 07-12-2019, 10:36 PM.


                            Gem, I am so sorry to hear about your kitty. But you are doing the kindest thing for her even though it must heartbreaking for you . Sending you lots of hugs x
                            Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                              Thanks everyone.
                              We are sure we are doing the right thing. She's having a lot of difficulty walking now and even standing to eat and drink. She's sleeping most of the time. When OH went to get us a Chinese takeaway tonight she called into the fish and chip shop and got puss a fish. She ate quite a bit of that! There is more for tomorrow.
                              She sleeps on the sofas but I'm not at all sure she can get on and off on her own now, we are lifting her on and off. So we are going to make her a comfy bed on the floor tonight with her water nearby and lots of puppy pads on the floor.

                              On a lighter note we all enjoyed the show.The Magic Hatters Christmas Show. He is a local children's magician. Very good and funny. GS of course did not want it to end!
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Drizzling this morning.
                                Day in today for me,quite a few jobs to do,after being out all day yesterday.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

