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    Plant if only we lived near we would have taken you , hope your mouth isn't too sore today you need to be fit for Friday is it local or knock out anaesthetic your having ?
    Daisy it rained most of night hear but sun is trying to peep out next doors garden looks very soggy so I can imagine the allotment will be too if you have had as much rain as we had during night
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Good news Oma about B's Hickman Line being removed, hope the biopsy isn't too painful for him.

      Lots of sadness for some ladies, hugs from me.

      I am not too worried about taking a taxi, it is only a ten minute drive, the family would have to take time off work and my lovely friend isn't with us any more, she would have been first in the queue. It is a local anesthetic and they inject the device under the skin just under the collarbone I believe. If I don't have to stay the night then DD will fetch me if not I will have to have another taxi home on Friday.

      Zizi the taxis around here are hybrid they are lovely and silent

      Hope the rain stops soon Daisy so that you can get on your allotment
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Plant husband and I were talking about that last night. He said that someone at work got a hybrid and it was so quiet she thought it wouldn't start and called the dealer!!

        I have a hacking cough this morning, have had it for some time but today it is worse than ever, not helped by having to go out in the driving rain to get the money for the ironing fairy. Of course now I am safely back in the flat it has stopped raining!
        If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


          Morning. You all sound very busy. Exciting times for our 'holiday folk'. Enjoy!😎
          Off Sth after tea for an overnight stay. Will let you know how I get on with my pesky 👀.
          "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

          (Doe Zantamata.)


            Well its all done and we back home , they let me stay to watch both procedures , first the Biopsy , painful but didn't take as long as I thought , Then the line removal it took quite a while as fibres had grown around it so they all have to be snipped away , the part inside his chest was very long Dr said never seen one that long before and whoever put it in meant it to stop there , He has 3 stitches in his chest that come out next Thursday , everything was clean no sign of infection , Amazing to watch . Hes understandably very sore and quite tired but otherwise great , we don't have to go to clinic Monday they happy to leave till Thursday next week , a whole 8 days without hospital visit . He feels strange after 4 years of having line in he said he feels hes missing something
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              Pleased to hear it went well, I expect it does feel strange, it has been a long journey for you both.
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                Oma, I am squirming thinking of B getting the line out and then fibres....hope he is more comfortable soon....glad that is another tick of his list,

                So much goes on on GRU when you don't catch up, hope everyone having holidays has a brilliant time, we haven't got one booked this year so am "quite" jealous....

                OH been for a walk with 2 of his work mates, come in thick of mud right up to his knees, stripped off out of his "dirty" clothes, and showered, now asleep in chair.....I think he was quite proud of all the mud he brought home......I do like to see him "having fun" though.....

                DD off work for a week, but so far not done anything, I had a few appointments to keep so we are going out for a "pub" lunch tomorrow, so really looking forward to that...
                Last edited by Pearl5; 08-03-2017, 03:31 PM.
                How does a child spell Love..........T.I.M.E


                  Think he was a good boy wouldn't you 😀
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                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    What is it with people? My company takes part in an event called Open Doors each year. It is a week where the public can visit construction sites for a talk and a tour. The bookings are made through a web site. One of my people forwarded me an email from a job centre person booking 8 X age 18+' deaf people in for a site visit. They put a note on there telling us we had to supply a signer. I said that I didn't think that was our responsibility as if we have a school/college visit we expect the school or college to supply appropriate adults as escorts and this is surely the same thing. When my colleague got in touch with the person she quoted the 2010 Equality Act and said that because of the size and turnover of the company we are legally obliged to provide a signer and in a veiled great made reference to bad publicity. I got in touch with the organisers of Open Doors who subsequently got in touch with the department of work and pensions to whom job centres report and the person she spoke to at DWP said that is not the case at all. D will be speaking to the person involved. We do not have to supply a signer.

                    I know my company is big, and we do not want to exclude anyone, but the fact is that this job centre woman was trying to bully my colleague into doing something that is unnecessary. It is hard enough to get money out of my company for flowers for a sick colleague or a funeral and there is no such thing as petty cash any more, all monies have to be signed for by an array of people. Quite annoyed to be honest. Phew another rant from me..........
                    If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                      At least your company know where they stand now, regarding a signer.
                      Soon be Saturday ZIZI, i think thats when you go away.
                      Oma, it must feel strange for B not to have his line in.
                      We have a nephew who has a line in.he is 32 now, but he was 4 when they first put him a line in.
                      He suffers fron Cystic Fibrosis, and every 3 months he goes into hospital for a boost of antibiotics, and his line cleaned.

                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        I think we're getting the whole country's share of rain - horrible for most of today, and I don't even want to think what the allotment must be like!

                        At least the downpour managed to hold off while I walked from the hairdressers to the car, but made up for it in the afternoon.

                        Oma - he' such a cutie - that soppy dog could never eat a sofa!!! So glad to hear that all went well for B today, despite the fibres needing to be cut away. <shivers>. I hope he's feeling less sore and gets a good night's sleep. Eight days! What are you going to do?

                        Zizi - You'd think when a business is offering something like this people would appreciate it rather than try and con you into additional expense. I don't think it's a case of your company excluding anyone, but the person(s) responsible for the group should provide according to their needs, eg a group of primary school children would require a higher staffupil ratio than say a group of college students. That's down to the school or whatever to provide. If the deaf group need a signer it's up to them to provide one. I would be annoyed too!

                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Good news for B and a lovely break from the hospital. So glad things are going well.
                          We must have had some rain here, but we've certainly had lots of sun shine again.
                          I hope all hospital and dentist trips go well for you Plant.
                          I'm still trying to catch up with what's happened to you all, after all this time. I'd forgotten how quickly this site moves.


                            Bag packed , taxi ordered, sounds like I am going on holiday instead of hospital tomorrow, not sure yet if I have got to stay overnight. As it is a private wing of the hospital I really don't mind.
                            Last edited by Plantaholic; 08-03-2017, 11:15 PM.
                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                              Great news about B Oma. Plant I wish you well for tomorrow.
                              "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                              (Doe Zantamata.)


                                Lovely sunrise for us today. We had lots of sunshine yesterday.
                                Plant, hope all goes well today. Is it a pacemaker you are having fitted?
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

