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    Gem - I hope you got your fish and chips eventually!

    Oma - thanks for asking. J's eye is still very red at the injection site, but otherwise ok and not painful. My back niggles for a while then eases off a bit and then niggles again - no rhyme or reason. I've had tons of treatment on is over 30+ years and it makes no difference. It's not been too bad today, though.

    Enfys - perhaps some iron tablets would help P. He must feel fed up when he's got no energy like that. Have you tried taking anti-histamine tablets when you face swells like that? Well done on your veggie success. xx

    Mimi - I can't understand why you wouldn't want a leaky hosepipe running down your hall.

    WG - I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought I was going to move mountains (or weeds) when lockdown started, but haven't! I really don't know where the time goes.

    Nanto - what a nice surprise to see DS1 and GD2.

    Plant - I worry that there will be a rise in cases with lockdown easing. Apart from seeing the family I don't think we're going to change anything.

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      And its another beautiful sunny morning.
      Shopping this afternoon, a few jobs to do this morning.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        Good morning ladies.
        Cheery Teddy there Nan2, have a nice shopping trip.
        How is your face today Enfys?
        I hope your back and OH's eye are both more comfortable today Daisy.
        Fish and chips arrived just after I posted. Very good, but not as hot as you would wish for. I will be glad when you can collect your own.

        Today is our Tesco Click and Collect. We have had Sainsbury's for the last 3 weeks, having a change this week.
        This afternoon we are due to go for a riverside walk with 2 friends. My back and leg have been so painful this week and I am limping so much that I don't think I can. I forgot to take my stick on the walk with GS1 on Wednesday and I think I walked oddly to compensate for my painful knee and have put my back all out of kilter. Hopefully things will improve in time.
        I would like it if one of them (L, the friend who has stayed here a couple of times) would stay here and chat in the garden with me, but it's not fair to ask her really. They will probably come back for a cuppa in the garden after the walk.

        Have a good day all, stay cool!
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Good morning Nanto, Gem and all who call in later. I think Ted in the graphic will need the brolly as a sunshade - it looks like another warm, sunny day.

          Nanto - I'm sure you'll enjoy your shopping trip this afternoon. Take care.

          Gem - poor you. It's awful being in so much pain, and it sounds as though you shouldn't be going for a walk. But it's disappointing, I know. Perhaps one of your friends will realise you could do with a chat in the garden, instead.

          Thank you for asking about our ailments. J's eye looks a bit sticky this morning, but I put quite a lot of gel in it last night, so I think it will be ok when he's up and about. My back is usually painful in the morning, but tends to improve after moving round for a while and a hot shower.

          Enfys - I hope you are feeling ok - your face must feel quite uncomfortable when it swells up like that. xx

          No plans for today at the moment. I've got a vague ambition to catch up with the ironing - mainly because I'm sick of seeing it lying around, and it will need washing again soon if I don't put it away!! But I've also got vague ideas and a list of jobs to do in the garden - certainly cutting the lawn, and trying to make some order out of mostly empty pots lying around.

          Whatever is on the cards for you today ladies, stay safe and enjoy the sunshine.

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Good morning, another sunny morning here.

            Face is much better, thank you Daisy. I always keep antihistamine by the bed, it’s always the middle of the night when it starts. P seems brighter this morning, is tucking into bacon and eggs as I speak! We have decided he really must try and move around a bit more, even just a few steps every so often would be good for him and he has promised he will try. His breathings seems to get a bit easier the more he moves. Hopefully after his blood test on Monday the doc will have a better idea of what to do.

            No plans for today, I cleaned the conservatory yesterday, looks nice now, sorted out the bookcase and I have a pile of books ready for the charity shop whenever we can get there. Might do a bit of gardening this morning, a few things need cutting down.

            Take care of your knee and back Gem. When my knee was really bad I put my back and the other knee out by over compensating, so do be careful.

            Hope your back and OHs eye are better this morning Daisy.

            Have a good day everyone 🌞
            "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


              Morning ladies another beautiful day.

              Gem don't even try to go walking you need to rest up it must be so frustrating though.but better resting than aggravate the problem xx

              Daisy things are always less flexible on a morning , you need to take things slow till your body catches up with you , hope J's eye is a bit better today

              Enfys yes a little walk will do P good if his Iron levels are low it will be a effort for him though . It's strange these swellings that come and go isn't it , at least you know how to treat it xx.

              Nanto enjoy your shopping I'm sure there are lots of us who wish we could

              Been busy this morning , had a chat with Sister then DD & SIL turned up they had managed to find Flour so had bought us 2 bags of Bread flour and 2 SR it was like getting a bunch of Flowers we were surprised and very pleased . Sad or what hahaha

              I then tackled some hand sewing I find it difficult now my fingers don't work as well and eyesight ain't what It was . But I bought two pair of summer PJs and the straps are a bit long so needed shortening , not worth getting machine out for but it took me a long time to do them .

              Then I did the ironing I intended doing yesterday , put the board up sorted the iron and when I looked there were only 5 items , looked a lot but actually only 3 dresses and two t- shirts , B had flattened out his jeans and just hung them in wardrobe when he took washing upstairs , to be honest they looked fine I did check just incase they looked awful .

