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    Good morning everyone.

    A freshly changed bed is very nice to get into isn't it Plant?

    OH did that for our tea the other night Nan2, along with some bacon.

    Let us know how much of that list you do Grauntie

    Aqua this morning presumably followed by coffee. No other plans so far.

    Bright and sunny here, with frosty roofs.
    β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Morning ladies

      It's a nice morning here also,
      I'm sure you will get around to all your jobs a little at a timeπŸ˜„

      I do like getting into a freshly made bed , do you like your new cleaner ?

      Enjoy Aqua, how is S now will she get to play golf soon?

      Nothing planned today , B slept a few hours on and off but he's shattered so can't be bothered to do anything ,
      That's fine there's nothing we really need or to do so he can rest up,
      I'm going to ring MIL later tell her we won't be there this week he isn't up to it.
      On the plus side I haven't had to take any painkillers last night or this morning so the antibiotics must be working.
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Good Wednesday morning, everyone.

        Nanto, beautiful graphic this morning. Thank you - it's so cheery. It's a relief to know your OH's pal isn't suffering from anything very serious. You can't help worrying when you don't hear from people, can you.

        Grauntie, your list of jobs sounds like mine does when we've got visitors coming. There's a long list of "must do's" but to be honest, I never complete all my jobs and, amazingly, the sky hasn't fallen in yet! Take it gently and enjoy your day.

        Oma, it's good to hear your mouth is less painful, but poor B certainly needs to rest and take things easy. Give him a get well hug from me, please. xx

        I didn't wake up till nearly 9am this morning, so everything is running late. I'll pop back later.
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          B is snoozing in the chair ,
          So I went upstairs and did my ironing and while I was up there I decided to clean and dust the bedrooms and bathroom,
          They don't really get dirty but doesn't harm to give them a once over.

          It's raining and dark but I'm now sitting watching the birds in next doors tree fighting over the coconut fat ball ,
          The little birds had a share early this morning now it's the bully boy magpies.

          Phoned MIL told her we won't get there this week , then text his sister incase she needs anything, she can check with her.

          I always get anxious if I ring someone and they don't answer or get back to me ,
          All sorts goes through my mind,
          How is J is he feeling any better?

          GS rang this morning between lectures to tell us he will see us at the weekend,
          He only went back on Monday he can't be missing us already πŸ˜„
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Oma, glad the antibiotics seem to be working now. Hope B feels better soon.

            Daisy, hope J is on the mend.

            Hubby's pal rang earlier,he's feeling a lot better. He's had a cuppa and a piece of cake and kept it down.

            Had quite a bit of sunshine today,it clouded over about 3ish.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Just lost my post,
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                I have done nothing, b****r all.
                It’s the fault of OH. He is desperate to book a holiday to use up an air miles companion voucher before we lose it. Then he thought he would book something for next year to ensure we get the flights.
                I did cook dinner but he has gone out now and left the clearing up. The up side is I get an evening of peace and quiet.
                Daisy, you are right, the sky is not going to fall in. I’m going to cheat, no one will notice πŸ˜†

                Plant, I hope the post turns up!
                Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                Eleanor Roosevelt.


                  Grauntie, welcome to my life!!! So many days when I do what you did today - zilch, zero, nowt! Once a day is highjacked like that you may as well just go with the flow. Did your OH manage to book a holiday?

                  My OH is feeling a bit better, thank goodness, although he's still got a cough strong enough to fell small buildings (think Three Little Pigs!)

                  I took Eva over to DS2' this afternoon, and she had a lovely time playing with Cooper. GD2 arrived home and it was lovely to see her. She was showing me photos on her phone (her pride and joy, joint Christmas and birthday present) and they were nearly all of Cooper. She decided he would like a trip to Cuba, so she superimposed his photo onto an idyllic Caribbean beach! If only a trip to a sunny beach was that easy!

                  It was a horrible afternoon - dark at 3.30, pouring with rain, roads flooding, potholes full of water you can't see till you hit them.
                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Grauntie and Daisy,I have those What did I actually do days too!

