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    Lg - no Bacardi at the Hilton?

    The room we had at the Royal Exter on Saturday faced the Hilton - towering many floor above us - and there was a huge illuminated sign advertising apartments there. Not sure whether they would be to rent or buy, but the views from the upper floors must be fabulous, overlooking the sea in both directions. Glad you enjoyed the show, despite the drinks costing an arm and a let. Makes you wonder what the apartments cost, doesn't it!!

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Sounds lovely but expensive Libra ,
      Plant how are you today ?
      Been for our usual Thursday Hospital but this will be the last at our local hospital for quite a while from the 10th it will all be at the Freeman , start of the run up tests from the 10th , we will miss them loads on our unit but we promised to call in and keep them updated and we going to our nurses home next Sunday for tea , she also comes to us so we won't be far away 😊,
      A odd sort of day dull but very mild weather GS1 staying again tonight , bought GS2 a boxing ball and gloves this morning from Aldi only £8.99 for Christmas , Lord help them all 😀 going to Toys r us tomorrow see what else we can buy , it's getting harder each year as they grow up .
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Qwerty if you are browsing on here just to let you know we are all thinking of you x
        Gem, I understand exactly how you feel, its easy to forget ourselves when we are running around after the rest of the family. When I looked after mum then dad I felt completely exhausted most of the time. You have to ask yourself...
        " Who cares for the carer " ? No one ,so take some time out for yourself.

        Plant, are you feeling better today ?

        Its been a lovely sunny day here today and very mild.
        Looking forward to tomorrow as its eldest DSs birthday and we are taking him out for lunch. Hopefully he will keep on track and keep improving with his battle with depression.
        Bring me sunshine in your smile.


          I send my love Querty, I do
          miss you.

          Better, well Ihave been up all day today but not dressed, hope tomorrow I will take the next step. I woke up this morning and I expect you know how it is, it just felt different. I am very annoyed with my surgery, if it hadn't been for my DD persistence, I would still be waiting for the right antibiotic. They still hadn't got the result back from the hospital lab. so my doctor left a prescription for her to collect at 6.30 and she had to drive to a chemist to have it made up I love my surgery but this situation to have to wait 3 days for the result is cruel, I wouldn't have an infection in my kidneys if I had got the right antibiotic sooner, I shall have a quiet word when I feel up to it. It is my birthday Sat so I hope I am feeling well enough to enjoy spending time with the family. Thank you all for your concern, I hope this is the end of it but I must keep taking the tablets
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            Poor you Plant. I do hope you feel better soon, certainly for your birthday.
            Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
            Eleanor Roosevelt.


              Plant pleased you are feeling a bit better,hope you are better still for your birthday.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Good morning Nanto and everyone else.

                Plant, it sounds as though you are on the mend, but take it easy - we want you fit enough to enjoy your birthday tomorrow. I sometimes think our doctors surgeries don't think through the implications of the systems they set up. Three days for results for something like that isn't acceptable. Well done to your DD for her persistence.

                We finally booked appointments for our flu jabs yesterday - next Thursday, but in the surgery in the next village. OH is due for his shingles jab too. He won't be a happy bunny having two injections!

                It's a very still, quiet start to the day, still not very light. But at least it's dry so I'm going to have yet another go at planting bulbs. I know I'll be glad I've done them when Spring comes, but it seems a bit of a chore at the moment.

                Oma - I'm sure the unit at your local hospital will miss you and OH too. But it's lovely that you're keeping in touch, and I bet they're over the moon that OH's transplant is starting to happen. xx

                Have a good day everyone.

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Good moaning and Happy Friday! I may have a 'dress down' Friday and wear a clean pair of joggers.😆
                  Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                  Eleanor Roosevelt.


                    GM - and very elegant you will look too
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Morning ladies , off to our out of town shopping centre today and ikea , need to get new PJ,s for hubby and get some Christmas presents in we only have 4 weeks to get everything before he goes in , busy trying to get GS1 to get dressed he's had his breakfast and shower but he's dragging his feet getting dressed never known someone take so long to put socks on 😲 he has one half way on his foot then been distracted by his phone so I'm about to put the Nana voice and face on 😊 have a good day ladies
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        I'm off to Portugal for a couple of weeks - i'll pop in and out when I get some wifi (always more difficult in winter as our onsite bar will be closed ).
                        Grandmothers are just antique little girls - author unknown


                          Good morning

                          Avo, have a wonderful time, 2 weeks in Portugal would be heaven!

                          Plant, I'm glad you are starting to feel better, and glad that your DD was persistent on your behalf.

                          Oma, neither or my older GC are keen to get dressed!

                          Daisy, I still have bulbs to plant!

                          GS1 is arriving after lunch, for a sleepover. His parents are going away for a belated anniversary weekend. We are having him tonight, and taking him over to DD2s tomorrow afternoon for a night there. He is very excited as it will be his first sleepover at his beloved cousins house

                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Pleased to hear you are feeling a bit better, Plant, take it easy. How are you feeling now Gem?

                            i finally had a better nights sleep and am feeling that maybe this wretched vertigo is in it's way out. Managed to get out and do some supermarket shopping this'morning without feeling dizzy, so fingers crossed. Even did some ironing! I just hope these new meds sort my bp out then I will feel happier.

                            nice here today, a bit chilly but bright. After lunch will go to the garden centre and hobbycraft as I need some more wool, maybe even a coffee ( and cake?) . Enjoy your day ladies
                            "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                              Enfys, thank you for asking. I'm still under 'the cloud' but I know from experience it will pass. I am trying to maybe have a couple of days away but we shall see.
                              Losing sleep affects everything. I'm glad you slept better, and really hope your vertigo is on the way out!
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Well so far my week has been rubbish apart from the occasional interlude. Monday didn't take a key with me when I went out with the dog, locked up and slipped key through letterbox assuming my hubby would be home when I got back.1 st mistake of the week, got home no husband, no entry. Assumed he had gone to the shops again as he had mentioned in passing about going to Iceland. So after a marathon walk with pooch I then trail up to the main road thinking I'd see him, nope full circle , came home and here he was. In the interim I had mislaid my own front door key somewhere, original key is the one we lock up at night with. Hey ho commited myself to having a thorough search for my own key, but hadn't got around to it. Today hubs has gone out with BIL for a couple of hours to the local beer festival, now I had to take the key from the door as still not searched for mine. On our walk I must have pulled a tissue out of my pocket and the key with it, hey presto couldn't find it even though I retraced my steps 3 times. If it fell on grass I wouldn't have heard it anyway. By now I'm almost in tears and feeling a real idiot knowing I would have to walk all the way up to the hall where the beer festival is held, the thought of walking in dressed like some bag lady wearing scruffy boots and coat (dog walking attire) to track down husband to get his key. On arrival told can't take dog in, but I need to find my husband explaining about lost key, fortunately a nice lady held Shiloh so I could go husband hunting. Found him outside explained about key, well he then reminded me thats twice now you've lost one which made me cry mainly at my own stupidity. Anyway took husbands key got hone, poor dog is gagging for water, settled him down got a grip and went on handbags, coat pockets search and at least I have found my own key. It was lurking in a handbag I must have used days ago. Have dried my eyes, had coffee, but wished I'd stayed in bed this week.
                                Last edited by Libra Gran; 28-10-2016, 12:45 PM.
                                "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."

