

have a good weekend everyone

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    Morning all , good news about Libras move, not to so your lack of sleep Oma
    Wish your mum the very best of birthdays Gem it’s an amazing age to be hopefully she may see her 100 th !!!!!
    Enfys good luck with appointment today hope you get a date so that you can focus on that day, get the job done and bring him home to be looked after !
    I love Turkish food we have a good one in my daughters village , sorry it wasn’t the same for you Grauntie
    Oma more appointments too , good job the car knows it’s own way there
    OH had results back from ECG and blood all is ok , well for his age but nothing too bad usual stuff a bit anemic and needs to stop smoking, which he goes to his first clinic on Friday he’s at his therapist today fingers crossed he will be ok , he’s been amazing this last few weeks
    I shall be removing sticky fingerprints and pottering mostly today , have a good one everybody


      Clover - your poor sister. She needs time to rest and recover from her op, but she's probably too worried about your BIL to relax and concentrate on getting better. But I'm sure having a chat with you did her good, and it makes you realise what a blessing good neighbours are, doesn't it. I do hope she makes a good recovery - keep us posted. xx I've just been eyeing up a bowl of green tomatoes and thinking we should make some chutney in a day or two.

      Oma - what great news from Libra. Hopefully this is one worry off her mind. Send my love when you next speak to her. Yep, you need more week-ends at a Premier Inn to catch up on your sleep. I hope the appointment with the Hep Specialist goes well. xx

      Enfys - great news from you too! I'm sure both you and P are feeling relieved everything can go ahead. xx

      Mimi - it sounds as though you should be relaxing with a good book not cleaning windows etc. I do hope you feel better - don't overdo things. xx

      Grauntie - I hope you're feeling better. I wonder what it was that upset your tummy like that.

      Qwerty - good news for your OH, too. I'm so glad he's stuck with the therapy - it does seem to be helping. When my OH gave up smoking about 13 years ago, he didn't get any help from the doctors because he couldn't attend weekly meetings (he was renovating my cousin's house in London). What a silly reason for not giving support to a smoker who wanted to give up! Anyway, he found it really helpful to keep the hard physical jobs for 'bad' moments. He highly recommends knocking walls down, although not the wall your OH has so beautifully decorated! Wish him the best of luck.

      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Gorgeous day here today, it’s almost like summer again.

        Good news for your OH Qwerty. DH gave up smoking about 12 years ago, with the help of the local clinic group, he found it very helpful. Even when he had a weak moment and lapsed for a few weeks they were very encouraging.

        The appointment went well today. All is now in place, just waiting for the dates and we now know exactly what is going to be done. It all sounds very positive, all the pre med assessments are done just need to have the CPet ( exercise test) done. One good thing is that the ablation procedure can be done again and again if necessary, The doctor told us of a patient who is just about to have his ninth procedure! That’s good news in case there is a recurrence.
        "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


          That is positive news Enfys, you must be feeling very relieved but I am sure it can't happen too quickly for you both.

          Beautiful day here, too warm to sit in the sun room. Hope it carries on, I love the Autumn when we get days like this.
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            Afternoon all. What a beautiful day it’s has been . We’ve had non stop sunshine since early this morning.

            Have you ever had one of those days when you are non stop but getting nothing done. This morning a lady came to survey our flat for asbestos, should have been done before we moved here apparently. Two hours later she was still here, no problems just chatting like you do !
            Then I got a spot of lunch and then I attempted to ring the drs surgery to rearrange my appointment as it had been cancelled their end. Almost an hour later I finally got to speak to someone. Then I got the pc out to order my online grocery when my neighbour popped in. Another hour later , after she had gone I tried to turn my attention to the shopping, got fed up with the stop , start internet connection ( unusual for us, it’s normally ok ) so put pc away and went to the post office and on the way back got talking to another neighbour.

            That’s good news about OH Qwerty .

            Enfys pleased OH’s appointment went well .

