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    Oma Bess is Border Collie with a double coat. Very hairy! Our previous BC loved being groomed and the cat always intervened insisting it was her turn! Bess did well, no shampooing, just brushing and combing this time.
    At the beginning of December I had all the jabs and then went down with flu and chest infections. Only for the last week have I felt well, so I can understand the demand at the chemists.
    Lizzie, you are so very active! I hope the medication gets rid of the shingles in double quick time.
    Plant, glad you enjoyed the family gathering.
    Off to read Gem’s thread.
    Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
    Eleanor Roosevelt.


      Grauntie I'm glad you are at last feeling better.

      Fingers crossed your OH is on the mend now he's eating more Daisy. I got warm back in my car, and the water didn't seem so cold in comparison to DD's house

      I had a nice day.
      Aqua, coffee and chat with my 3 fellow aqua friends, home for a quick shower and lunch then off to meet another friend for tea and more chat. We hadn't seen each other since December so more to catch up on.

      I have cooked 2 chicken casseroles this afternoon. One for tonight, one for the freezer. I made sure I had defrosted chicken thighs this time, not croissants or something random
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Plant, how lovely to get the whole family together.

        Gd1's car passed its MOT. They came to pick it up a couple of hours ago.

        Been a busy day,what with one thing and another.
        I went with hubby to take GD's car, there were some others booked in before hers.
        We walked home,its only about a 10 minute walk.
        Had a coffee,then we walked up to the chemist for my prescriptions.
        Popped into Farmfoods next door and got a couple of things.
        After dinner,we walked down to pick up the car.
        Certainly had our exercise today,but it was quite pleasant being out in the sunshine.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Nanto, I'm sure your GD was pleased her car passed its MOT. You've certainly had plenty of exercise today, but you were lucky with the sun.

          Gem, a swimming pool always feels a bit cold to start with, doesn't it, but then you get used to it and don't notice. I just like the changing rooms to be nice and warm though. I'm sure the chicken casseroles are 100 times nicer than croissant ones.

          Grauntie, full marks to Bess for being a good girl at the groomers. Do you think it's the bathing she doesn't like? Poor you, you've been really unlucky with getting flu and chest infections after all those jabs. Thank goodness you're feeling better now. How did the cards go this afternoon? What do you play?

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Good morning.

            Glad you are better Grauntie.
            Well done Bess.

            Hubby usually meets his pal on Tuesday mornings,but pal has cancelled ,says he's not feeling too good. Hubby says its not the same if he goes on his own. I could have offered to go with hubby, but he and pal go round the Tuesday market, which I'm not fussed about.

            Dinner is swede and potato mash, pork steak, veg gravy and apple sauce.

            Oops,lost my graphic.
            Last edited by Nanto2girls; 28-01-2025, 07:45 AM.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Good morning ladies.

              Nan2, I wonder where your graphic went It's a relief when cars pass the MOT.

              How is your mouth Oma?

              Daisy, the chicken casserole was very nice thank you The spare is in the freezer. I hope there is some improvement for your OH today.
              Mine may possibly have played golf today but the course is closed.

              Library this morning. I presume GS1 is coming this afternoon but haven't heard yet. Whether he does or not writing up the Minutes of last week's meeting is my job this afternoon.
              Have a good day everyone.

              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Morning ladies

                How is J is he any better,

                Casserole sounds tasty , always a bonus having one in the freezer for when it's your turn to cook

                Pleased the car passed, it gave you both a good work out all that walking .

                Well done Bess, maybe next time she will tolerate a bath

                B had an awful night he's not well at all fingers crossed these antibiotics start to work soon .
                My mouth is still sore , it's difficult to eat but if I take a couple of paracetamol it eases.
                Off to the hairdresser's at 10 just for a cut this time ,
                I must get my wardrobe sorted and get stuff to the charity shop , I might do that later.

                When I was in the Chemist yesterday they had little jam jars on the counter , you know the mini ones you get on a cream tea,
                It was for the RNLI , you fill them with 5p's, so far the chemist has raised £976
                I brought 4 home as I know I have loads of 5p's in my change bottle,

                I haven't heard of it before

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                This gallery has 2 photos.
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  What a good idea Oma, I have never heard of that either.
                  I hope B is better soon.
                  Can you take ibuprofen? I always found it more effective than paracetamol for tooth related pain.
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Good Tuesday morning, everyone.