              Having 5 mins on here then will give the garden a hoover

              Have a nice day ladies 😘
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Good morning all.
                Its another fine day here . There are lots to do outside but as I don't seem to have any joint that isn't hurting this morning it will all have to wait for another day . OH isn't much better, when we wre out walking the other day he tripped and jarred his leg and back so he isn't feeling 100% at the moment either. What a pair we are!

                Enfys its good to see that you are feeling better, hope P finds moving around makes his breathing easier.

                Oma, what DD wouldn't give for some flour. When SIL goes shopping she gives him strict instructions that if he sees flour to get it. So far he hasn't been successful.
                Oma, B is a man after my own heart, flattening out his jeans so that they don't need ironing, very wise !

                Gem I sympathise with you and your pain, it can really get you down can't it. Hope you feel better soon.

                Have a good day everyone
                Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                  Mimi what a pair
                  Mind you I said to B last night this getting old malarky is a laugh you wake on a morning and see what part of you DOESN'T hurt and what part is willing to work

                  I get up on a morning and crack and grumble then look in mirror and see this thing that looks like something the cats dragged in through a hedge , try to get my hair to lay flat with a lick of my hand and pick the bags up under my eyes , try to suck my belly in and my double chin then say sod it and let it all go ,

                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    I am joining the aches and pain today, I have a painful neck and a headache, just taken some paracetamol, I think I have been doing too much knitting, I will give it a rest today. GD1 and her partner are off today and fetched me some odds and ends to last me until my click and collect next Sunday. They did some bar-b-cue shopping for themselves.

                    Gem, I hope with rest the pains will go away.

                    Daisy, I hope J's eye isn't too bad today and you get some relief from your back pain.

                    Nanto, enjoy your shopping.

                    Enfys, I hope P enjoyed his walk. I find being in so much my walking isn't good. I must go for a stroll.
                    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                      Too many ladies in pain on here!!
                      if only we had appreciated our supple pain-free bodies when we were younger.
                      (although what youth would it have been if we had been worrying about aches, pains, glasses and hearing aids to come )

                      Another lovely summery day.
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Hope all the aches and pains soon disappear ladies and OHs too!
                        As my Granny used to say Auld age disnae come itsel'! She was right!
                        Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                        Theodore Roosevelt.


                          Gem - you're right about all the aches and pains and how we took things for granted when we were younger. Bits don't bend like they used to, do they!

                          My back's as good as it gets today, but I think it helped that I've had a pretty lazy day. OH's eye is very much better, thank you, everyone. It's still red at the site of the injection, but otherwise fine, and not painful. He's now got a break until the end of July.

                          Enfys - I'm pleased to hear P is feeling a bit more active and his breathing's better.

                          Gem - how are your aches and pains now?

                          Mimi - do you ever stop and just notice all the bits that are hurting? I do!

                          Oma - given the choice between flowers and flours at the moment even I would choose flours! Although I do have some in at the moment. Have you tried any local wholesale suppliers, or specialist suppliers to the catering industry?

                          Plant - it sounds as though you need to have a nice walk and give the knitting a bit of a rest. Take care.

                          WeeGranny - your Granny was a wise lady!

                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Good morning,and its the start of a new week.
                            Gardening for us this morning.
                            Washing on as we speak.
                            Salad for dinner today,hubby's request. Not my favourite but hey ho.
                            We like something warm with salad,so it will be scampi today.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Good morning everyone, had a lousy week, few weeks actually, with cystitis, will it ever go away!!! I got yet another medicine on Friday and since then feel a lot better, so, hoping! I could make an appointment with specialist in Rotterdam, but, not much they can do so will wait and see.

                              I did go to DS2 yesterday and had coffee with them in the garden, he has finished stripping the top floor and now hopes to get it built up again, the new staircase has been measured so they are waiting for an estimate for that.

                              It is Whit weekend here, a bit like the last 3 months actually. Restaurants etc open at 12am tomorrow, we shall have to see how that works.

                              I have been reading posts, don't think I have forgotton to post, not always feeling upto it, feeling a bit sorry for myself!!!!! That will pass.


                                Morning all.

                                I really hope all those with aches and pains get some relief soon. You’d think the warm weather would help rheumatic pain .

                                Lizzie ,you have been having a rough time with the cystitis. Fingers crossed the latest medication does the trick.

                                It’s ironic that my sister who lives on the other side of the country in Essex is on the go all day and sometimes night as carer for her hubby and here’s me looking for things to keep me busy. There a lot of things I could be doing ,sorting out clothes etc but I can’t get the motivation for that! I went for a walk along the cliffs yesterday . The sky and sea were so blue. I sat for a while just watching the sea, the birds etc.

                                DS 1’s partner broke her toe yesterday. She is learning to ride a bike and got a bit panicky when three other cyclists approached on the bike path. She tried to dismount quickly and got tangled in the pedal somehow causing her to fall awkwardly.As DS doesn’t drive they had to get a taxi to Minor Injuries (after consulting 111 )as their neighbours had been drinking and couldn’t help.It was quite a way to go as the nearest hospital isn’t taking “minors” It was quite quiet as there was not the usual Friday night scrum. She has broken it on both sides but not a lot can be done except for a boot to keep the pressure off it and painkillers

                                Enjoy your day x

