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    Morning all.
    Sorry to hear that so many are feeling off colour.

    Oma hopefully the antibiotics will soon start to work their magic andyou feel much better very soon.

    Enfys I’m sure P would rather you went out and had a bit of ‘rest bite ‘ . I suppose he would take the advantage of you not being there to have a catch up on some much needed sleep . After you will return home refreshed and so much better mentally to support him.

    Libra I don’t envy you on your train journeys, but needs much I suppose. Hope E has a lovely 17th birthday.

    Have a a wonderful holiday Plant

    Avo enjoy your motor home trip.

    I’m not feeling 100% today. Had a bad night , I have to wonder why toes and fingers are so painful when I am only lay in bed ?
    Perhaps it might be more to do with the fact that I spent most of yesterday in the front and back garden, emptying hanging baskets, tiding up boarders and planting two containers and one hanging basket with violas !

    Have a a good day everyone
    Bring me sunshine in your smile.


      Enfys . you need some me time , P would feel very guilty if you didn't go im sure , no one realises how exhausted Chemo makes them , its not just tiredness is it its far more severe xx

      Mimi I think air pressure has a lot to do with our joints too , I find when its cold or wet my joints are worse that's why when we are in sunny climes I very rarely have a lot of pain in my joints , doing all that gardening wont have helped either xx

      Sunshine I can just picture you all snuggled up

      Nanto what will parents in law choose if no Fish & Chips ?

      GM that's the problem with these sites sending Tat and then a fight to get a refund , not good s it

      Libra enjoy your flying visit is B staying with your fur babies ?

      Daisy how's the house clearing going ? bet your sick of it now , says a lot for being minimalist doesn't it , meant to ask what did you do with all them back packs ?
      By the way thank you and it was my pleasure

      Gem we had rain too then this morning it was nice but its wat and grey again , you don't know if you need a raincoat or a big coat do you

      I hope Plant had a good flight they were leaving early I think ,

      I took some neurofen earlier and managed to sleep on the sofa for just over 1 hour felt better for it cant wait till these tablets work going to be a long few days xx

      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Oh dear,hope all those feeling under the weather are better soon.
        Oma, they have some M&S ready meals in.All dad has to do,is put them in the oven.
        Just spent the last hour listing some new unused items on Gumtree.
        Some of them would make decent Christmas presents.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Good evening all.
          A lovely day with GS2. Three year olds are so cute

          Poorly people and OH's, please all feel better soon.
          Those away - Avo, Plant, Qwerty, Libra, enjoy! Daisy is away too, but it's not a holiday!
          Nan2, I have lots to sell when I get round to it.

          Mine turn to cook so I must get on. Then feet up, glass of wine and TV!
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Gem, we have started using Gumtree, no fees to pay.

            Grauntie,i will stick to uk sites in future. never had a problem with them,even when returning things.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Oh poor you Oma, hope you get some rest soon. I am not sure what the Parathyroid does.

              Enfys I am so sorry to hear P is still feeling tired.

              I am in a lovely hotel in Madrid, just come back for a rest, I seem to have been on the go for ages. We started out at 7.30 and don't seem to have stopped eating. We are all tired so although it is still quite early for Spain we have decided to get some rest.
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                A nice bright morning here in Yorkshire.

                Shopping in town today,then pop into the supermarket on the way home.

                Hope all the poorlies are feeling better soon.

                Plant,hope you feel rested this morning.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Good morning Nan2 and Minnie! Good morning everyone else.

                  Lovely to hear from you in Madrid Plant, and see your photo on FB.
                  Are you in any less pain today Oma?

                  A meal out with friends tonight - another birthday to celebrate! Lots of our friends seem to have autumn birthdays.
                  This morning I must go into town for a last minute extra for my GD's birthday . The only thing she has asked for is Fluffy Sand from Smiggle. I have found out no one is getting it! I have already got the Walking with Alpacas experience and some Harry Potter related stuff, but I can't have her disappointed so into town we go. I always get each GC a helium balloon for birthdays, so I will go to our local card shop for that today, as they are closed on Sundays. Her birthday isn't until Tuesday, but the family party is tomorrow.

