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Good morning, ladies. Oma I hope your alarm man comes early so you can have a good Nana Nap this afternoon. Nanto - our lawn badly needs cutting - but it's too wet with dew at the moment.
Plant - have a lovely day - it sounds more relaxing than sightseeing in Brighton, lovely as that was!
I haven't got GD2 today. She's got a hospital appointment at 12.40,and given the distance and parking problems it's going to take up most of the day, so DS2 and DIL have taken a rare day off to take her. We're going to have a few days in the caravan - tomorrow until Saturday. We're not going far - just on the outskirts of Wareham Forest, but it's an area we don't know at all, so will be a chance to explore. The weather forecast looks good, so fingers crossed. The site doesn't have good communications, so I might not be around much, but I'll be thinking about you all.
The decorating is finally finished! Yay!!!!! So we're going to put furniture back, etc today, in between packing the caravan for an early start tomorrow.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Sounds lovely Daisy a nice break away ,
Plant fingers crossed no walking or very little .
Alarm man hear he has to go get a new circuit board said no idea what the other lad has done with it but its just not responding , not costing me anything as it wasn't our fault so I don't mind, its going to take about 1- 1/2 hours to refit and test so might get a nana nap after lunchIm not fat just 6ft too small
Lovely morning here. Just walked over to feed DD's cats whilst they are away and it's really hot out there. DD etc are in Wales for a week and the weather is looking good for them. Will spend the morning in the garden then after lunch DH's cousin and wife are popping in, they are visiting the UK from Oz so will have lots to,catch up on.
Enjoy your trip in the caravan, Daisy. Wareham is a nice little town, lovely walks along the river.
Lovely lovely day for a boat trip, Plant, have fun. Don't forget the sunscreen 🌞
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss
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Good morning everyone.
I'm sorry that you had a bad night again Oma, I hope you get a nap later, now the man has been.
Plant, I hope you have lovely day.
Daisy have fun in the caravan
Don't overdo it in the garden Enfys!
I should cut our grass too Nan2.
Free day for me!
I plan to go to the cinema, then Tesco for some shopping, then to visit my mum. All those are in the same area, so not too much driving today. I get through a lot of petrol going for the GC each week!
OH is on the golf course for the first time since she played in Portugal. She was quite tired after that holiday, so she needed this few days break from playing!“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Glad the alarm is fixed.
Got the grass cut after all. Rang son at 10.30, but we wern't allowed to visit,as he was prepared for surgery.Doctor said operation should take 3-4 hours.
Right, off for a refreshing shower now the garden is done.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
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Nanto I hope your son gets through his op well and can go home really soon.
Daisy I expect you're busy getting ready for your mini holiday. I'm sure you'll have a good time especially as the weather looks set fair.
Oma why is it nothing involving workmen of any description goes according to plan? If they're not late or don't even show up,they can leave more problems than they come to fix.Sounds like you've got away lightly and everything's fine with the alarm now.
Just taken in my Tesco delivery and put away. Coffee now then a bit of gardening I think.
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I hope all goes well for your son Nan2.
Well, I enjoyed the film, did the Tesco shop, a quick pop into B&Q and visited my mum, and finished potting her outside tubs for her.
It was nice cheap cinema trip, as I paid with Nectar points took my own water and bought a bag of popcorn from Tesco, rather than pay Vues exorbitant food and drink prices!
I went to switch off my phone to find a text from a friend saying she was just paying for parking and would soon be there! I was confused for a nanno second, then it came back to me. I was meant to meet this friend in a café in York at 11am. Here I was 3 or 4 miles away, sitting down to see a film beginning at 11.15!!!
I was hugely apologetic, and she was very sweet about it. Hopefully we will meet up next week instead
I survive by writing everything down and for some reason I hadn't written this down anywhere.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Oh Gem I can imagine you were horrified when you realised
I fell asleep twice today couldn't keep my eyes open , woke once by the post office delivering a parcel then I fell asleep watching telly and woke myself up snoring and with a cricked neck from falling asleep sitting up .
B was cleaning the boot out so didn't see me or would have woke me to lie down properlyIm not fat just 6ft too small
Had a lovely day today. Pottered in the garden for a while, then our visitors fromOz arrived after lunch. They have just gone and I am getting ready to go to TWG. It was lovely to see them again, he had news forDH....he had his DNA done and both he and DH have a particular gene which means they are descended from Vikings! I am sooo jealous, of course DH is milking it now.....he is off pillaging soon he reckons. I tell him he wouldn't know how to pillage, he's too soft!
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss
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Nanto - I'm so glad your DS's op is over and he's coping with the pain. He'll feel better when he's home, I'm sure.
Enfys - how lovely having your visitors from OZ. I do hope your Viking OH doesn't go round pillaging the boats in Poole Harbour!!Did you get your DNA tested a while ago? Sorry if it wasn't you, but I think it's fascinating what they can tell about your ancestry.
Gem - it's such an awful sinking feeling isn't it, when you realise you've forgotten something like that. but I'm sure your friend has done something similar at some time and will forgive and forget.
Oma - I hope you get a better sleep tonight. You certainly didn't have much chance to get a proper Nana Nap today.
We've started to put furniture back into the dining room, and the living room is now looking a bit tidier - and cleaner. The Bleach Babes would have been proud of me today!We have a Chinese rug in the dining room, which came from our previous house. It's about 35 years old, faded and stained, despite being cleaned several times. I've never liked it in this dining room - the colours are all wrong for a north-facing room, and it's too dark and too busy. But OH loves it and doesn't want to change it. We have had full and frank exchanges of views on this rug for years, and I really, really don't want to put it back in the room. OH is equally adamant it looks fine, he loves it and it should stay. It's a good job we're going away for a few days!!!!!
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)