            Grauntie how how are you feeling

            Have a good day, what’s left of it , I am not attempting anything else today, I will start fresh tomorrow !
            Bring me sunshine in your smile.


              Good news for Enfys OH, Qwerty's OH and Oma's OH.
              Also good news about Libr's move.
              Grauntie, hope you are feeling better.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Yes thanks Nanto2. Not a good day to be out and about, so to speak, but ok now. Definitely not going back to that restaurant. I was concerned for OH on the golf course but he had eaten different food to me and was ok.
                Mimi, consider it a sociable day. Some days we have to give up trying to get anything done. Most, if not all will still be there tomorrow.
                Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                Eleanor Roosevelt.


                  (What Nan2 says.👍x)

                  Sorry not up to much today. Mimi I seem to have come out in sympathy with you. I woke with a horrendous headache. Took painkillers throughout the day & slept til 2pm. To balance out my day tho I got a painting (an original) for £8 from Shpock. Really cheered me up & I love it. OH has put it up on the wall for me already. Reminds me of a day at the beach when I was a little girl, with the 'bowl haircut. It's painted in a childlike way. OH really doesn't like it ...that's love for you😃
                  "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                  (Doe Zantamata.)


                    Enfys - I hope you're feeling much better after today's news.

                    Mimi - most of my days are like that!

                    Nana - your new picture sounds charming, and it's not easy to paint in that naive style is it!

                    I still felt tired this morning, even after sleeping so late. The window cleaner would never expect us to be up before 10 am - he's not a morning person either.

                    It's been such a glorious day! I took my coffee this morning into the summerhouse and it was almost too hot even with the doors open. After lunch I pottered about in the front garden. I dead headed the buddleias. I'd done them a few weeks ago and they came back into flower - so fingers crossed they might still produce a few more for the late butterflies.

                    The roofers who did our Velux windows came and put new roofing felt on OH's wood turning shed - I'm glad I managed to stop OH doing it himself.

                    Tomorrow I really must cut the lawn and do some weeding. The housework can wait till the weather changes - I'm not wasting this beautiful sunshine on the sucky up thing!

                    Sleep well, ladies.

                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Hello again.
                      Just checking in to say goodnight.
                      The birthday tea went very well. I will read back on chat tomorrow and catch up with other posts.
                      Night night!

                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Looking a bit overcast,but it has been a warm night.
                        Off to in laws later,going today, instead of tomorrow.

                        Hoping to see GD1 later. It's her birthday on saturday,need to take her presents.
                        Have to ring first, make sure she hasn't been called into work.
                        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                          Good morning, Nanto and everyone. That photo could (almost) have been taken here this morning. It's misty and a bit chilly, but I think the sun is trying to break through - hope so anyway.

                          Nanto - I hope your in laws are ok. I'm sure they look forward to your visits whichever day you go.

                          The the sun does come out I shall get on with the gardening today - there's a lot to be done! No other plans for me but who knows - things happen!!

                          Have a good day everyone.
                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Good morning all.
                            Nan2, I hope you see your GD today.
                            Daisy , don't overdo it in the garden

                            I will see my mum again today. Taking her shopping to her, as usual on Thursday, but then taking her to Asda for blood taking (Less fun than her birthday outing yesterday!) She usually has her bloods done at the surgery, then back a week later for medication review and flu jab. I have persuaded her to try Asda this time, although I know she is a bit reluctant. No appointment needed so turn up when suits us, free parking for me. Watch this space LOL.

                            Have a good day everyone.
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Aqua for me this morning then I am going to meet up with some ladies I used to swim with. We are meeting for a catch-up and lunch. Gorgeous morning, promises to be hot again, I did manage some gardening yesterday and GD1 and I swept the needles up under the fir tree in the drive. Her car has to be parked there and they tread into her car. It was also my DD's day to have GGS so spent some time with him.

                              Have a good day everyone, will look in later as I have to get ready for aqua.

                              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                                Nana, did the vibes work.....or are you still asleep?
                                Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                                Eleanor Roosevelt.

