Nanto nice to hear your FIL is feeling better ,
Daisy over the years I have learned to handle her well enjoy your time in the greenhouse something nice to while away the day ,
Gem best go to unit you will get the right dressings and they can have a look too xxx
Did some washing this morning and then went to Asda for some bread flour I forgot yesterday, came out with £82 worth of clothes between us
have some ironing to do later while B hoovers the car but think I will have a nana nap later it was 4.45 before I got to bed and up again at 7.30 needing a pee
Gem, kids are certainly clued up aren't they.
I would say dad is 90% his usual self today.he did say, you can cancel district nurse, but me and mam said oh no.
Anyway the nurse was here soon after so all bloods taken.
Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
New thinner but bigger dressings were put on and I am much more comfotrable and have a few days supply too.
Plant, no DD didn't take GS to Argos and she told him just because he sees Argos he isn't going to get a toy! He's only been once and it was to buy a toy, so he obviously feels he would like that to happen more often!!
Nan2, I'm glad your FIL is much better.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Gem I'm so glad you are feeling more comfortable.
Nanto,that's good news that FIL is on the up.
Daisy I hope you enjoyed your day potting and pottering.
I don't know what came over me today but I had the urge to make Hot Cross buns. I'm pleased to report they turned out quite well,though I did omit the crosses.
No longer a golf widow. OH came home red faced (the course is by the sea) & shattered, late afternoon. I'm no longer in control of the tv remote but good to have him back. Pneumonia jab for me tomoro. Hope you all have a good day. Night night.
"Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."
Morning all.
Gem , pleased to hear that you are more comfortable now.
Nan2 good to hear that FIL is on the mend.
Clover I love hot x buns ....even without the x
Day 1 of decorating the bedroom went well, even though it turned out to be an extremely hot and muggy day with 🎼thunderstorms and lightning , very very frightening me ,Galileo, Galileo 🎼
(sorry don't know why I decided to burst into song there, , Freddie would be turning in his grave , its thunderbolt, not thunderstorms) !
We had to empty the two wardrobes and I could see OH looking in surprise at the amount of clothes coming from my wardrobe. I don't normally let him see exactly how many items of clothing I own Then the task of moving the dam things proved to be difficult but we did it, the amount of dust at the back of them was amazing considering they've only been there for 4 years ,
Today we have to move the bed which is going to be another eye opener for OH as I have a few (ish) items of clothing in the drawers under the bed !
Hope you all all have a lovely Friday and the weather is kind , it's very muggy here again today with the threat of rain.
A busy day for you yesterday Mimi. It will look lovely when its all done. if you have any clothes you don't wear anymore,maybe now is a good time to donate them to a charity shop.
I heard we are going to have thunderstorms today.
Need to get some shopping later for parents, and get their dinner from the fish shop.
Hairdresser coming about 2ish, she cuts hubby's hair as well as mine.
Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
Good morning all.
I went out for a meal with my two friends who I used to work with last night. I forgot I was going until mid afternoon!
GD and baby GS day today, and also OH's birthday so DD1 and GS1 are coming round this afternoon too. Birthday girl wants a night in with bottle of wine tonight, we are having a meal out with friends tomorrow night.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Good morning everyone. I was just about to sit down and have a good morning chat on here when I remembered it's bin day and I haven't done the recycling bag. I'll be back later.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
We have had rain hooray, the garden needed it badly. I have several things to get on with, but energy levels seem to have deserted me. Brightening up later and the plan is to plant up all my tubs and baskets, I have loads of plants waiting to be planmted out. Got one last coat of paint to do and the glossing in our lounge, that will be another room done. Daisy do you watch trust me I'm a vet, found the item about raw feeding rather alarming. But obviously need to be super careful when handling dogs raw food, bowls etc, the cnclusions on the amount of bacteria on your dogs mouth, bowls etc was scary. Wondered if you watched it Daisy and your thoughts on the results.
Morning Ladies
IM all out of kilter this morning , I had plans to get up early go to shopping centre get some things from Wilkinsons, Then buy Birthday cards , also to have my eyebrows threaded before we picked dog up , well I didn't go too bed till 5 and went sound asleep I didn't wake till 9.25 so all my plans went out of the window , I got a bit cross with B for not waking me but he said he wouldn't have because I needed the sleep , I can understand his logic but I had so many plans today ,
Well the busy day has turned into B going for the dog then to buy the card and me getting myself turned around , I'm cross with myself for sleeping in though