                    It sounds as though your OH has turned a corner thank goodness Daisy. Be careful in those potholes!
                    It must be a bug your OH's friend had Nan2.

                    It will cheer B up to see GS1 at the weekend Oma, and you after your tooth pain.

                    I had coffee and a good chat with my 3 aqua friends after our class. I was quite tired after that as I had a poor night's sleep. I called into M&S food hall, came home and made some soup so it would be ready after my shower. Apart from a bit of Secretary admin I have done nothing all afternoon. My turn to cook and I made a simple pasta dish with garlic bread.

                    Off to bed now. Good night ladies 😴

                    β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Good morning.

                      Just watching on the news about the jet and helicopter crashing in Washington. Tragic.

                      No plans today, just pottering, tidying things as I go along.

                      Oh, hairdresser coming this morning.

                      Daisy, pleased to hear OH is feeling a bit better.

                      Homemade mince hot pot for dinner. Took it out of the freezer last night.

                      ​​​​​​​Have a good day ladies.
                      Last edited by Nanto2girls; 30-01-2025, 08:42 AM.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Good morning everyone.

                        Pretty graphic Nan2

                        GS3 day, he should be here any minute. It's very cold and frosty so we probably won't go out.
                        The golf course is open so OH will go there later. Its just friendly play on Thursdays, not competition so if they are too cold they can stop. I think it will warm up before they go out anyway.

                        I hope all poorly ones are feeling better.
                        β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Good Thursday morning, everyone.

                          Nanto, are you just having your hair cut, or something new for a change? Those crocus remind me I saw daffodils in flower in a grass verge near us at the week-end. So lovely to see in the midst of winter. Enjoy your hot pot. I've just read the headlines about the air crash. You wonder how such things can happen, but if you go on to Flight radar and see how crowded our skies are, perhaps it's inevitable something will go tragically wrong sometimes. It doesn't make it any less sad though.

                          Gem, I hope you slept better last night. Have you got an easy day today?

                          Oma, how is B today? Your GS obviously misses you a lot when he's at uni. It's good he's close enough to come home for a week-end. I hope your anti-biotics are working now.

                          No plans for me today, but plenty to do. I'll see how it goes. OH slept better last night. I've just taken him warm honey and lemon - I think he's realised it's nicer than cough syrup and more soothing.

                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Gem, our posts crossed. Have a lovely day with GS3. I hope it warms up, but it will do S good to get out on the golf course even if they don't play a whole round.
                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Morning ladies
                              Isn't it cold and frosty,

                              That graphic is just what we need to see on a dreary day πŸ˜ƒ

                              Hope it does warm up for S ,
                              A day in playing with GS 3 sounds just right.
                              Did you get your minutes written up?

                              Pleased to hear J feeling a little better,
                              I noticed a lot of snow drops on the perimeter road this morning they make you feel like spring is coming 😁

                              B still isn't well, he took me to Aldi this morning but stayed in the car as he's feeling sick a lot,
                              A combination of antibiotics and all the gung on his chest.

                              I woke with a chesty cough and runny nose this morning I'm hoping it's just a blip.

                              I put my tooth in this morning and tolerated it while I was out but took it out again when I got home,
                              I'm not pushing it my mouth is feeling so much better so I don't want it to hurt again.

                              Horrible news about the air crash , all those poor people and their families, 😞 so sad.

                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                I hope the poorly ones will feel better soon.

                                Gemini, S will be happy she can get to the Golf Club. Enjoy your day with GS3. I he still getting on fine with his glasses?

                                Daisy, I hope it will not be long before your OH is up and feeling better.

                                Oma, well done for wearing tooth, if only for a short time. GS1 home this weekend, has he ordered his food? B will be pleased to have him around.

                                Nanto, enjoy your warming hot pot. Having your hair done will give you a boost.

                                I have been watching the news, all those people killed.
                                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

