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    Good morning ladies.

    Nope Nan2, our weather is just like that!!

    Today was our day to go out for lunch with auntie. As she doesn't they feel able to go out, or even come here we are taking lunch there! She seemed pleased with the idea. I did her shopping yesterday including Christmas cards so she can be getting on with writing those.
    After visiting auntie I hope to complete the Christmas shopping - most of which is my mum's.
    GD and GS2 are coming tomorrow for 2 nights, so as that involves two bedrooms, I need to move all my Christmas stuff which is in one of them!

    I hope Qwerty is on the mend, Mr Enfys feeling OK and everyone else too
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Good morning, everyone!

      Nanto - I'm sure that rain looks summery and will dry up to be a glorious day! In our dreams, maybe. It's dull and damp here - Gem's OH would probably need her wellies on our local golf course.

      Qwerty - I hope you're further on the road to recovery today, but don't overdo things. xx

      Enfys - hoping Mr E is ok with his tablets. xx

      Gem, how lovely having the two of them for two nights. I bet you will have as much fun as the children.

      I was wondering how the new kitchens are progressing.

      I hope you're all sitting down to read my headline news today! I'm going to start my Christmas shopping. I haven't got many ideas at the moment, but I'm relying on Mr Google to help! I've got nothing else planned for today.

      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Late getting up today, once the heating comes on I could go on sleeping. GGS stayed next door overnight, hope he was okay. We all went to watch him in the bath, he went off to bed with his GM, two cuddlies and a book for GM to read him a story. We then had some bubbles to wish GD a happy birthday. Raining here very dismal, have the lights on, a day to stay in methinks. I might get some cards written.

        Hope Qwerty is feeling better, these winter colds seem to linger

        Wonder how Mr. Enfys is getting on.

        I hope the two new kitchens are coming along nicely.
        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


          Feeling pleased, sorted and cleaned my pantry this morning. Oldest tin was rice pudding best before 2007 😬🤣!
          Grandmothers are just antique little girls - author unknown


            Afternoon ladies ( just )

            Spoke with Libra last night , Kitchen is coming on leaps and bounds she's pleased with the progress , sadly not so positive about T not a lot of progress in that department , still lots of problems that don't look like they will get better

            Been to Morrisons and Aldi this morning , rain beating down its dark and grey hear ,
            Got very little sleep last night so a bit lethargic today .
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              Afternoon all.
              Kitchen took a huge step back yesterday. When the floor was taken up they discovered another 5 layers of floor tiles under the top layer! It took most of the day to deal with it.
              Today the kitchen fitters got stuck in traffic as there was a big traffic accident which resulted in them being over two hours late . We are now a day late in the progress.
              Where is Mick Knowles when you need him, ah I know he is still the flipping jungle.

              Oma sad to hear about T.

              Hope everyone is well
              Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                Mimi,sorry to hear about the setbacks with the kitchen.
                Pity,it wasn't better news about T.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Oma - so sorry to hear about T. Tall Libra we're thinking about her when you're next in touch. If she feels like posting, please tell her how much we'd enjoy hearing from her, but totally understand if she doesn't feel up to. xx

                  Mimi - I'm sorry your kitchen plans are a bit off track, but hopefully there will be no more snags.

                  It's now pouring with rain here and it's dark. Plant - you have the right idea - stay inside and keep warm and dry. I bet GGS loved his sleepover at Grandma's, plus all the attention.

                  Gem - did OH manage to play golf?
                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Good afternoon, very dull and dismal here all day. Pouring with rain and so dark.

                    Oma, so sorry to hear about Libras DD, will be thinking about them all. Qwerty, hope you’re feeling much better today but don’t do too much.

                    A friend from P’s video camera club came round this morning for coffee, it was nice to see her. Her DH passed away last year so she is always pleased to get out and have company. This afternoon the community cancer care nurse came round for a chat and she has just gone. Very nice and helpful and we now have even more information leaflets and phone numbers to call in case of emergency, we certainly have lots of support. So far so good with his chemo meds, but it’s early days yet and we are prepared should he get any of the side effects.

                    Sorry to hear about your kitchen Mimi, there always something isn’t there, hope it gets back in track soon.

                    i got the tree out of the loft and am now in the middle of sorting out the lights, hope to finish that this evening.

                    Last edited by Enfys; 05-12-2018, 03:50 PM.
                    "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                      Enfys - it's good to have company, I'm sure. I'm glad you're both getting good support from friends and the professionals. xx

                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Afternoon lovely ladies, much better today and although it is a dreadful day I had to get out for an hour so went to the local garden centre and had coffee and cake , if I could just get this woo
                        y head feeling out of the way, and headache and back ache I would be really good lol
                        I have to get fit for next week will write about it on another thread.
                        Enfys sounds like lots of support coming your way, hope P copes ok with chemo and keeps his spirits up and yours too hun
                        Oma this sleeping lark doesn’t get any better does it , thanks for info on Libra I had hoped for good news about T , what a shame
                        Daisy and Mimi for all you have set backs I wish it was me having new kitchen/bathroom
                        Daisy I envy how you can take control and refuse to Xmas shop before December, I started back end of October and although I am happy with what I bought , I have seen so many other things I could have bought too that weren’t about at that time of year
                        Thnks for all your good wishes too


                          Sorry to hear about the hold-up with the new kitchen Mimi.

                          Thanks for the info from Libra Oma although news of DD doesn't sound very good.

                          I wondered why the present for my GD2 hadn't arrived, have just discovered I hadn't finished the order, fingers crosses it will be here on time.
                          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                            Plant, I can just picture you all adoring GGS in his bath.
                            LOL Avo, it's shock when you find something that old
                            Good to hear Libra's kitchen is all going well. Sad about her DD though
                            These things are sent to try us Mimi.
                            Oh's golf was yesterday Daisy, and yes she played and won

                            Auntie enjoyed the lunch we took her and approved of my choice of Christmas cards on her behalf! We had a nice couple of hours with her. She looks better each time, though still not a lot of improvement with the pain.

                            OH is writing her Christmas cards, hooray!
                            I'm going upstairs to find a new home for the Christmas presents and wrapping paper as GD will be sleeping in that room tomorrow.
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              I am sure your auntie appreciates everything you do for her Gemini
                              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                                She really does Plant
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

