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    Good morning. No fancy graphic,out of respect for Glamma and her family.
    I'm sure she will know we are all thinking about her.

    Heavy rain and strong winds forecast for later.
    Apparently storm Brendan is coming.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Good morning, Nanto, and thank you.

      I think we will all be thinking about Glamm today and her family.

      I'm off to collect Cooper soon, but I'll pop back in later.

      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Good morning Nan2, Daisy and ladies.

        Yes, all our thoughts are with Glamma and her family today. She is a brave lady and I know she has family support. I hope today goes as well as it can do.

        All very calm here at the moment Nan2, no sign of storms.
        Just my mammogram at 4pm for me. Our cat sitter friend was calling for coffee this morning but her plans have changed so she will come another time.

        Take care everyone
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Morning ladies
          Thinking of Glamm and her family this morning , a sad day for them .

          B off to Hospital I have the Dog

          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Morning ladies.
            I echo Oma’s sentiment. My thoughts are with Glamm and her family today.

            Bring me sunshine in your smile.


              Sad day for Glam wishing her courage to get through the day and that love surrounds her xx


                Thinking of Glamm and her family, very sad day for them all.
                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                  Also thinking of Glam and her family. A sad day for them all.
                  "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                    Hello ladies well that was a long weekend🥴 I have to say the twins were perfect played quietly, asked for nothing but cuddles , J has had a sore gum you could see the scratch we thought it was from a sharp crisp but turns out the next day a double tooth popped out 🦷 M now has an ulcer on her gum it’s pretty sore putting Ambusol on but she is eating soft foods bless her, went to DS for lunch bringing the kids back , its dil birthday today, so we celebrated yesterday with a nice lunch, and birthday cake and karaoke 🎤. Got back about 6 and flopped out for the evening .
                    Gem hope you get good results from the mammogram they are not long at telling are they .
                    Not a lot to say today as a sad day for Glam and family . I hadn’t been on for a few days so wanted to let you know I’m ok 🙂
                    Hope your all well


                      Lovely to hear from you Qwerty. Good to hear you are ok.
                      Hope M's ulcer clears up soon.

                      Gem, good luck for the mammogram.

                      Tried both of the outfits on that i got for the wedding.
                      Happy with both of them.
                      Just got the task of shortening them now.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Nan2, its nice when outfits ordered online are just right, if a little long. I have the same problem.
                        Poor children both with sore teeth Qwerty! I knew you had the little ones there so didn't expect to see you here the last day or two

                        Back from the dreaded mammogram. I was a bit scared as they went a way, looked at something then came back into the room and redid part of my right breast (the good breast) again. Just an edge which was a painful procedure! Afterwards I asked if it was just because they hadn't got a good view the first time. She said yes and reminded me the same happened last year. It's the shape of the breast or something. It should reassure me but it doesn't fully! I am quietly worrying as 3 years ago we had a Florida holiday booked when I found out I had cancer, so with another booked in a few weeks time, I fear it happening again. Ridiculous I know, and so many ladies have far more to worry about here. Fingers crossed I will be telling you all is fine in a week or two.
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Gem you can't help worrying especially after the last time . It's only natural. Fingers crossed everything is fine but it is the wait that's the worst part and the don't tell you much do they .
                          I often think it would be better saying if anything isn't normal but has to be looked at at least then you can get your head around it and if it comes back nothing to worry about then that's a bonus , rather than waiting for the letter XXX

                          I have spent some time backing up my Photos as my Lap top is playing up and I don't want it going off and losing my photos .
                          Hope Glamm is ok .

                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Gem, only natural to feel a bit uneasy.
                            After i had mine last year,they told i wouldn't be called for anymore because of my age.
                            So, i will have to make my own appointments,which i will do.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Gem - I know you can't help worrying about the mammogram results, but the fact that they had to redo that breast last year as well is, hopefully, reassuring. xxx

                              Oma - always a good idea to back up photos and any other important files, but I hope your lap top is ok.

                              Nanto - both wedding outfits are lovely, so I'm glad you're pleased with them.

                              Qwerty - you must be shattered. Even though the twins were so good, it's still hard work. I hope those teeth come through without too much discomfort. Happy birthday to your DIL

                              Storm Brendan is making his presence felt here tonight. It was wild, wet and very dark driving home across the Forest tonight. I had an unexpected day with GD2 - sore throat and cough. It was borderline whether she went to school or not, but there are so many bugs flying round her mum decided she would be better at home. We had a nice day, drawing, colouring, watching tv, helping me cook lunch, and having plenty of cuddles with Grandad, often sharing his lap with one or other of the dogs. We also found some nice new games on the computer. Not what I'd planned for today, but so nice to have her.

                              OH has an eye appointment tomorrow lunch-time. Our road is marked for closure for the whole day for repairs, so I'm hoping we can get the car in and out ok!

                              I'm sure Glamm is worn out with everything today, but I hope it went as well as possible. Sending hugs, Glamm. xxx

                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                Very wet and stormy here tonight too Daisy. I bet the unexpected day with GD was lovely.

                                I have no reason to worry really as I am still taking the drug which has good results at keeping things at bay. I will calm down, as I have to!
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

