

have a good weekend everyone

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    Morning everyone.

    Dull morning here.

    Nanto,What have you got in your slow cooker? I need some inspiration

    Just dashing off to work Brass cleaning as well today Ugg,

    Have a happy Friday all.


      Just a quick 'hello' from me - I'll be back later.

      Nanto - that's a lovely pretty graphic, but I'm sorry you did't sleep well again.

      I'm intrigued by the bra extenders! What exactly do they extend?

      Gem - two cases - what luxury! xx

      Ladies - beware of miracle face treatments - we need our wrinkles to prove we're hard-working grannies! LOL

      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Good Moaning Each.
        Slow cooker sounds the way to go Nanto2, I may do similar. Clover, we put all our brass in a bag and gave it away except for a couple of bits that are special to us. I couldn’t find a nice Boy Scout to clean it!
        Re. miracle face treatments. A friend told me that applying haemorrhoid cream was a good way of tightening up the wrinkley bits. ON THE FACE that is. 😆 Yes, I tried it and no, it didn’t work. DD2 has bought some face cream from Aldi and she says it is as good as the very expensive stuff. She claims her wrinkles are fading, but she is 35! 🙄
        Going to the tip today, we sure know how to live around here.
        Have a happy one what ever you do ladies.
        Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
        Eleanor Roosevelt.


          Good morning everyone.
          We thought our hairdresser was due at 8.30, but it was in fact 8!! I was dressed and just brushing my hair and OH still in bed when she knocked on the door!
          Just waiting for GS2 to arrive. No school run today as GD is going to choose her guinea pigs after school She and DD will come here afterwards.
          OH and I are out at her golf club tonight, for the quiz and a meal. Only one course but it is always very good. Not sure what OH has put me down for, whatever the beef free option is!

          I'm sure you have the correct time for your hairdresser Nan2!
          Have a good day everyone.
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            My sister's 90th today, phoned her yesterday evening, she is so on the ball. Her family are so dysfunctional and she is the person they all turn to, I don't know how she does it but I suppose that is what keeps her going. My youngest GS is taking his driving test today, I do hope he passes, he needs a car to get to college. I am going to tackle the ironing this morning then food shopping after lunch.

            My brass is all in the loft Clover, some bits of silver too. Your employer obviously likes her brass and can afford to pay someone to clean it. At least it can be done sitting down.

            It is time for the slow cooker to come out and the soup maker, don't use them in the summer.
            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              Happy Birthday to your sister Plant. She sounds an amazing woman, like her little sister
              Fingers crossed for your GS.
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Morning Ladies
                Clover the dreaded Brass that's a mornings work on its own , your ladies you do for are not daft getting you in to do it 😊
                Plant hope you G'S passes it's always a nervous day isn't it Happy Birthday to your sister .
                Gem hairdresser caught you on the hop today didn't she 😊
                Nanto you will enjoy your Fish &Chips next time you have them having two weeks off ,
                We are using our slow cooker tomorrow doing steak with onions and sliced potatoes , only way I like steak ,

                Went out last night for tea with our Nurses it was a riot they are so funny 😊
                I have just been altering some PJ'S I bought had to take at least 3 inches off the bottoms and I couldn't get short sleeved so I have shortened them to short sleeved
                off to sort fridge out now

                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Morning ladies we were up at early doors this morning ready for the man to fix the fence . He has arrived and is busy with it now and OH is outside hindering him , opppps I mean helping him.

                  I am now now waiting for Tesco to arrive and then I have some tidying up to do in the garden before all the rain and cold weather arrives tomorrow as it is apparently forecast.

                  Oma I might try steak and onions in my slow cooker, I’ve got the slow cooker just need to get some steak !

                  Plant fingers crossed for your GS’s driving test
                  Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                    Plant,wishing your sister a lovely day, and hope GS passes his test.

                    Daisy,nothing special in the sloww cooker. Just sliced potatoes,onions and corned beef.
                    Very tast though,hubby loves it. There will be enough to freeze for future meals.

                    Gem,yes,got the time right for hairdresser.She always comes about 2ish.
                    Your hairdresser comes early,doesn't she.
                    Enjoy your meal and quiz tonight.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Yes Nan2, our hairdresser usually comes around 8.30 or 9. The one time, over summer, that we managed to book her for later in the day we had to change earlier as DD needed my help that day!
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Just heard GS didn't pass his test, he got into the wrong land at a roundabout so that was a major.
                        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                          Oh what a shame Plant but always next time for him
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Easy to do Plant, hopefully he will pass next time.
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              What a shame Plant. not everyone passes first time.
                              Hopefully 2nd time lucky.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                Plant - I hope your ever-young sister enjoyed her 90th today. Young genes must run in your family, dear! Poor GS - it must be hard learning to drive these days - there's no room for getting things wrong. I hope he passes next time.

                                All this activity with slow cookers makes me think winter's on its way - although the forecast for tomorrow isn't good here. We've got all the family coming for an early birthday celebration for OH, and I'm cooking a great big lump of Angus beef. It's a serious piece of meat (OH chose it) so I hope I get it right. I've taken it out of the fridge tonight so it comes up to room temperature (our kitchen is very cool) and I'm going to follow the instructions on the bag. I usually do a pot roast, but cooking it on a bed of vegetables as suggested sounds nice. Fingers crossed. I've just made a gluten-free apple tart using GF puff pastry. I've tried and tried to make GF shortcut but it never works. This looks ok - the telling will be in the eating!

                                GS1 and family are staying overnight tomorrow, so I've made beds up and run the sucky up thing round.

                                Mimi - I hope your fence is all nice and finished now.

                                Oma - it sounds as though your nurse friends are great fun.

                                Gem - at least one of you was up when your hairdresser arrived. We were both still in bed last week when the window cleaner came. Even Eva was still asleep!! I bet there's great excitement over the guinea pigs. I wonder who will look after them when the family go on holiday?

                                Clover - did the brasses come up nice?

                                I hope everyone gets a good night's sleep tonight. Night night.

                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

