Good morning, Daisy, I am with Gem, I bet that will be good!!
It is sunny here, very cold and foggy at 7am, that has all cleared now. I am going for lunch to the new school near here, apparently the pupils cook lunches, with help I expect, the plan is to invite the elderly (?????) from the area now and again to enjoy the lunch. I am going on trial from the place I do the coffee at, we are going to see what they have to offer! I did read somewhere that it is vegetarian, I have no problem with that.
We went to aqua yesterday, on bikes for the first time in months! I got the date for my appointment with the specialist, April 7th, the ones for my heart tests are all in the weeks beforehand, I will be a regular in the hospital.
I have just repaired a huge plant pot, I love the shape and size of it, a small piece had fallen out, when I bought it on Ebay, years ago, the man told me he had just repaired it and showed me where he had done it, after all these years that is still intact so I have decided to fill this in, hopefully I have the right colour paint and can get that done tomorrow.
Oma, your house must sparkle!!!
Nanto, I hope that you get your bathroom cleaned. Then you can enjoy the good weather!
It is sunny here, very cold and foggy at 7am, that has all cleared now. I am going for lunch to the new school near here, apparently the pupils cook lunches, with help I expect, the plan is to invite the elderly (?????) from the area now and again to enjoy the lunch. I am going on trial from the place I do the coffee at, we are going to see what they have to offer! I did read somewhere that it is vegetarian, I have no problem with that.
We went to aqua yesterday, on bikes for the first time in months! I got the date for my appointment with the specialist, April 7th, the ones for my heart tests are all in the weeks beforehand, I will be a regular in the hospital.
I have just repaired a huge plant pot, I love the shape and size of it, a small piece had fallen out, when I bought it on Ebay, years ago, the man told me he had just repaired it and showed me where he had done it, after all these years that is still intact so I have decided to fill this in, hopefully I have the right colour paint and can get that done tomorrow.
Oma, your house must sparkle!!!
Nanto, I hope that you get your bathroom cleaned. Then you can enjoy the good weather!