Oh Libra it's the frustration of it all makes you cry ,I have done it myself . Once I left the keys in the front door only when about half hour into our journey did I realise what I had done , rang two of my neighbours they were both out so had to turn around and drive half hour home again only to find they were not in the door , used OH,s key to get in and there they were on the door mat with a note from the postman saying he had posted them through letter box . How I was supposed to see that without keys I don't know but he was kind enough to do that , we abandoned our trip out that day , Another time I locked my handbag with car keys inside in the boot don't ask how I managed that I have no idea , we had to wait 3 hours for A A it took him less than 5 seconds to get into car
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Oh Libra, these things are sent to try us.
Gem, hope you are feeling a bit brighter.
Enfys, i do hope the vertigo is on it's way out.
Hubby just come back from his brother's, he walked it, it's only 3 streets away, and says it's very mild tonight.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
Things can only get better Libra! Sending Hugs, no wonder you cried. I once broke the yale key in the lock, as I was dashing in to pick up the completed form to take with my for my mammogram. Luckliy they just gave me another form, and my then OH sorted a locksmith to meet me back at the house afterwards.
GS is in bed. All gone smoothly, apart from a total meltdown at teatime because I gave him baked potato with cheese, baked beans and veggie sausages. He thought he was having tortellini. He HATED what I made, he wasn't eating any, I was to make him tortellini! I said I would happily make him tortellini on Monday, but this was tonights tea. Lots of coming in and out of the room and looking cross, saying he was having no tea. I said that was fine, but he would be hungry. I also said OH and I would have extra ice cream as he wasn't having any tea. He grudgingly said he would eat some tea. Then proceeded to polish off the whole lot“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Good morning everyone.
It's not often I am first to the chatbox. Due to GS being awake at 5.30am!! He went straight to sleep last night though, and the bed was dry this morning, which isn't always the case despite pullups, so all is well . TV time for him, while I wake up!“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Well done Gem for not giving in, we get similar with T who can be picky whereas M will eat anything and everything. Well busy day for me I have a buffet for 11 tonight, my 2 sisters and husbands and hubs 3 sisters and 2 husbands coming this evening for eats and drinks. I admit I have cheated and brought most of it in but have made a lemon drizzle cake to finish off. Have a good weekend everyone, and don't forget those clocks go back tonight."What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."
Good morning everyone. It's dull and overcast here after rain in the night.
I'm still on a mission to plant bulbs today - when it dries out a bit. getting desperate now and if I can't get them in the garden I shall put them in plant pots and just place them in the garden when (if) they flower.
Have a good day everyone.
LG - enjoy your lovely family evening.
Gem - well done to GS1. And to you for getting him to eat his tea.
Nanto - I hope your OH is right about temps of 16C.
Enfys - so pleased to hear you're feeling better."Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Morning ladies been a busy morning gone through the house like a whirl wind, stripped both beds, 2 lots of washing done and drying , ironed , usual cleaning and cleaned a very large 12 ft sliding door wardrobe out that used to have the boys toys in when spare room was a play room , I need the shelf space to put some Christmas Dec's in so I don't have to get in loft when OH is in Hospital, only have bedrooms and stairs to hoover but haven't got the energy now so will do them later . It didn't really need a whole scrub out but when I start I forget to stop I'm my own worst enemy , I must try to be more lax with it I do know I go too far but when you get into a habit it's hard to get out of it , I have been questioning myself lately , do I really need to do so much ? It's a tiny shoe box house and only us two , silly isn't it . Ah well some day I will say Sod it and be a mucky troll op 😀Im not fat just 6ft too small
Oma - if it's any consolation I didn't do my planned jobs today. It's drizzled with rain all day, so I definitely didn't fancy gardening. Then we had visitors this afternoon, which was lovely, as well as giving me an 'alibi' for not doing what I'd planned.I'm glad you've started a separate thread about your housework routine - keep us up to date on what you're doing.
Tomorrow morning we're off to the allotment to plan what's going where for next year. Since our friend has joined us the allotment has got much more organised, and for the first time ever the whole plot is cleared and manured ready for next year, apart from the leeks and winter brassicas which are still growing. Our friend is avidly reading gardening books and is keen to plant crops like broad beans, garlic etc to overwinter. but there's no point because it's too wet where we are - they will just rot, or the mice will eat them. I'll have to be tactful - I don't want to put him off, but also I don't want him to be disappointed if he puts things in that won't survive.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
I'm going to bed! I have dozed on the sofa through a few programmes tonight. I am not designed for 5.30 am!
GS was so happy to be at DD2s when we took him this afternoon, and so excited about his first sleepover there
Night everyone, clocks back!“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Good morning everyone.
Nan2, I hope you can have a restful day today to make up for the lost sleep.
Not sure what we are doing today, nothing planned.
I hope my DD2 wasnt up too early with GS1 today. At least he has GD to play with. Her it is me that he wants!
Have a good day everyone.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown