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    Good morning everyone.

    A very warm welcome to our new Chatbox - Chat4you.

    Happy chatting for all the day-to-day news you share - everything from the weather, dinner or your plans for the hot hissy thingy.

    run by Grandmothers for Grandmothers

    Morning ladies and thank you for the introduction of the new all singing and dancing chat4you , we arrived home safely yesterday afternoon but we were out for tea with Dd last night and didn’t get chance to come on, it’s a busy day today, lots and I mean lots of washing from before we went away , I changed the bed but I was so tired I didn’t manage to get it washed so it’s cascading over the laundry bin. Ned to food shop too
    We had s lovely holiday weather was kind to us and we were out everyday mostly coastal and loved Portmeirion, I will chat about that at some point sorry I havnt looked at many posts can’t promise I will even catch up with all posts, I need to just take things easy and do the essentials , I don’t want to be full on just yet, and tomorrow we have eldest for sleepover and Monday as she doesn’t go back to school till Wednesday but she is going to holiday club Tuesday bye for now


      Qwerty - welcome back. I'm so pleased you enjoyed your holiday. I'm sure it's done you both good, but it's awful coming back to a mountain of washing. Take it easy - it will wait for you.

      Enjoy the time with your GD1. I hope she's looking forward to going back to school.

      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Morning ladies and hello to Chat4you.

        Qwerty,so glad you had a good holiday and welcome home.I hope OH enjoyed it too.Looking forward to hearing more about it.

        Yesterday I sorted out some defunct VHS tapes,recycled as much plastic as I could and ditched the remainder.I now have space in a cupboard so I am planning some reorganisation.Probably take a while but I’ll be pleased to have it done.

        Just put a gammon joint in the slow cooker.I’ve never done it this way before but DD often does and as she has the same cooker as me and her’s are always good so here’s hoping.

        Have a good day.



          Lovely new chatbox, which we will soon fill up.
          Qwerty,pleased you enjoyed your holiday.

          Sun is shining.
          Off into town this morning. Need to stock up at the butchers while there.
          Have a good day ladies.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Nanto - what a cute graphic to start the new Chatbox year! Enjoy your shopping.

            Clover - we've got loads of old VHS tapes which we'll never watch (even though we've still got a Video recorder) but for some obscure reason OH wants to keep them! But we've also got a cupboard full of vinyl records - and they are now popular again. We could certainly do with gaining the cupboard space.

            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Good morning chatters 😊
              We are waiting for GS2 to be picked up to go to a party. Talk to you all later!
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Morning ladies , a lovely new chat box to Start September with
                Gem are you staying at the party with him or will you have a hour or two free?
                QWERTY welcome home busy busy for you today then
                Clover we took loads of tapes to the tip a few weeks ago , no one else will take them these days ,
                Nanto are you buying anything nice apart from meat ?
                Daisy trouble with having cupboard space is you fill it up with more junk than you cleared out

                Well I did my washing early this morning got it dried in the tumble and I have just ironed it all and its put away ,although it will be a fraction of what Qwerty has ,
                Not sure what the day holds for us yet , forecast said it would be a good day but its very overcast at the minute ,
                Have a nice day ladies xx
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Morning folks, a clean sheet to fill thanks to Gemini.

                  Qwerty, pleased you enjoyed your break, get into the groove slowly, not long to our meet.

                  I used to cook gammon in the slow cooker Clover, hope it is a success.

                  Sun is shining, need to do some deadheading in the garden, my cosmos are still growing but only a couple have flowered. Also thinking of taking off the loose covers but they are a struggle to get back on. DD and GD1 are going to see a recording of An Extra Slice at the London studios. I haven't see baby E yet, he told his parents he had done a po po so perhaps toilet training will be on the cards.

                  Have a good day everyone, hope the sun is shining for you too.
                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare



                    A new month and a new chat box with a new name !

                    Welcome back Qwerty, pleased that you had a lovely time away.

                    Not a very busy day planned at the moment. DS is coming for lunch and if my autumn plants arrive I will be potting them on but apart from that I am planning on having a quiet day as it has been all go the last few days,

                    Hope I find you all well

                    Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                      Hello again

                      Nice to see the new chatbox filling up already !

                      Good to hear you had a lovely time Qwerty.
                      Lovely kitty cat graphic Nan2
                      GS was collected before the party Oma, we only had him overnight after his normal Friday here.
                      I bet your GGS will have grown Plant.
                      It was Daisy who started the new chatbox this time
                      Enjoy the quiet day Mimi!

                      Little grandson was such a good boy. Played well, had his bath, stories, supper, cuddles and a Peppa Pig episode. Then up to bed and not a single peep from him until 7.30 this morning. I heard him chatting and counting, then about 8pm, saying Grandma, where are you?! I got dressed then and got him up. He was collected early by DD for a 10 am party. He actually has 2 parties to go to today, the first he has ever been invited to in his own right.

                      OH and I are meeting a friend for a meal tonight. Her OH has gone to Canada for a couple of weeks to visit her son, DIL and grandchild who recently moved out there, so our friend needs cheering up!

                      Now I am going to assist OH in assembling the toy storage unit we bought from IKEA. Toys were taking over the house, something had to be done!
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Gem - I think the Chatbox we've just closed was our largest ever!! It's lovely that we get so much support. What a good boy your little GS is. I hope he enjoys his parties today. Enjoy your meal out tonight - and good luck with the construction project.

                        Mimi - another lovely graphic to grace page 1 of our new Chatbox! It would be a good day to get your autumn plants in if they arrive in time.

                        Oma - I'm only about 5 hours behind you - I've at least got the bedding out on the line! I'm pottering round in the garden, a bit half-heartedly. I've done a bit of hoeing - the weeds are like mini-rockets - and trying to rake some dead grass out of the dead patches on the lawn. The joy of having a female dog! Eva - it's a good job we love you more than the lawn!!

                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Afternooon gransrus, more time now to chat washing dried lovely and not a massive lot to iron!
                          Gem we are decluttering toys at some point next week , I have kept some baby toys can’t bear to see them go, but others are off to Dr Barbados and a school for children with mental disabilities and we too will have a free cupboard yay. Enjoy your meal tonight always good to have a chat with friends . Hope g/s enjoys both parties he’s a such a social butterfly
                          Thanks for all the welcome backs I should go away more often , I will try and write about it in more detail later
                          Mimi always good to have DS for lunch they need feeding don’t they
                          Plant looks like you had a lovely holiday too but like me don’t rush things as you say so still chilling out 😎 looking forward to meet up at Brum !! Well all that are going but Plant is special ever since she told me I had the most beautiful blue eyes the first time we met lol 👀I love a compliment
                          Oma hope that fella of yours is behaving
                          Nanto Enjoy your shopping I’m all shopped out 😏
                          Daisy I see you have another weekend arranged good for you it’s no more than you deserve ,hope weather hangs on a bit for you
                          I havnt had time to look back on posts hope LG Dd is a little better , and Enfys OH is doing as well as he can be at the moment Enfys keep that pecker up 😘


                            Good afternoon each.
                            It looks cosy in here already. 😁

                            Not had much time to visit lately, but sitting down with a cuppa now before I start the IRONING.
                            We are hosting the main course of a progressive lunch tomorrow, so I have had to do dusting and stuff. That’s the problem with entertaining in daylight, the mucky bits are noticeable although we will probably eat outside.
                            I hope you all have a good weekend.

                            So much space in here......😁
                            Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                            Eleanor Roosevelt.


                              Yes, isn't it roomy Grauntie!
                              I love entertaining at night , especially in winter. Candles and a couple of lamps hide a multitude of sins
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

