She's a little sweetheart and has got the skill of winding me round her little finger off to a fine art, bless her.
This is a sticky topic.
On Wednesday when I collected GD from school, she was full of the wheelchair basketball which had taken place that day. They all got a chance to practice in the chairs and she was very proud that she could spin hers round.
Then she told me that she and her friend E planned to save all their money so they could buy a chair each!!!“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
GD2 was playing in the hall at our house today when I noticed a small vase that sits on a bookcase was some distance away on the floor, still intact! I picked it up and asked her if she knew where it had come from (really just checking whether she had picked it up or Eva had knocked it off the low shelf).
She looked at it thoughtfully for a few seconds then looked up at me with a big smile and said "I painted it at Busybees". (her playgroup) Full marks for inventiveness, GD!
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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While chatting over dinner tonight, GD told us about the 6th year leavers assembley at her school. One of the things the leavers did was tell about their funniest memory at school.Someone said theirs was an incident when a teacher came into a noisy classrom and said 'It's like a pantomime in here!'. Quick as a flash one boy had replied 'oh no it isn't ! ' GD could hardly tell us about it for laughing“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Hehehe - that young man will go far.
My smile of the day was GD2 (all of 2 ½) looking thoughtfully up at the sky and remarking 'those heavy clouds look lie rain clouds, Grandma'.."Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
GD2 was asking her Mum for more toast at breakfast.
"What's the magic word?" asked Mum
"Lovely", came the confident reply.
Mum, hiding a smile, "No, the magic word."
GD2, full of confidence, "Aberrrra ... caberrrrra ...."
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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