                    Nanto, I hope it's nothing serious with your OH's pal. I'm sure they will both miss their regular get together. Your dinner sounds wonderful. I can't remember the last time I had pork!

                    Gem, is the library busier at this time of year - post Christmas, cold, dark miserable weather etc - just the time to curl up in the warmth with a good book. I hope GS1 does come this afternoon - I'm sure it's good for him to have a change of scene, as well as giving your DD a break. Is S disappointed the golf course is closed just when she's feeling well enough to get out there and enjoy a round? How did your DD's meeting with the school go?

                    Oma, poor B. I do hope those antibiotics kick in quickly. I know you will march him straight back to the doctor's if they don't but he's had this bug for such a long time, poor man. You don't sound much fitter either with your painful mouth. It's awful when you're hungry but can't eat properly. Perhaps ibuprofen might be more effective, if you can take it. I can't and it's frustrating. I hadn't heard of the little jars idea either. I imagine it's something a lot of charities could consider adopting.

                    OH had a better night last night, but he's still coughing a lot. I've given him his breakfast in bed, but he's going to get up soon.

                    I've got a load of bedding in the wash. Eva was sick on the spare bed yesterday. It had a cover on it but the duvet cover was a bit stained so it's all gone in the machine. She's not sick very often and it's usually what dog owners call 'hunger pukes' (even though she's very well fed). But she always chooses that room! I've got a bit of ironing to do as well. I'm going to cook dinner for lunch-time today - something easy with beef mince probably!
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Unfortunately I can't take Ibuprofen so paracetamol it is.

                      Poor Eva , I hope she felt better with it up even if it did leave you with washing.
                      Is J up now , these coughs are lingering aren't they.
                      This bug will just not leave B , he seems to just get over it and it comes back,
                      He has a runny nose now and sneezing.

                      Hair all tidy again, I love going to my hairdresser she's lovely but can talk for England ,
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        Oma, our hairdresser talks all the time too!

                        Daisy I hope Eva is OK. That's a thing with cats too, being sick if their food is due! Especially as they get older

                        The library is fairly quiet post Christmas we have found. It was an easy morning, with free cake from the cafe 😊 She brought 2 pieces for E the librarian and me to have with our coffee. It had been cut in uneven shapes apparently. E didn't want hers, and as she has 2 teenage sons no point talking her slice home. I brought the spare slice home for OH, who had it after her lunch. It was delicious.

                        GS1 is coming on Friday this week, so a free afternoon, apart from Minutes typing!

                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Cleaner here so I am moving around to keep out of her way. Just the kitchen floor to do, she backs out of the kitchen door cleaning it as she goes. This company bring their own vacuum cleaner and materials. I am looking forward to my freshly made bed.

                          Gemini, free cake always tastes good.

                          Daisy, Your OH has been suffering with the virus for some time now. I hope he has turned the corner now.I hope Eva is okay now too.

                          Oma, I hope now it sounds like J’s cold has broken hopefully he might be on the road to recovery soon.Just re-read your post and see that B had a bad night, so sorry to read that.

                          Nanto, I wonder what happened to your graphic. Lots of walking for you today.

                          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                            Plant, no idea where my graphic went.

                            Gem, free cake is lovely.

                            Don't know
                            what is wrong with hubbys pal.Hubby rang him but there was no answer.
                            A couple of hours later he left a message,but hasn't had an answer to that yet.

                            Its a miserable grey day here.

                            Hope B and J are feeling better.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Good morning.

                              Hope all those feeling under the weather, feel better soon.

                              No plans for us as yet.

                              Haven't decided what's for dinner, I know hubby will be happy with chips/fries egg and peas or beans.

                              Hubby's pal got back to him yesterday. Sounds like he's got an upset stomach.
                              He thinks he'll be OK for their Friday meet up.
                              Last edited by Nanto2girls; 29-01-2025, 07:25 AM.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                Good Moaning!
                                It’s a beautiful morning here and I have nothing pressing on the agenda. Well, there is the washing and the windows inside, especially the dog snotty doors. Then there is the study to turn out, but first I should finish the dress. Also we have guests coming at the weekend so I need to make up the spare room . Then there’s the dog to brush, two man job, I should do some food prep for the weekend to get ahead but that means shopping and I’m not spoiling the day for that! No idea about dinner tonight, but that can wait.
                                All in all I’m going to do as little as possible. 😁
                                Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                                Eleanor Roosevelt.