                  Happy Weekend everyone.
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Morning ladies , another horrible night but swelling is going down and im having longer intervals between taking pain killers so that's good ,thank you for asking Gem

                    have ironed the clothes I did yesterday and the fresh bedding , went to B&M and Lidl for a few things now im going no where im going to have a quiet day .

                    Gem its so expensive in Smiggle but as its her Birthday you can splash out

                    Nanto enjoy your shopping trip is it to look for a outfit ?

                    Plant looked radiant on her photos with drink in hand on FB hope she's rested and ready for the day ahead

                    Daisy are you home yet ?

                    Have a good day ladies xxx
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      I hope the swelling continues to go down Oma.
                      I think Daisy is due back tomorrow.
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Afternoon all . We have just come back from the drs. We both had our flu vaccine this morning, it’s the first time I had mine for free.
                        Just after we came out of the surgery youngest DS rang ( he is asthmatic so qualifies for a free vacation) . Apparently he can’t have his yet as there isn’t enough to go round and only the 65’s and over are getting vaccinated at the moment.
                        It’s getting beyond a joke now with the NHS . Even one of my prescribed tables are out of stock, it’s a good job I have enough till the end of next month, hopefully more will be available by then.
                        I went into Bonmarche on the way home and brought two jumpers and a pair of pull on trousers . I am not a huge fan of pull on trousers but needs must I suppose as first thing in the morning (and when I am desperate to spend a penny) fiddling with a zip and buttons hurts my fingers. Old age doesn’t come alone does it ?

                        Oma good that the swelling is coming down and you are able to go longer without having to take painkillers, keep up the good work.

                        I have to admit it that I had to Goggle Smiggle. We don’t have anything like that here, if you took away M and S , Debenhams, Primemark and Bonmarche we would only have coffee shops here ! In fact OH looked for some long sleeve polo shirts this morning with no luck so it’s back on the Internet for him .

                        Have a good good weekend ladies
                        Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                          Afternoon all.Mimi love the puppy.

                          Oma glad the antibiotics are working.

                          I’ve just finished a pile of ironing so having five minutes before the next job on the list. I have a gammon in the slow cooker and the veg is done.

                          Gem of course you’ve got to spoil GD .It’s part of a granny’s job description. I hope she has a wonderful birthday when it comes and a lovely party tomorrow. Enjoy your friend’s celebration tonight.

                          Meant to say we quite enjoyed “Judy” at the cinema. Poor woman was so manipulated in her younger years it left a lifetime’s legacy of insecurity and unhappiness. She was only 47 when she died. I didn’t know she had such a troubled life near the end.

                          Hope Plant has a good time in Madrid. She’s a real gadabout with three trips in the last few months.

                          Weather is quite miserable here. I’m glad we got a walk in early while it was still dry.

                          Enjoy your weekend whatever you’re up to.


                            Oma, didn't go shopping for a wedding outfit.
                            My worst nightmare would be going and looking in clothes shops.

                            Just went into town for a few bits and some more Euros.
                            Ate out,then went to the supermarket.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              I fancy that film Clover. In fact when we saw Downton there were several films previewed that I woud like to see.
                              Mimi, Smiggle is the place to go for girls anyway, not sure about the boys. Expensive for what it is though!

                              We went to the library for my mum, went to the card shop for a birthday balloon for GD, then went into town. Fluffy Sand bought from Smiggle, and new trainers bought for OH. We had lunch in M&S.
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Another full day in Madrid, being the weekend it is very busy. We went on a bus tour and then had a tapas lunch. I am resting on the bed, too hot on my small balcony. I am meeting DS and DIL later for an evening meal. We are not really in step with the locals.

                                Pleased to hear the swelling is reducing Oma and you are in less pain.
                                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

